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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:05 pm 
Elven Warrior
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I'm very interested and awaiting publication of the "Shadow" supplement. Maybe you can sell it like Dr. Grant does his SBG magazine to make a little cash to fund your adventures. I'd buy a digital copy, for sure!

I enjoyed the scenario. I'd like to play it with some uruks crawling up out of the pit; you know roll a dice to have some, then roll again to see how many. Might have to have a little rescue party to balance the scenario out. Nice to see Gandalf free and ready for the Fellowship.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock." -Will Rogers
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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:03 am 
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Thanks for the comments everyone, I'm glad you enjoyed the report :)

I understand your opinions on perhaps having more Orcs, and more Orcs instead of Saruman. That is the one thing that niggled at me when playing it, I felt that I should have factored in some Orc reinforcement special rule, especially considering Isengard is meant to be crawling with Orcs! The only reason I didn't factor this in when initially writing the scenario was because I was conscious that the Good side effectively consisted of one model only (even when Gandalf is found, he is unarmed and his resources are severely depleted), and I didn't want there to be overwhelming numbers for Glorfindel to fight his way through (I was blatantly rooting for the Good side in this scenario :lol: )

Even as I type, I'm procrastinating on making the ramp up to Helm's Deep's gatehouse for my next scenario.

I'd love to see your version of Helm's Deep! I am a massive fan of the fortress and loved building my one. What source(s) are you using to guide the build? Looking forward to some Helm's Deep scenarios from you @DaveT :-D

I'm very interested and awaiting publication of the "Shadow" supplement.

Thanks @GreatKhanArtist, although I'd say the supplement is a good way away! :lol: I've worked on it in stages over the last couple years; so far I have all the different profiles for the different 'versions' of Talion and his unique special rules, and I have sketched out the scenarios for the Shadow of Mordor section. A long way to go, but I appreciate the support! Maybe I'll post some ideas and profiles in the House Rules section here to get some feedback? :)

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:35 am 
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captainquark wrote:
Regarding fighting on the ladders and walls, I'll break it down into two situations:

1. The defender (atop the wall) wins the fight: If the defender fought normally, they make Strikes as normal. If they Shielded, they make no Strikes. Since the attacker lost, they have to back away down the ladder, yet risk falling. Rolling a D6, the attacker falls off the ladder on a 1-3, and takes normal falling damage. If they roll a 4-6, they back away an inch down the ladder.

2. The attacker (atop the ladder) wins the fight: They attempt to Strike the defender, making an In-The-Way roll first. Since the defended barrier is a purpose built fortification, they need a 5+ to get past. If they fail, they have to back away and risk falling, as above. If they succeed, but fail to kill their opponent, they have to back away and risk falling, as above. If they succeed and kill their opponent, they hop over the battlements onto the wall.

Are these situations correct? It seems like very low odds for the attackers, hence why a lot of the orcs died from falling off ladders :roll:

I do belief this is correct but I also found this to be very punishing for the attackers on the ladders. Even with the 'Endless Horde' special rule. I think it'd be better to have a 4+ In-The-Way and not risk falling if the attacker won the fight. Or a lower risk of falling, definitely not 50%. For situation 1 this is perfectly reasonable, but I think winning a fight, failing to wound and then have a 50% chance of falling off the ladder seems a bit much. Hope this gets errata'd in the official rules!

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 6:13 pm 
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Thanks for the input @Voyager360, your comments and suggested changes will certainly be taken on board 8) I'm mainly thinking about the siege of Helm's Deep in the future; I playtested some of that and the Uruk-Hai assault felt quite underwhelming, with only a few uruks actually making it onto the wall with the current version of the rules :roll:


The Council of Elrond

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor."

Time to choose the Fellowship for the campaign! With Frodo having successfully carried The Ring to Rivendell, Elrond has called a meeting of the free peoples of Middle-Earth to discuss the future of The Ring.

"Middle-Earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite or you will fall.

Each race is bound to this fate — this one doom.

Bring forth the Ring, Frodo."

As Frodo places The Ring on the pedestal, Boromir of Gondor, the representative of Men from the city of Minas Tirith, stands and addresses the Council:

"In a dream, I saw the eastern sky grow dark. But in the West a pale light lingered. A voice was crying: 'Your doom is near at hand.' Isildur's Bane is found."

Drawn to the power of The Ring, Boromir reaches out towards it...


"Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul,
ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul."

Gandalf makes no apology for uttering the words of Black Speech in Imladris; as the darkness clears, Gandalf states:

"I do not ask your pardon, Master Elrond, for the Black Speech of Mordor may yet be heard in every corner of the West! The Ring is altogether evil!"

Unperturbed, Boromir once more tries to claim The Ring for Gondor, stating that they should use the weapon of the enemy against Sauron. However, a tall, dark-haired Ranger, clothed in the garb of the Elves, interjects:

"You cannot wield it! None of us can. The One Ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master."

Scathingly, Boromir replies:

"And what would a ranger know of this matter?"

"This is no mere ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

A fair-haired Elf, Legolas, stands up in defense of Aragorn, exclaiming that he is the heir to the throne of Gondor.

Although initially shocked by this revelation, Boromir returns to his seat, claiming that "Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king."

However, Gandalf agrees with Aragorn; the Free Peoples cannot use The Ring.

Looking around at the Council, Elrond lays out their only option:

"You have only one choice. The Ring must be destroyed."

Suddenly, one of the representatives from the Dwarves seizes his axe and makes for the pedestal that The Ring sits upon and strikes The Ring! Yet The Ring is unharmed, instead the dwarf's axe shatters and he is thrown backwards onto the floor!

"The Ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Glóin, by any craft that we here possess. The Ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came.

One of you must do this."

This pronouncement is met with silence by the Council, until Boromir wearily states:

"One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep. And the great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland. Riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly!"

Legolas indignantly responds:

"Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The Ring must be destroyed!"

"And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?!" shouts Gimli, leaping to his feet, to which Boromir angrily responds:

"And if we fail, what then?! What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?!"

"I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!" shouts Gimli once more, sparking argument amongst the Council members, resulting in an angry commotion.

With the intensity of the arguments growing, a look of determination begins to dawn on Frodo's face, who had been silently watching The Ring. Slowly standing up and making his way towards the arguing Council members, Frodo attempts to make his voice heard:

"I will take it! I will take it!"

Astonished, the arguments dying down, the Council slowly turn to face Frodo.

"I will take the Ring to Mordor. Though — I do not know the way."

