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 Post subject: Lord of the rings : total war beta released!
PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:30 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2005 3:08 pm
Posts: 27
Location: Stoke
The lotr mod for rome:total war has been released in beta

it looks very nice from the screnshots i've seen

(please note that some of the features are not available in the public beta. This list is not final and may be subject to change)

New factions:
- 14 unique factions: Gondor, Rohan, Noldor Elves, Lothlorien Elves, Mirkwood Elves, Mordor, Isengard, Orcs Rabbles, Dunlendings, Easterlings, Southrons, Free-peoples, Dale and Dwarven Clans set to compete for dominance over Middle-earth.
- Each faction will differ significantly from one another. The goal of this mod is to create different gameplay for each faction such that the player would receive a different experience when playing other factions. Each faction has a different approach to offense and defense and the terrain bonus has been enhanced such that the advantage of playing in your home terrain is made significantly greater.

New Units:
- Replicas of characters seen in the movies such as the soldiers of Gondor, the riders of Rohan, fierce armored Uruk-hai of Isengard and the golden armored Elves at the defense of Helm's Deep, and many others.
- New officers, bannersmen, captains and general models to complement the new units
- Different sized soldiers: Uruk-hai and Numenoreans stand taller than regular men. Halflings, dwarves and lesser orcs are shorter than most.
- Giant beasts: large trolls with frightening strengh, capable of tossing people through the air, and "grey as a mouse, big as a house" oliphaunts capable of demolishing entire armies.

New animations:
- Custom made animations to improve the variant of fighting styles: two-handed swordsmen, two-handed spearmen, dual weapon wielders and even a unique fighting style for elven swordsmen with the down-up diagonal slash mimicking that in the opening scene in The Fellowship of the Ring.
- Custom made troll animations, making them move unlike regular soldiers.
- Custom made Warg animations, making them move and behave more like dogs.
- Improved attack animation for swordsmen and dagger fighters
- Improved animations for mounted spearmen with couched lance/spear
- Improved animations for cavalry swordsmen, making them sit more naturally and giving them a ready stance, as well as improving attack animations
- New attack animation for oliphaunts, making them sway their head to use their massive tusks

New graphics:
- New loading screen, loading bar, title page and user interface.
- New banners and logo for each faction.

New sounds and music:
- Edited music from the official soundtracks, set to enhance the atmosphere.
- New sounds and voices.

Middle-earth Campaign Map:
- A replica of the map of Middle-earth will set the stage for the War of the Ring.
- Super factions: some factions will never break alliance with each other until certain conditions are met. This would help the factions try to follow the personality and relationships as dictated by the LOTR lore.
- New custom city models: unique cities such as Minas Tirith, Caras Galadhon, Barad-dûr, Ortanc and others will be shown on the map as unique models, mimicking how they appear in the movies.
- Some special units can only be recruited if you met certain conditions and by random chance.
- Opposing alignments, one representing "light" the other "darkness", will square off and try to convert each other, either through diplomacy or brute force.
- Unconquerable lands: some patches of lands are unable to be conquered and will always present danger to passing armies.

New buildings:
- Building models in the battle map will have new models, based on the culture of the faction.

Historical Battles:
- Scripted battles putting you in charge of armies fighting epic battles, either seen in the movies or in the books. Currently only The Battle of The Last Alliance is available but more are planned.

- All unit models are under 700 polygon, all models have 3 levels of low polygon models and sprites, and regular sized models are all using 256x256 textures. By following these guidelines and staying within the parameters of RTW's capability, we are joping to optimize the game's performance even at highest settings.

and a couple ofscreenies :


i'll d/l when i get home and give you a review

Now your thinking with portals!
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:15 am 
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Joined: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:37 am
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sounds great. looking forward to reading about it.
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 5:11 pm 

Joined: Mon Jul 03, 2006 8:19 pm
Posts: 84
Location: London
This looks very cool - the total war series is great and a lotr mod would really be great. Unfortunately I've had some bad experiences with mods before and I have played Total war to the core so I probably won't have too much fun with it.

Brush licking is for better painters.
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