even me who thinks to be able to hold the camera still - only because 15 years ago I could hold an old heavy camera absolutely quiet for 5 seconds once (and got a crystal sharp arc de triumphe in paris at sunset with nice lightlines of moving cars) ... and who has spoiled hundreds of pics since then due to the wrong assumption to do be able to repeat this ...

... - uses a tripod now.
(or an ssemblage of books, wooden blocks, cushions to put paper plus mini on one heap and the camera on the other ... Which usually takes longer to adjust then the tripod
you can better control that the base is really horizontal, that unimportant/disturbing parts don't get in the pic, you can better take pics in a row e.g. when doing step by step painting photos.
and you can use the timer to avoid that maybe the pressing the click button makes the pic unsharp.
if you choose tripod that is flexible and quickly adjustable you can take more and even better pics from different angles.