The Ringbearer

And so we have our Ringbearer, Frodo Baggins!

I should explain that I am following the guide for creating a Fellowship from BGIME #60. This gives the option of either Bilbo or Frodo for the Ringbearer, but wanting to be true to the original story, I went with Frodo. After all, he has carried The Ring this far...


The Guide

"I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear."

Naturally, since Gandalf eventually got rescued, I am choosing him as the Guide for the Fellowship. The choices were between Gandalf, Elrond, Celeborn or Galadriel.


The Champion

"If by my life or death, I can protect you, I will. You have my sword."

All the forces of the Dark Lord are bent on finding and destroying the one who bears The Ring. Without a strong fighter to protect him, the Ringbearer would be too vulnerable. It is the Champion's task to defend the Ringbearer from whatever threat presents itself.

The choices for the Champion were either Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas or Gimli, and I decided to go with Aragorn for this role.


The Warriors

"And you have my bow."

"And my axe!"

"You carry the fate of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done."

Such a small group could not possibly survive with the protection of the Champion alone - other fighters will be needed to protect the group from evil. The task of the Warriors is to safeguard the entire Fellowship.

Three Warriors could be chosen from the options of Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Faramir, Éomer, Haldir or Arwen. Once again staying true to the original narrative and the members present at my version of the Council of Elrond, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir make up the Warriors.




The Companion

"Heh! Mister Frodo is not goin' anywhere without me!"

"No indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not."

The task of the Ringbearer would be harder still if it were not for the presence of his Companion. This character's task is to stand by the Ringbearer through thick and thin and help him during the darkest times of the quest.

The true hero of the story, as everyone knows :wink: , the role of the Companion had to be given to Sam!


The Allies

"Wait! We are coming too!"

"You'd have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!"

"Anyway you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission, quest… thing."

"Well that rules you out Pip."

The Allies are those loyal comrades who would not dream of letting their friend face such perilous a journey without a familiar face to remind him of home.

Finally, adding the bravery of two more Hobbits of the Shire, Merry and Pippin complete the Fellowship as the two Allies.


The Fellowship of the Ring

"Nine companions… So be it! You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!"


"Great! Where are we going?"


And so we have our Fellowship! Although there were options to deviate away from the original Fellowship, I am glad that I could form the Fellowship as it were in the books and the movies, because they are such iconic characters!

Regarding the models, I am aware that these are not my finest painted miniatures, however I am using these models for the Mines of Moria act as they have great sentimental value to me; I got into the game with the Mines of Moria starter set, and these were some of the first miniatures I painted (they were repainted a couple years ago when I got a resurgence of interest in the hobby and planned out this ridiculous campaign :lol: ). These models will be used for the Mines of Moria act, with the survivors using the Breaking of the Fellowship models for Amon Hen.

One important point to note before the Fellowship sets out on there journey is that I have decided to go with the book rather than the movies here, and have given Aragorn Anduril. I have decided to do this because I think it is such a cool piece of wargear in the game, and I feel that the Fellowship may need the help on their journey!

I hope you enjoyed this post, even though it isn't technically a battle report. It's interesting to see ideas for an alternate Fellowship, and I'm looking forward to seeing what GW produce with the Quest of the Ringbearer supplement.

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 6:54 am 
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Awesome! Nice to see them all together. Do you plan on giving Legolas a Bow of the Galadhrim in Lothlórien and Gimli Durin's Axe at Balin's Tomb? Normally this is a special item given only to the Champion in the BGiME series, but I have given them those items in my campaign, despite Aragorn being the Champion, because I think it is more film accurate (as well as giving them a bit more killing power). I hope they'll do something similar in the Quest of the Ringbearer supplement, although I find the Bow of the Galadhrim a bit too strong so that could be toned down slightly (I believe it's 2+ to shoot with S4 in BGiME). Multiply that by 3 shots per turn for Legolas and you have a true killing machine.

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 9:36 am 
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@Voyager360, yes I do indeed intend to give Legolas and Gimli the extra wargear you mentioned! :)

I love the theme of it, and to be fair, between Amon Hen, Helm's Deep and the Pelennor, the Three Hunters did take down a fair few Orcs and Uruk-Hai, so an extra bit of in-game killing power is no bad thing! :lol:

Along the same lines, Rivendell and Lothlorien will be safe havens where the Fellowship recover all their spent resources automatically, and gain some perks. For example, Frodo gains Sting and the Mithril Coat in Rivendell before they set out on their journey (I'll mention this again at the start of the next scenario).

I'm looking forward to the Fellowship's journey, but I still have a few pieces of terrain and the Watcher to finish first!

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 7:44 am 
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Cool! I think when I play through the LotR campaign again, I will change some things and go more like your route, cooking up own scenarios and extra rules.

I was thinking about the Bow of the Galadhrim and changing it for that future playthrough, so that Legolas can choose to either have his 3 normal shots at 2+ shooting value (S3), or his Deadly Shot automatic hit at S4. I thought this would make it more tactical: do I fire weaker shots rapidly, or aim for a really strong shot. But calculating the probabilities, it is almost never recommended to use the latter option, unless you have 'In the Ways'.

In fact, running the numbers, it seems it's all quite reasonable and balanced to have him have a 2+ S4 bow, as a reward. Especially in narrative play where he is supposed to be a bit of a killing machine.

Normally, Legolas with regular S3 bow, shooting thrice every turn should net you 1 Wound against a D4 or D5 opponent, every 2 turns. With a 'regular' S4 bow this is against D5 or D6 opponents. Against D6 or D7 (or D7 and D8 for S4) this is 1 Wound every 4 turns.

With a 2+ shoot value, this is 2 Wounds against a D4 or D5 opponent, every 3 turns (S3), or 1 Wound every 3 turns against a D6 or D7 opponent (S3). Say a game lasts 10 turns and Legolas gets to shoot every turn (which I think is already quite optimistic). The benefit of the 2+ shoot value is then (approximately) an additional 0,8 to 1,7 Wounds in the game, depending on the defence of the opponents. And the S4 makes it so that this all stays true for a 1 higher defense opponent. Of course Might makes it more useful, but still. So S4 with 2+ seems fine for 20 more points in narrative points matches. (Unless I made a mistake somewhere.) It also feels very thematic.

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy the journey of the Fellowship! Going to Moria for the first time with the full Fellowship was one of the highlights and most fun things in my campaign so far! :)

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 11:55 am 
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I think when I play through the LotR campaign again, I will change some things and go more like your route, cooking up own scenarios and extra rules.

