Hello, all. I've been hard at work in Middle-earth but haven't been able to photograph much due to the weather. Was able to take a few pics today during the thaw of my latest project.
These are Men of Dale and Lake-town
They are made from Wargames Foundry Normans with a few GS alterations. I really enjoy painting the shields, which show either Vanquished Smaug or some dragon motifs.
Many people (and the movies) seem to give the Dale-men a somewhat Eastern feel, but I always pictured them as somewhat more Feudal feel, sort of at the aesthetic and technological level of Scandinavia in the late 12th and early 13th centuries, like in the Hylestad Church carvings. Tolkien doesn't give much to go on, but in "The Clouds Burst," he writes, "and beside them came the men of the Lake with long swords." That always stuck in my mind, so I made a few Lake-men of higher status with greatswords, housecarls perhaps to the line of Bard.
Hope you like them. If the weather keeps up I will photograph more tomorrow.