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 Post subject: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2018 5:07 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:00 am
Posts: 4
Hello all,

Long time lurker, first time poster. I've decided to go to my first tournament in a few weeks and am after a little bit of help so that I am at least some what competitive.

It's 800 points and the only two armies I have that would exceed this are Lothlórien and Rivendell.

Going through my collection I seem to have everything for both of these factions except Galadhrim Court Guards and Gildor (and mounted Gil Galad) but other than that I seem to have everything.

Anyway, I've created the below list and I'm happy to take any comments/feedback.

I would love to run Galadriel but "contest of champions" has been ear-marked as one of the matches and I don't really feel a 1 Attack model with minus 1s is going to earn many VPs in that match.

Anyway, as I said any comments/feedback/tips would be most appreciated.


Warband 1
Celeborn w heavy armour, shield and half sword
x6 Galadhrim warriors with shield
x6 Galadhrim warriors with shield spear
x1 Galadhrim with banner and shield

Warband 2
Haldir with elf bow and elven cloak
x9 Wood elf warrior with bow

Warband 3
Elladan and Elrohir with heavy armour and bows
x3 Rivendell Knights with shield (thought it would be good to have some type of objective finders/mobility)
x4 High Elf Warrior with shield
x3 High Elf Warrior with shield and spear

Might: 12
Model count: 37
Bow: 12
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:27 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Hello! Welcome to the light.

I'd say your list look pretty good on the whole. It might be a bit hero heavy and be a bit thin on the ground as a result. But between the twins and Celeborn you should be able to compensate for that in terms of killing power. If you have the troops you might consider going with Galadhrim knights and Rumil plus more troops over the Rivendell ally but the trade off might not really be worth it. If you could find the points to mount the twins on horses that might really be the best alteration I can think of. The mobility will help a lot with board control since the twins and the knights could reasonably take on a warband on a flank and still move to support Celeborn with relative speed.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:51 pm 

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TroopDrago wrote:
Hello all,

Long time lurker, first time poster. I've decided to go to my first tournament in a few weeks and am after a little bit of help so that I am at least some what competitive.

It's 800 points and the only two armies I have that would exceed this are Lothlórien and Rivendell.

Going through my collection I seem to have everything for both of these factions except Galadhrim Court Guards and Gildor (and mounted Gil Galad) but other than that I seem to have everything.

Anyway, I've created the below list and I'm happy to take any comments/feedback.

I would love to run Galadriel but "contest of champions" has been ear-marked as one of the matches and I don't really feel a 1 Attack model with minus 1s is going to earn many VPs in that match.

Anyway, as I said any comments/feedback/tips would be most appreciated.


Warband 1
Celeborn w heavy armour, shield and half sword
x6 Galadhrim warriors with shield
x6 Galadhrim warriors with shield spear
x1 Galadhrim with banner and shield

Warband 2
Haldir with elf bow and elven cloak
x9 Wood elf warrior with bow

Warband 3
Elladan and Elrohir with heavy armour and bows
x3 Rivendell Knights with shield (thought it would be good to have some type of objective finders/mobility)
x4 High Elf Warrior with shield
x3 High Elf Warrior with shield and spear

Might: 12
Model count: 37
Bow: 12

What will the terrain be like at the tournament? Is it a flat, open table? Because if so, you may want to rethink those wood elves. Overall I would just say keep your distance from any mob armies(Mordor orcs spam). They will simply circle you, and then you would be in trouble. Nice models to use, but your opponent will almost always be much bigger than you, so make sure to wait for them to come to you while you shoot, do not rush at them. Unless the scenario says to.

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, men of the West!
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:15 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:40 pm
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Location: Massachusetts, USA
A few thoughts....

- Definitely give Haldir armor....
- Also bump up the Wood Elves to Galadhrim with Bows. The increase from squishy D3 to reasonable D5 is worth it for sure...
- Replace the Twins with Rumil and a Galadhrim Capt with heavy armor (saves you a good 25 points or so, only lose 1 Might)
- Replace 3 Rivendell Knights with 4 Galadhrim Knights (just about same points-wise)
- Reap the benefits of Lothlorien's special rule: congrats, your entire force is now Resistant to Magic !

Shoot early and often, shield often with regular troops when in close combat, watch your Elven heroes carve up the enemy, and win the game !

T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair..
But Gollum, and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her..
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 12:27 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:00 am
Posts: 4
Thanks everyone for your comments/feedback and tips.