Yeah I have enjoyed some of the slight deviations from the main narrative that have occurred during my campaign! I don't mind being flexible and seeing where the games take me, although I suppose I am trying to stick as close to the main narrative as possible (like coming up with the scenario to rescue Gandalf so I could use him for the Fellowship :lol: ). However, I do have a rough plan in my head should the Fellowship fail and Sauron claims The Ring, but hopefully it won't be needed :lol:

Regarding the extra perks for Legolas and Gimli, particularly the S4 bow you mentioned, I am more than fine with giving the Heroes a bit more of a buff. As your calculations show, it isn't a huge overpowerment, but it more closely replicates Legolas' deadly archery from the films.

Anyway, hope you'll enjoy the journey of the Fellowship! Going to Moria for the first time with the full Fellowship was one of the highlights and most fun things in my campaign so far! :)

Thank you, I can't wait! The Moria scenarios look very fun and themey, and I am really looking forward to using the full Fellowship together! :-D

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:37 pm 
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Act 4 - The Mines of Moria

Scenario 1 - The Watcher in the Water

This scenario follows the rules for the 'The Watcher in the Water' scenario from the Fellowship of the Ring Journeybook. I have made two modifications to the scenario:

1) The Doors of Durin are at the edge of the board rather than 6" in from the board edge. Every other layout measurement has been adjusted relative to that.

2) Since I do not have any Watcher tentacles, I am using the full model and profile for the Watcher from the Armies of the Lord of the Rings book. Thus none of the special rules for the Watcher as outlined in the original scenario are used. However the rules for the Watcher from the Armies book are pretty similar, especially the Shooting attacks that can be made with the tentacles, so I'm happy enough with this change.


The Good side wins if five or more members of the Fellowship, including Frodo, can escape the board through the Doors of Durin. The Evil side will win if five or more of the Fellowship are slain, or if Frodo is slain.

Leaving the safety of Rivendell and starting their perilous journey to destroy the Ring of Power, Gandalf first attempts to lead the Fellowship up over the mountains through the Pass of Caradhras. However, here the Heroes find a fell voice on the air; it is Saruman, attempting to bring down the mountain upon them! Beaten back by the harsh weather, Gandalf gives the Ringbearer the final say on their path:"We will go through the Mines!".

As the Fellowship approach one of the entrances into Moria, they stand on the shores of a dank and sinister pool as they impatiently watch Gandalf attempt to open the Doors of Durin. For what seems like an eternity, the Fellowship take what shelter they can in the lee of the mountainside as Gandalf tries every opening spell he knows.

Growing bored, Merry and Pippin entertain themselves by throwing rocks into the dark pool in front of the doors, yet Aragorn cautions against this: "Do not disturb the water!". Finally, it is Frodo that figures out that the inscription upon the Doors is in fact a riddle. With the entrance into Moria now open to the Fellowship, the company advances inside, Gimli reassuring his companions of the warm welcome that awaits them.

Unfortunately, as Gandalf feared, Moria is no longer under the control of the dwarves, for the Fellowship find the entrance littered with bodies. "This is no mine, its a tomb!". Even as the company draw their weapons, a monstrous beast stirs from the depths of the murky pool and seizes Frodo in its slimy grip, drawn to the Hobbit by the power of The Ring.

Dragged back to the edge of the pool by the creature, Frodo shouts for help. His fellow Hobbits are the first to react, hacking at the creature's tentacle and causing it to release Frodo. As the rest of the Fellowship rush out of the doorway to help, the beast launches itself through the surface of the water towards them!

The below photo shows the layout of the board at the beginning of the scenario. The Watcher is located in the pool, with the three Hobbits at the edge and Frodo a few inches in the water. The rest of the Fellowship are deployed in the doorway.





With Good having Priority in the first turn, Frodo could drag himself out of the shallow water to the edge of the pool, while his fellow Hobbits attempt to surround him to protect him from another attack by the Watcher. Aragorn calls a Heroic March to rush towards the Hobbits, along with Boromir, Gimli and Gandalf. The Wizard attempts to immobilise the beast, which the Watcher has to use two Will Points and its only Might Point to resist. Legolas remains closer to the doorway as he readies some arrows.


The Watcher attempts to lunge at the Hobbits with its many tentacles, yet cannot land a strike or grab any of them, perhaps being slightly shook after having to resist Gandalf's magic.

However, winning Priority in the second turn, the beast prepares to pull itself through the water towards the four Hobbits, yet Aragorn is prepared for this and once more calls a Heroic March to seize the initiative. This allows Frodo and his fellow Hobbits to move closer to the doorway into the mines, while the stronger fighters in the Fellowship are now positioned between them and the Watcher.


Gandalf once again attempts to immobilise the Wacher before it can launch more tentacles at the Heroes, and this time he succeeds! Taking advantage of the beast being momentarily stunned, Legolas aims three shots at it, yet none manage to cause any significant damage to the hulking creature.


"Into the mines!" shouts Gandalf. Aragorn urges his companions towards the doorway using another Heroic March. "Into the caves!" he shouts, and Frodo, Merry and Pippin are within range to retreat through the Doors of Durin and into Moria, escaping the Watcher. As the beast drags itself out of the pool and towards the Fellowship, it finds the Heroes out of range of its tentacles, and can only howl with rage as Legolas fires more arrows towards it.



With Good winning Priority, the remaining members of the Fellowship waste no time in rushing through the doorway and into the relative safety of the mines to avoid the immediate danger outside. The Watcher attempts to follow, yet is clumsy due to its rage and can only pull down the entrance and block it with chunks of the mountainside.



Breathing heavily in the darkness, the Fellowship stand in shock after their dangerous encounter. Fixing a light atop his staff, Gandalf does not offer much words of comfort: "We now have but one choice. We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard. There are older and fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world."


Post-Game Recovery

The only perishable resource point spent by the Fellowship in this scenario was a Will Point by Gandalf, which he successfully recovered. So each member goes into the next scenario with full resources.


Post-Game Comments

A win for the Good side in the first of the Mines of Moria scenarios, and with no injuries to any of the Fellowship! There is no doubt here that the addition of the Heroic March Heroic Action was a huge factor in the Fellowship escaping into Moria unscathed. Had they not been able to avail of the extra movement allowance, I feel certain that the Watcher would have been able to drag some of the members towards itself and engage them in combat, a prospect that probably wouldn't have ended too well for the Heroes.

I was happy enough with how the scenario played out; very tense yet themey. I will definitely replay it at a later stage and not use Heroic March to see how the Fellowship fare.

