Not sure if i agree with Overlord, I have never heard anyone complain about me heroic moving a formation of gobs to get them to the front line... (although units without might cant do duels)
also, not sure if stormcallers should be 75pts, spells of wilderness suck for the most part, so could make the stormcaller cheaper
change the spells.
Im gonna go over them and
bold the ones that should be tweaked
spells of darkness are awesome, while spells of wilderness hardly help compared to darkness
spells of dismay and command are great, they arent blasting ppl, instead are more cunning and subtle, pretty much how magic should be
wilderness is really weak,
call winds is just used to remove pall of night... it should move ppl more and lessen their shooting (as a bonus since it seems fitting)
entangle is iffy, if they have pathfinders master then its usless (and alot of formations worth casting this on have pathfinders), but great against mumaks
panic beast is pretty much the same as call winds, just moves them further but only for cavalry or flying monsters
guide arrows, most laughable thing in the game, enough said
natures wrath, pretty good as its not strong enough to be spammed, but great if they are holding up in terrain
spells of ruin
exicatte is ok, i usally only get something like 3 kills in a 3c formation, but if they are D3 and epic ruination..... (once my friend lost 3c out of 5c of prowlers to saruman! epic

ill talk about this more at the end)
tremor is bad for most casters cause of friendly fire, but on highly mobile stuff like the dragon it is one of the most deadly
bolt of fire, pretty good as it gets you a few kills, but not a ton
dark fury, nice
shatter shields, good, but if you roll a 6 its OP
spells of darkness
wings of terror, toooo much! lower the values
pall of night: the most used spell in the game i think, needs to be tweaked, but not sure how
blackdart, ok spell, not sure if it needs to be tweaked
str from corruption, good, but too much damage to monsters
blackbreath, nice, but renders ppl like gilgalad useless...
how to change them:
call winds, move ppl further
entangle: pathfinders doesnt negate it
panic beast: heck make a new spell
guide arrows: gives 3 or 4 more shots/company
tremor: reduce range and/or str
shatter shields: on a 6 its gone for 2 or 3 turns and there should be a counter spell
wings of terror: +3" of movement (max 12"), and +3" of charge distance (max 8")
pall of night: shooting part the same, roll to charge -4 (so you still have a chance)
blackdart, not sure
str from corruption: D3 hits to monsters instead of D6
black breath: -5 to fight and -4 to courage of hero (so gil-galad wont be useless) (not sure about this one)
thats my thoughts, good still doesnt have spells as good as evil, but they make up for it with counselors, epic rampage ect
and i think that ES should give +3, duels are only way to get rid of some heroes, so it should still give a significant boost in duels (but this should still be tested)
about the epic ruination killing the prowlers: saruman moved to 2c scouts and was about to be assaulted by a stone giant at 3ish wounds and 5c prowlers, epic ruination, exiccate on prowlers, killed 3c, tremor and bolt of fire on the giant killing him. prowlers are now too big to go through terrain to flank 2c scouts.... what looked like a really stupid move won him the game (cause he rolled AMAZINGLY well)
there was something else that i was going to suggest but i forgot...