I'll start this thread with an explanation shall I

? I will be showing you my Beastlord and show more beastmen I have done when I finish them but I will also show you my... hellblade

, the Hellblade is a WIP.
Here goes the Beastlord:
It has finnally came after 1 month of waiting! I will guide you through from the start of getting my hellblade right through when i'm painting it and to when I finish it. I love it, but let's see what you think of it so far

I have not done the canopy for the cockpit yet because I am going to focus on painting inside it and the pilot first. So far I have built it all up (excluding the canopy and pilot).
Here are the pictures:
The bottom of the Hellblade.
One of the Chaos Icons. It comes with two of these but they are one hell of a pain to get out. They come on a sheet of plastic which you need to cut out to get the icon. Even between the gaps of the icon are filled with plastic

. Took me nearly an hour just to sort out the Icons!
The hellblade from the front. Here you can see both of the twin-linked autocanons.
The detailed cockpit and pilots legs.
The very nicely sculpted pilot!
The entire hellblade! The thing with forgeworld sculpts is that they are made with the finest resin which makes them alot more detailed. I think the Hellblade is a great model and should be extremely fun to paint! More updates to come!