The boards will have terrain. I've played a couple of games over the week against Angmar and Mordor and I've changed up the list to the below.

I tried changing the wood elves to galadhrim elves and giving Haldir armour but I found that having numbers was better than the extra defence. Essentially, more dice rolls gave me more of a chance for the high fight value to win the fight and more dices increased my chances of rolling 6's. Also, the cloaks seemed to save me a lot from opposition fire and cavalry.

I've decided to remove the Rivendell warband and instead put in Rumil with a couple of horses and Legolas on a horse. Having the whole force (minus Legolas) resistant to magic was better than having the Rivendell contingent.

Only having 3 horses does have it's drawback but I've kind of been playing by keeping the forces tight together and then having them rush out end game to take objectives, etc.

Anyway, once again thanks all - I'm very excited to try this out.

My last question, is the below legal? and are there any final thoughts?

Warband 1
Celeborn w heavy armour, shield and half sword
x7 Galadhrim warriors with shield
x7 Galadhrim warriors with shield spear
x1 Galadhrim with banner and shield

Warband 2
Haldir with elf bow
x11 Wood elf warrior with bow

Warband 3
x2 Galadhrim Knights with Shield
x3 Galadhrim warriors with shield
x2 Galadhrim with spear

Warband 4
Legolas with horse

Model Count: 37
Might: 12
Bows: 14 (the mightable rolls with a combined 5 shots with Legolas and Haldir is nice)

Last edited by TroopDrago on Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 4:41 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:40 pm
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Legolas isn't in the Lothlorien army list anymore, so adding him removes your Resistant to Magic special rule for the entire force. As good as Leggy is, don't think that trade off is worth it.

I'd drop him and add in either a Captain or a Stormcaller, or just use the points to fill up Rumil's war band and/or give armor and/or weapon upgrades across the board....

T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair..
But Gollum, and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her..
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:09 pm 

Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:00 am
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ja33 wrote:
Legolas isn't in the Lothlorien army list anymore, so adding him removes your Resistant to Magic special rule for the entire force. As good as Leggy is, don't think that trade off is worth it.

I'd drop him and add in either a Captain or a Stormcaller, or just use the points to fill up Rumil's war band and/or give armor and/or weapon upgrades across the board....

Thank you :) in that case I'll be filling out Rumill's band. May add a few more Knights.

For some reason I thought that as the Fellowship was a Historical Ally with Lothlrien then I could add Legolas and keep the army bonus. I must have misread that.
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 2:32 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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No, you are right about the Fellowship TroopDrago. They are historical allies with Lorien and so are Rivendell. So you've got the magic resist in either list.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 2:59 pm 

Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:40 pm
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That’s right - lol. I was thinking about Legolas from the Thranduil’s Halls list. Oops !

T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair..
But Gollum, and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her..
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:33 pm 

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Wood elves will work well for you, just make sure you are partially concealed. Good bow army in general, but watch out for heavier units like dwarves.

By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, men of the West!
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 6:48 am 

Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2018 7:00 am
Posts: 4
Once again. Thanks everyone for your feedback. Just in case anyone else was interested I thought I'd give a re-cap of how the list went. I really enjoyed my first tournament and will def be going to others this year.

I ended up with 4 wins 1 draw and 1 loss, so no wooden spoon which made me thrilled.

Game 1: Thorin's Company - To the Death - Loss
- Opposition huddled together put up blinding light and lost Fili and Kili and a took a couple of wounds on some key models before eventually the battle lines met in the middle.
- Face to face combat was close but eventually the share amount of might was able to cut through my forces.
- Very fun game. At the end I had broken him, he had broken me and killed Celeborn. I believe Thorin only had 1 wound left but time was called. Close game.
- Reflections: Blinding light was MVP here and keeping Gandalf well covered in terrain made my bow fire pretty useless. I should have just thrown myself into combat earlier incl my wood elves which had to make a little bit of a slog around the flanks as they didn't have spears.

Game 2: Rohan and Lothlorien - Fog of War - Win
- He had three heros, Theoden, Celeborn and Galadriel. I ended up choosing Theoden. He choose my unarmored Haldir (which I guessed right).
- This game was a bit funny as he choose to retreat half and shoot with his cav the entire game after I heroic shot/accuracy his elven archers and killed them all before he could use them on me.
- I managed to take over my chosen piece of scenery and then decided to hide Haldir after he has used all might to kill elven archers.
- The game saw me slowly advance on his shoot/retreat army. Eventually, Celeborn had one turn with Theoden and he rolled 3 sixes (thank you Lord of the West) and he missed the fate rolls.
- Game ended with Haldir alive, Theoden dead, and each of us on our respective pieces of terrain.
- Reflection: I was happy his cav decided to run away otherwise I think the game would have been a bit diff and Celeborn's Lord of the West was lethal this game.

