Having a great time playing scenarios from the old source books with my youngest son. We have just started The Fellowship of the Ring and found Scenario 1 "The Hunt Begins" to be very well written and enjoyable to play.
See photos from this game at:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1tJVaH ... mu_mkGkbroAt first, I thought the Ringwraiths were just going to blow through the Dundedain lines with no problem, but after the first four turns of casting all sorts of malicious spells at my Dunedain, my son's Ringwraith will was dangerously low. It was a close call by Turn 5. It really came down to priority, will and courage rolls in the end. I was only able to turn back one of the Ringwraiths. The Witch King and another successfully infiltrated into the border of The Shire. Look out Hobbits!