Next up is Balin's Tomb, which will definitely feature a lot of fighting! As always, all comments are appreciated :)

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:33 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Good to see the watcher in action. How much difference do think the 6" door placement difference made?

Model-wise, I'm in the reverse situation as you: I have the tentacles but not the model. I gotta get them painted up. One of these days....
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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 1:20 pm 
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Nice board and playthrough. I can actually hear the theme music playing just by looking at those photo's. Looking forward to the journey through Moria. :)

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 2:57 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:12 pm
Posts: 134
Thank you for yet another great battle report! I like them a lot.

Just one question for a better understanding: when you write "heroic matrch", then you mean "heroic march", the movement with the extra 3" for models on foot? Unlike the rules for heroic move, with heroic march the movement is done following priority. Therefore in the second turn the watcher with priority shold have moved first.
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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:40 pm 
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@DaveT, regarding the extra 6", it would have just meant that once the Fellowship got through the door they still had 6" to move off the board into the 'safety' of Moria. Considering they were out of range of the Watcher by the time they came into contact with the door, I don't believe it would have made a huge difference in this playthrough. However if I had played it with no Heroic Marches allowed, it certainly may have been a factor!

I also understand your issues with so many models to get painted up :lol: I'm just going through the models I need for the first act in the Two Towers section of the campaign and there are a lot more than I had thought :lol:

@Voyager360, Thank you! Finally playing with the Fellowship is really scratching that narrative itch! I have the Balin's Tomb scenario set up ready to play and I'm very excited :-D

@Werrenor, you are absolutely correct, that was an oversight by me :? Sometimes some rules get forgotten or muddled up when I'm playing through these by myself with no one to point them out to me :lol: I suppose for this game we shall just suppose that Gandalf called a Heroic Move first and managed to Immobilise the Watcher before Aragorn then called the Heroic March! But thank you for pointing this out, as I feel Heroic Marches will be very important for the Fellowship trying to escape the Balrog soon!

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:21 am 

Joined: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:12 pm
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Hi captainquark, you are certainly right in that heroic march will be very important. And this option will give the old scenarios a bit of another character. I'm looking forward how they will develop in play.

Some time ago I played this scenario using self built tentacles and no heroic march, and it was a very close thing. If I remember correctly, I had to decide either try to save some Hobbits and become delayed or move the quicker models into savety leaving the Hobbits behind as a prey for the tentacles. Of cource the second choice was mot, was the fellowship would have done, therefore I tried to save them.
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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:38 pm 
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Some time ago I played this scenario using self built tentacles and no heroic march, and it was a very close thing.

I can imagine, most playthroughs I have seen have been very close! The Hobbits are definitely the most vulnerable members of the Fellowship, so I have to be careful to protect them in these scenarios :shock:


Act 4 - The Mines of Moria

Scenario 2 - Balin's Tomb

This scenario follows the rules for the Balin's Tomb scenario from the FOTR Journeybook.


The game lasts for ten turns. The Evil side wins if five or more members of the Fellowship are slain or if Frodo is slain. The Good side wins if the game ends before this happens.

Driven into the long dark of Moria by the fury of the Watcher in the Water, the Fellowship must trust once more to the skill of Gandalf and Aragorn to see them safely through the ruined Dwarven realm. All about them are signs of a great kingdom brought low, yet no trace is to be seen of the most recent attempt to reclaim Moria - that of Balin's expedition some years earlier. Part of Gimli's eagerness to journey through Moria was fuelled by the hope of finding his cousin alive and well, yet as the Fellowship wind their way through the darkness that hope seems further and further distant.

It is not until the Fellowship leaves the mines and enters the city itself that their fears are confirmed. In a small chamber off the main hall lies a simple stone tomb surrounded by the long-dead corpses of Dwarves. This is the last resting place of Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria.

As Gandalf searches through the records, the Goblin drums begin to sound in the deep, and running feet can be heard in the halls outside...

The below photos show the layout of the board at the start of the scenario. The starting positions only required the Fellowship to be within 6" of Balin's Tomb for deployment, so combining theme and tactics, I decided to start the Fellowship as they were in the movie.



As the screeches of the Goblins grow louder and the door creaks, the Fellowship ready themselves for the coming attack. Sure enough, as the door to the tomb splinters and crashes open, a horde of goblins rushes in, charging towards the Heroes.



The fighting is chaotic in such cramped conditions. Aragorn, seeing that Legolas is fighting four Goblins, calls a Heroic Combat with his free Might Point, cutting down his foe and charging forward to help Legolas. Four Goblins fall in this first attack, yet many more rush through the doorway to take their place.

However, ready for the attack, the Good side take advantage of Priority to push the Goblins back towards the door. If they can block up the doorway with the fighting then they can keep the Goblins away from the more vulnerable members of the company.



More Goblins fall in the ensuing fights, yet Fate saves the Goblin captain from losing his head to Aragorn. Unfortunately, Pippin was just caught in the sight of the Goblin archers who fired their black arrows towards him. His fellow Hobbits looked on in horror as it appeared that one arrow found its mark, yet Fate was with Pippin as the arrow just grazed his shoulder.


Reacting to the danger of the Goblin archers, Legolas hangs back out of the combat this turn, instead deciding to take aim at the archers upon the ledge, with Gandalf joining the Elf and casting Blinding Light to hopefully protect themselves from any Goblin archers looking to retaliate.


Meanwhile, some Goblins on the right side are trying to flank the Fellowship and move towards the Hobbits.


One of Legolas' arrows hits a Goblin squarely between the eyes, while Gimli cuts down two Goblins with his Dwarven axes. Unfortunately Aragorn's strikes only glance off the rusted armour of the Goblin captain.


As Aragorn, Boromir and Gimli continue to hold the Goblins in the doorway, Gandalf and Legolas retreat to intercept the Goblins approaching the Hobbits, with Gandalf transfixing one of the Goblins in the process.


In the following turn, Gandalf casts a Sorcerous Blast at the Goblins, forcing one to smash against the wall of the chamber and break its neck, while the last few Goblins in the doorway are slain, including the Goblin captain.


With the Goblin threat seemingly diminished, Aragorn leads Boromir and Gimli in a Heroic March back towards the rest of the Fellowship. Alas, the Goblins renew their attack with increased ferocity, flooding the chamber with warriors. Yet that is not the worst of it for the Fellowship, as a hulking cave troll smashes its way through the doorway!



