The One Ring is pleased to announce a special trivia quiz competition with a prize of blister pack of the rare 'Gimli on dead Uruk-hai' miniature.
To enter, send a Personal Message to Dagorlad with the correct answers to the 10 questions listed below. The winner will be randomly selected from all the correct entries.
Entries close at midnight (GMT) on the 21st of June 2006. Entries received after this time will not be considered. The judges decision is final and only one entry per person, sorry.
Are you ready? Here are the questions...
- The following picture is an "artist's reconstruction" of a famous building from the movies. What building is it?
[spoiler][/spoiler] - How many Might points does Merry have in the original rules (Fellowship of the Ring edition) of the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game?
- How many poses of Frodo has Games Workshop released for the LOTR SBG?
- Name three of the taverns in the Shire.
- Who made the prophesy that the Witch King would "... not fall by the hand of man"?
- Who was the original designer of the rules for the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game?
- Who was the founding member of the One Ring website.
- On the arrival of the Istari to Middle Earth, who was considered by Cirdan to be the greatest of the five and how did he acknowledge this.
- Where was Fatty Bolger and his band of rebels hiding when he was captured and taken to the Lockholes at Michel Delving?
- What is the Elvish name of the pass of Shelob's Lair, and what is its literal translation?
Entries are now closed. Thanks to everyone for participating.