Momentarily dismayed by the sudden arrival of so many Goblins and the bellowing roar of the cave troll, the Fellowship loses Priority. Although Aragorn attempts to recover the initiative with a Heroic Move, the second Goblin captain counters this and wins the roll-off, resulting in a ferocious charge by the Goblins.

Boromir is completely surrounded and engaged by the captain, although Legolas' elven agility enables him to rush to Boromir's aid and peel off a Goblin. Gimli is rushed by four Goblins, while Aragorn is charged by the troll, narrowly dodging its deadly chain in the charge. Meanwhile, Gandalf has placed himself between two Goblins and the Hobbits.




Fearing for Boromir who is vastly outnumbered and going up against the Goblin captain, Legolas calls a Heroic Combat, slaying his opponent and engaging another of Boromir's foes, cutting down that Goblin too. Not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling! As Boromir blows the Horn of Gondor, the cowardly Goblin captain has to use its Will Point to pass the Courage test. Boromir goes on to beat back his opponents but fails to land a Wound. Gimli's combat has a similar outcome. Gandalf is too slow for the two Goblins he is fighting, who manage to land a Wound on the Grey Wizard, which is saved by Fate.

Aragorn has a terrible time against the hulking cave troll; rolling a three high, he loses the Fight against the cave troll's six, and, due to the two-handed hammer the troll wields, suffers two Wounds! He manages to save one Wound with a Fate roll but fails his other two Fate rolls, so after one combat with the troll is reduced to zero Fate and two Wounds!

Having held out well so far against the Goblin horde, at the halfway point the Fellowship are starting to grow weary from all the relentless combat, with many of them burning through resource points. Can they hold out?


The Goblins again win Priority, pushing the Fellowship back on their heels. Boromir, Legolas, Gimli and Gandalf are once more engaged in combat, while the troll lumbers into Aragorn and attempts to finish off the ranger.



The troll lunges with its deadly hammer and sets the bar at a five high, meaning that Aragorn can win the Fight with a six. However, battered and bruised from his last encounter with the cave troll, Aragorn can only manage a five and must spend his last Might Point to win the Fight! Unsteady from being pushed back by Aragorn, the cave troll cannot avoid two deadly slashes from Anduril; the third die was cocked and needed to be re-rolled. Having brought the troll to its knees, Aragorn rolled a final five to thrust Anduril into the troll's chest and slay the beast!

The sight of their cave troll being cut down, coupled with Boromir's Horn of Gondor was too much for the courage of the Goblin captain, who deftly was relieved of his head by the Son of Gondor's sword.

Legolas and Gimli failed to Wound any Goblins, while Gandalf once again had to call upon the Fates to prevent a Wound.


Although the troll has been slain, there are still many Goblins for the Fellowship to deal with, yet they only have to hold out for a few more turns. Thus, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and Boromir fall back to form a protective ring around the Hobbits.



The next couple of turns makes for some brutal and exhausting combat; the Fellowship hold firm, but it is at the expense of more resource points. Gandalf has used all his Fate and lost a Wound, while Gimli is also out of Fate and down to a single Might Point. Legolas meanwhile is out of Fate; with only two Wounds and looking weary, the Goblins target him as the weak link through to the Hobbits.


With the last turn upon them, victory seems out of reach for the Goblins, yet if they can still manage to take down one or two members of the Fellowship they know that it will weaken them for another attack in the future. Boromir decides to expend his second-last Might Point to call a Heroic Combat so that he can help out Legolas, repaying the favour from earlier. Swiftly cutting down the Goblins that stand before him, he bravely charges into the side of Legolas' combat and cuts down another two Goblins, while the Prince of Mirkwood himself slays his foe.


Aragorn, Gimli and Gandalf all hold their own in their respective fights, and thus at the end of the tenth turn the remaining Goblins retreat from the chamber to regroup. The Fellowship have survived this battle!



Post-Game Recovery

Thankfully, the Hobbits were adequately protected in this scenario and the other members of the Fellowship managed to hold out well, so there were no casualties to worry about, although the Heroes' resource points were severely depleted.

Here are the resource points at the end of the scenario:


And after rolling for recovery, here they are going into the next scenario:


Gandalf recovered a Wound and all three Fate, but failed to recover his spent Will.

Aragorn could only recover one Might Point. He failed to recover his lost Wound, but managed to recover all three Fate.

Legolas could only recover two Fate Points. Similarly, Gimli recovered two Fate and one Might Point.

Boromir, who had spent five out of his six Might Points, managed to recover three of them.

As the Hobbits were successfully sheltered in this scenario, they had expended no resource points except for Pippin's Fate saving him from the Goblin arrow. Thankfully, he successfully recovered this.


Post-Game Comments

Firstly, I must say, I absolutely loved playing this scenario! :-D The whole experience was so themey, from the terrain, to the tense combats, the Fellowship slowly getting drained of resources and worn down, even to the dice I used (the old Mines of Moria dice set!).

The gaming area wasn't so small that everything was really cramped, yet it was still small enough that you could feel the claustrophobic atmosphere of the scene. Heroic Combats also came in very handy, as the Heroes were usually close enough to each other to help one another out if they got surrounded.

I feel that my tactics for the Good side worked pretty well. Rushing the door at the start meant that the Goblins were kept at bay there for the first half of the game, while the more vulnerable members (i.e. the Hobbits) were kept well away from the fighting. Eventually of course the Heroes had to retreat from the doorway to fall back and support Gandalf and the Hobbits, and that is when things started getting hairy for the Good side!

The cave troll certainly gave Aragorn a beating and I did fear for his survival, yet the next round of combat was one of those truly heroic moments that make me love this game! Even the final die being cocked added to the tension!

In the end the Fellowship just about managed to hold out with no casualties, yet with so many spent resources, another couple of rounds would probably have been too much for them. As is the case, they must now flee towards the bridge of Khazad-Dum, first attempting to traverse Durin's Causeway. Can a weary and battle-worn Fellowship outrun the pursuing Goblins? And has something much more dangerous been awoken in the darkness?

I hope you guys enjoyed this (quite long) report, please do comment what you thought and we can keep the discussion going :-D :)

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 3:10 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2015 6:59 pm
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This has been my favorite one so far. What version of Balin's tomb did you use? I think there have been about a dozen versions of it over the years. The write-up was so cinematic, I could totally see the two princes coming to each other's aid and Aragorn's heroic duel with the troll. Can't wait to see how long Gandalf holds out against the Balrog!

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock." -Will Rogers
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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2020 6:17 pm 
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@GreatKhanArtist thank you! I'm delighted that you enjoyed it so much :-D I used the version from the old Fellowship of the Ring Journeybook. I believe I have copies of the scenario from BGIME, the old blue One Ring rulebook and the newest version in the current rulebook (if there is a version in that, not sure?). It certainly would be interesting to play the different variations sometime and see how they pan out :)


Act 4 - The Mines of Moria

Scenario 3 - The Escape from Dwarrowdelf

This scenario follows the rules for the scenario of the same name from the FOTR Journeybook, with the following modifications:

1) I removed the cave troll from the participants, as there wasn't another one present in the movie at this stage, and I felt another cave troll appearance would diminish the effect the troll had in Balin's Tomb.

2) I slightly changed the deployment for the Goblins; on a 1-2 the Goblins deploy from the northern board edge on the platform where the Fellowship start, and on a 3+ they deploy at the other end of the causeway.

3) I removed the Goblin archers from the participants and instead gave the Goblins D6 shooting attacks each turn, coming from the rock wall, to represent the Goblins taking cover across the chasm and firing pot shots at the Fellowship. Note that the Fellowship could shoot at these Goblins once they have Line of Sight to some part of the wall; the number of Wounds would be subtracted from the D6 shooting attacks the Goblins get. For example, Good have Priority and Legolas takes three shots at the Goblins amongst the rocks. He causes two Wounds. The Goblins roll a D6 and get four shooting attacks, yet are only left with two after the two Wounds caused by Legolas are subtracted.


The Evil side wins if five or more members of the Fellowhip are slain, or if Frodo is slain. The Good side wins if five or more members of the Fellowship, including Frodo, exit the board via the south board edge (opposite where they start).

After a desperate and vicious battle that leaves its mark upon all in the Fellowship, they manage to flee the confines of the Chamber of Mazarbul and escape into the great pillared halls of Dwarrowdelf. It is there that they realise the full horror of their plight - it is not only hordes of Goblins that pursue them, but a much greater evil from the earliest days of the world.

"What is this new devilry?"

"A Balrog - a demon of the ancient world. This foe is beyond any of you... Run!"

Exhausted though they are, the Fellowship heed Gandalf's words and make with all speed to the eastern gates of Moria and the Bridge of Khazad-Dum. Before they reach there, however, they must negotiate the spiraling maze of platforms and stairs that serve as defence for the Dwarven realms. A single wrong turn in this crumbling maze could yet tumble one of their number onto the rocks far below, yet there is no time for caution, for the Balrog is coming, and the Goblins are still determined to avenge their fallen....

The below photo shows the layout of the board at the beginning of the scenario. The Fellowship are deployed 6" in from the end of the first platform, high above the rocks at the bottom of the chasm. Aragorn and Boromir take the lead with Frodo and Sam close behind. Gandalf has placed himself in the middle of the company with Merry and Pippin, while Legolas and Gimli protect the rear from the oncoming Goblins.


With Good moving first and with no Goblins in sight, Aragorn calls a Heroic March to attempt to urge the Fellowship forwards and cover as much ground as possible. However, as the Fellowship rush forward, three Goblins arrive behind them.


Before the Fellowship can muster a defence against the pursuing Goblins, the Goblins charge into the rear of the company. However, trusting that Legolas and Gimli can deal with the Goblins, Aragorn once more ushers the rest of the Heroes forward at top speed.



While Legolas and Gimli deal with the pursuing Goblins, and the other members of the Fellowship dodge the black arrows coming from amongst the rocks in the darkness, more Goblins appear at the far end of Durin's Causeway; the Fellowship will have no choice but to fight their way through.


The next few turns progress in a similar fashion to each other, with Aragorn and Boromir leading Gandalf and the Hobbits onwards, while Gimli protects them from the Goblins following behind. With Gimli holding off the Goblins, Legolas is able to use his keen eyesight to spot the Goblin archers hiding upon the rock wall and pick them off with his ranged prowess. These kills encourage Gimli to fight even harder, for he does not wish to be outdone by the Elf.




Eventually of course, the Fellowship find their path forward blocked by Goblins, and Aragorn and Boromir attempt to fight their way through, while more Goblins continue to join the pursuit from both ends of the causeway.




Allowing his fear of the ancient evil that is behind them overcome him, Boromir is knocked off balance by two Goblins and takes two Wounds in one round of combat! Having no Fate to save him, this puts the Son of Gondor at just one Wound remaining, and an ever-increasing number of Goblins in front of him. Thus, Aragorn must use to his free Might Point to call Heroic Combats in the next few turns to aid his companion.



Seeing that Aragorn and Boromir are starting to struggle under the horde of Goblins before them, Gandalf deftly immobolises an onrushing Goblin Captain, allowing the two mighty fighters to just engage one Goblin each.


Unfortunately, as a loud rumble shakes the cavern and rocks crumble around them, Aragorn and Boromir are unable to dispatch their foes. Indeed, Aragorn loses his footing in the Fight and gets pushed back, having to rely on Fate to save him taking a Wound from the Goblin's rusty dagger.


However, even as a second Goblin captain appears from the gloom, Aragorn steadies himself and slays his opponent this time, while Legolas peppers the first Goblin captain with arrows, finding the chinks in its rusty armour and taking a Fate Point and a Wound. In the next turn, Aragorn swiftly charges the captain and slices off its head, watching as the Goblin's limp body tumbles off the platform into the depths below.



As Aragorn pushes forward and engages more Goblins, Gimli holds off the Goblins at the rear of the company, while Gandalf rushes past the Hobbits to aid Boromir, who is starting to severely tire and is struggling to hold off his opponents. Meanwhile, Legolas, preoccupied with aiming a shot at the Goblins blocking the path forward for the Fellowship, is hit with two black arrows out of the darkness, taking one Fate and one Wound from him.


However, he wastes no time in retaliating, aiming his shots over the head of Gimli and striking two pursuing Goblins between the eyes, sending them tumbling from the platform, as the dwarf slices the two Goblins before him in half with his axes. With breathing room behind them now, the Fellowship look forwards, at the second Goblin captain and his comrades that stand between the Fellowship and their escape.


Aragorn and Boromir once more push forward and engage the Goblins, but it seems that for every Goblin they slay, another one takes its place! Legolas stays at the rear of the company to target any Goblins that attempt to ambush them from the rear, while the Hobbits and Gandalf make way for Gimli, who attempts to reach Aragorn and Boromir and lend them his aid in combat.





After more vicious rounds of combat, many dead Goblins and spent resource points, the second Goblin captain finally falls, impaled upon Anduril. Yet the Fellowship still find their way forward blocked by a horde of Goblins, and their time grows short, for the fiery glow of evil is rapidly approaching.



Slowly but surely the Fellowship progress further towards their escape, with Aragorn and Gimli at the front, carving a path through the many Goblins that stand in their way. Gimli is encouraged by the the shouts from Legolas, who is counting every Goblin he pierces with an arrow - the dwarf fights ever more ferociously, and is even becoming more deadly with his throwing axes!


As the Heroes inch towards the exit, Boromir and Gandalf hop down from the main platform to assist in the combat, for weary as they are, they know that speed is vitally important now - the company must reach the Bridge of Khazad-Dum, and quickly!


A few bloody and brutal rounds of combat ensue here at the end of the causeway: Boromir must use three Might Points to avoid being beaten in a Fight and potentially slain, Gandalf cuts through a few Goblins with Glamdring, the Foe Hammer, before blasting an unfortunate Goblin off the walkway and into the chasm below, while Gimli continues to chop his way through Goblin after Goblin, as Aragorn rushes to aid Boromir.





Leaving Aragorn to handle a lone Goblin, Boromir scrambles up a ledge to intercept another Goblin before it can attack the Hobbits.


Finally, with Gandalf and Gimli teaming up to cut down the last Goblin that stands in their way, and Legolas' arrows keeping the pursuing Goblins at bay, the Fellowship, bruised and exhausted, escape off of Durin's Causeway and make for the Bridge of Khazad-Dum with all haste!




Post-Game Recovery

Again, thankfully, no Fellowship members were slain, although it was a close call again, with Boromir and Legolas both being reduced to one Wound each and Aragorn having to use a couple of Fate Points.

The below photo shows the resource points at the end of the scenario:


As usual, the Heroes can recover a spent resource point on a 3+, and can use any Might they have to modify this roll. However, as these Moria scenarios happen literally one after another, the Heroes can only recover their store of points back up to what they started the scenario with e.g. since Aragorn only started this scenario with one Might Point, he can only attempt to recover that one Might Point, and not all three from his profile.

Thus, after recovery rolls, this is how the Fellowship will begin the next scenario:


Gandalf failed to recover his spent Might Point.

Aragorn recovered both his Fate points and his Might Point.

Legolas failed to recover his spent Might Point, but did recover his Fate and Wound.

Boromir recovered one Wound and three Might Points.

Neither Gimli nor any of the Hobbits spent any resource points in this scenario.


Post-Game Comments

Another exhausting encounter for the Fellowship, but again they all made it through alive! It was another tense game, but I believe that my tactics for the Good side worked out well again, with the Hobbits being protected and playing to the strengths of the other Heroes.

Aragorn, Boromir and Gimli proved themselves to be very effective fighters; although it didn't look like it since the Goblins kept on coming, they must have slain around thirty goblins between them. The rivalry rules between Legolas and Gimli are also very fun to use; Legolas was quite deadly with his bow this scenario, notching up twelve kills, while Gimli himself got ten. Legolas lead the kill count for most of the game, which meant that Gimli was wounding D4 Goblins on threes!

I also really enjoyed playing on this terrain, the winding platforms, being only two models wide meant that I had to be very thoughtful with the model positioning and movement, and I enjoyed the 'chase' feel to the game.

Time to set up for the final Moria scenario now and the arrival of the Balrog! Hopefully the Fellowship can make it out, but at what cost? We shall see! :-D

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:15 pm 
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Act 4 - The Mines of Moria

Scenario 4 - The Bridge of Khazad-Dum

This scenario follows the rules for the scenario of the same name from the FOTR Journeybook.


The Evil side wins if five or more members of the Fellowship are slain or if Frodo is slain, or if the bridge has not been destroyed. The Good side wins if five or more members of the Fellowship, including Frodo exit the board from the stairs in the southeast corner and the bridge has been destroyed. Any other result is a draw.

The Bridge of Khazad-Dum is in sight, and the outside world lies beyond it. This slender span has long been the heart of the eastern defences of Moria, and now it promises to be the Fellowship's salvation. Though Goblins mill around in the hall behind them and the Balrog is coming ever-closer, the company's hearts begin to lift, for there are no enemies between them and the bridge, and nor are there any to be seen on the other side of the chasm.

As the fire demon's footsteps shake the halls, Gandalf urges his companions onwards, and with one last effort, the Fellowship make for the bridge. Goblins close in about them, and though the Heroes are not to be denied their freedom by such creatures, the twisted lesser-Orcs may yet slow the company enough to allow the Balrog to catch them. If that happens, only a great sacrifice will save them...

The below photos show the layout of the board at the beginning of the scenario. The Fellowship are deployed roughly in the middle of the great hall, 18" in from the rock wall. The Goblins are split into two equal forces and deployed 12" in from each edge.




Exhausted though they are, the Fellowship know that they cannot afford to be slowed down by the oncoming Goblins. Thus, Aragorn calls a Heroic March, urging his companions towards the bridge. However, each Goblin captain also call their own marches, bringing the Goblins within charge range of the Fellowship.


This second turn was an absolute monstrosity of a turn! Their tiredness overcoming them, the Fellowship lost Priority, and not even Aragorn's attempted Heroic Move could help them, as it was countered by one of the Goblin captains. The Goblins threw themselves into combat, engaging Legolas and Gandalf while surrounding poor Pippin.

Using his Heroic Move then, Aragorn rushed into a lone Goblin, while Gimli and Merry engaged another. Boromir leapt forward to help Gandalf, but was countercharged by more Goblins, as the second Goblin captain rushed Gandalf from the other side. Amongst all this commotion, Frodo and Sam hurried towards the bridge with yet more Goblins snapping at their heels.

Yet things were to take a turn for the worse for the Fellowship, as suddenly the entrance to the hall was lit up with the orange glow of flames, as the Balrog of Morgoth entered the fray!



In the Fight phase, the Good side called three Heroic Combats, as some of the Fellowship were severely outnumbered and in desperate need of assistance! Aragorn deftly cut down his single opponent and charged into Pippin's combat, peeling two Goblins off the young Hobbit. Gimli and Merry combined to take down the Goblin they were fighting, with Merry rushing in to assist his fellow Hobbit, as Gimli went the other way and engaged one of the Goblin captains, diverting its attention away from Gandalf. Finally, Boromir cut down both of his foes before turning around and joining in Gandalf's fight.


Yet this intense flurry of combat seemed to momentarily drain the Fellowship, as they managed to hold off the Goblins in the rest of the Fight Phase but failed to land any Wounds, save for Aragorn.


Losing Priority once again, the Fellowship called two Heroic moves, one with Frodo and one with Aragorn. This enabled Frodo and Sam to make it onto the bridge out of the reach of the pursuing Goblins, with Merry and Pippin falling back from the combat and not far behind. Gimli positioned himself between the Hobbits and their foes, engaging more Goblins, while the rest of the Fellowship charged the remaining Goblins, hoping this time to slay them and proceed towards the bridge.



Meanwhile, the Balrog continues to close the distance between itself and our Heroes...


The exhaustion finally seems to be getting the better of the Fellowship however, as they barely manage to hold off the Goblins, only slaying one.


With the Balrog approaching and surrounded by Goblins, another Heroic Move is needed for the Fellowship to fall back to the bridge. As the Hobbits scramble across the chasm, Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli and Boromir make a final stand before the Goblins.



Barely holding off the Goblins and with the Balrog upon them, Gandalf urges Aragorn and the others onto the bridge, as he stays behind to buy them time.

"Do as I say! Swords are no more use here."



Even as they cross the bridge however, the Fellowship are peppered with black arrows from the Goblin archers, with Sam and Pippin having to rely on Fate to save them.

As Gandalf holds off the Goblins and backs himself onto the bridge, the Goblins make way for the Balrog, its flaming feet scorching the bridge as it steps onto it to face down the Wizard.



With his companions still on the bridge, Gandalf dare not attempt to destroy it yet. Instead, he faces down this fiery demon of the ancient world - "You shall not pass!"


Undeterred by the Wizard's statement of defiance, the Balrog lashes out at Gandalf with its flaming whip; Gandalf must use a Fate point to save a Wound, and is pulled into combat with the beast!


Try as he may, the ancient sword of Gondolin, Glamdring, is no match for the ancient evil of the Balrog, and Gandalf suffers two Wounds! Barely surviving his encounter with the fiery demon, Gandalf backs away, clinging to life with only one Wound, no Fate and no Might!


However, seeing that his companions are now clear of the bridge, Gandalf hurriedly backs away out of charge range of the Balrog, and casts a Sorcerous Blast at the bridge. The bridge cracks, yet holds!

The Balrog once more attempts to snare the Grey Pilgrim with its whip, yet Gandalf is ready for it this time and manages to just dodge out of the way!


With the Balrog bearing down upon him, Gandalf needs the encouraging shout from Aragorn and his Heroic Move to seize the initiative:


Before the Balrog can take another step, Gandalf uses his last two Will points and his free one to cast another Sorcerous Blast at the bridge;

"You cannot pass! I am the servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor.... The dark fire will not avail you, Flame of Udun!

Go back to the Shadow!"

Raising his sword and staff in the air, Gandalf strikes the bridge once more;

"You - shall not - pass!"

The Sorcerous Blast is successfully cast and a six rolled on the damage table - as the Balrog steps towards Gandalf, the bridge collapses!


However, as the Balrog falls into the depths, it lashes out with its fiery whip one more time and catches Gandalf, pulling him off the edge of the bridge and into the chasm!

"Gandalf! No!"

Devastated by their loss, the Fellowship blindly make for the exit from Moria, dodging black arrows from the Goblin archers across the chasm, before making it out of the eastern gate of Moria and into the light.



Post-Game Recovery

Gandalf has fallen into shadow, taken by both Shadow and Flame - a Balrog of Morgoth.

However, this is great news for the narrative, as he will now be reborn as Gandalf the White and we shall see him again as we move to Rohan!

I didn't actually roll for recovery here, since the Fellowship now make it to Lothlorien, which is one of the safe havens where they can replenish all resource points. However, I have included the state of the resource points at the end of the game below:


As you can see, the Fellowship barely made it out by the skin of their teeth!


Post-Game Comments

Wow, what can I say about this scenario! I don't think I've played one as tense as this so far, and it went right down to the wire, with Gandalf literally on one Wound and a Balrog right in front of him, burning all his Will to destroy the bridge!

I cannot believe that the scenario actually played out so narratively accurate either! When the Fellowship were bogged down by the Goblins for the first few turns, I feared that the Balrog would catch up to them before they made it anywhere near the bridge. Of course, any model slain by the Balrog is automatically dead in the campaign, so I really did not have much hope for the Fellowship during the early turns of this game.

Yet through burning serious amounts of Might, the Fellowship managed to make it to the bridge and progress across it. At this stage I was thinking that they may just about manage to survive this, yet when the Balrog pulled Gandalf into combat I thought it was all over! Luckily the Balrog, while rolling two sixes, only managed a one and a two on the other two Attacks, and Gandalf hung on with one Wound!

Having failed to destroy the bridge with the first Sorcerous Blast, thankfully Gandalf was just in range of Aragorn to benefit from a Heroic Move - this enabled him to move before the Balrog (who thankfully doesn't have Might!) and attempt another cast with his two remaining Will points. Succesfully casting, I literally held my breath as I rolled on the damage chart and could not believe it when I rolled a six to destroy the bridge in the nick of time!

I was loving this campaign journey before this Moria act, yet these last few scenarios with the Fellowship have been incredible to play - the way this game system allows you to capture the theme and narrative is incredible! :D

I hope you all enjoyed this scenario and the Mines of Moria act as much as I did, and I hope to see you next for Amon Hen :)

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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:40 pm 

Joined: Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:12 pm
Posts: 366
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Wow - Wonderful stuff, and very rapid progress through the scenarios - I can tell you've been looking forward to these ones :)

Adding the vertical walls to Balin's tomb really makes it look great for the photos, and the terrain for the others is super too.

The photos of the Balrog coming on behind the fleeing Fellowship are absolutely great - Bravo!
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 Post subject: Re: CaptainQuark's The Lord of the Rings Campaign
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 5:01 pm 
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Location: Kildare, Ireland
Thanks Slinky! Although the Moria terrain is not super movie accurate, I actually really enjoyed making it, especially since there is a certain amount of nostalgia for the old Journeybooks :) It is also much, much easier to store than if I had gone for a more detailed, but less modular, version. And I do agree that the simple addition of the walls for Balin's Tomb, which are literally packaging cardboard with some filler stippled on them, really enhances the terrain and gives that claustrophobic feel to the scenario.

I just got my 3d printed Amon Hen Seeing Seat in the post today, so hopefully I can have that cleaned, assembled and painted soon! Then I can get onto the Breaking of the Fellowship act this weekend :D

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