Game 3: Khazad Dum: Domination: Win
- All of my archers were deployed in a prime elevated position so I could literally shoot clearly around 4 of the objectives. I was lucky to win the deployment roll-off to decide otherwise this game would have been a lot different.
- Haldir/Legolas used all of their might throughout the game slowly picking everyone off. 14 shots (incl 5 might-able shots) every turn was amazing.
- I kept my cav back all game until it was looking like the end and then took out 2 objectives in the final round.
- The main battle line consisted of me winning duel rolls but then not making wounds until about the 5th round and the 6's that had been hiding all game finally came out.
- Celeborn killed the King's Champion/Dwarven King and Captain and Rumil's little warband was able to keep Durin at bay until around the second to last round.
- Reflection: Rumil's was MVP here. They were never going to win but his ability to slow down with his ability/heroic D was amazing. I was very happy that I went with lightly wood elves to get extra numbers here in Rumil's warband. The ability to roll more dice to win the duel rolls were much better than having less but with higher defense.

Game 4: Isengard: Lords of Battle: Win
- My Wood elves got shredded by crossbows. Very early. He managed to win the roll-offs for the heroic shots.
- My Galadhrim on the front-line got shredded by str 4 and couldn't role the 6s to give it back when I eventually did win.
- I think about half way through I had killed 2 or 3 Uruks and he had killed a good 10 elves. Then Lurtz charged Celeborn who had spear support. We both heroic'd striked and then both rolled 6s. I won the roll off and then out of no-where Celeborn rolls 3 6s and 1 6 from spear support... Again all of the sixes just seemed to come out on that turn as I didn't loose a single elf but managed to kill a good 10 Uruks.
- The game ends suddenly shortly after, we count up the tally and I literally have 1 more wound than him, I've killed his leader and mine is alive and I win.
- Reflections: This was just a weird win. As I was playing I was thinking about the comments made on the forum about how squishy the wood elves would be. There was little to no terrain on this board. I just got lucky with a very theatrical and dramatic turn inspired by Celeborn.

Game 5: Heirlooms - Army of the Dead - Draw
- We are rolling for deployment and at the end all of my warbands are on one side and his are on the other. Except for Celeborn's (i.e. my main one). Which some how got wedged between three of his.
- He spends the first couple of rounds putting all his resources into killing them.
- I spend all my time shielding and sending out my cav and Legolas to try and find the heirloom. Which I eventually get with a rider.
- The rider makes his way to the furthest corner with Legolas as I put everything in between him and my opponent.
- I try taking sneaky pot shots at his banner and manage to kill about 5 of them but they're always in base contact so the other takes it.
- End of the game he's killed nearly everything, I have the heirloom. Comes down to Legolas's courage test which he snake eyes but with full might and will, he's fine.
- Reflection: Felt I did the best I could do, given deployment but it showed the importance of playing to the VP rather than just killing aimlessly.

Game 6: Contest of Champions: Gondor: Win
- He's got Denethor, which he tells me has to be his leader or something like that.
- Our lines are drawn. Celeborn goes in and kills Denethor first turn. We muck around for a few more turns. But we decide to call it once Boromir is killed.
- Reflection: Very happy I did not go with Galadriel. Seeing my opponent with a dead-duck combat hero made me feel pretty vindicated going with Celeborn.

- Not much magic so the special rule wasn't really used.
- Celeborn is a combat beast and with Leg and a few cav floating around the army seemed to be mobile enough (just). I'm still tossing up if it would have been better without Rumil's warband and just chucking the twins on horseback but I think it worked out well. The ability to make an opponent re-roll was just so good.
- Having more men over armour for Legolas, Haldir and his warband as well as the banner meant I won a lot more duel rolls. Which was great and gave me more opportunity to roll those 6s and wound.
- Shooting, Lord of the West and Rumil seemed to be the MVPs in every game.
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 10:43 am 
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Great it worked well for you, keep improving your list each time :)
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 Post subject: Re: Starting with Lothlórien and Rivendell - 800 Points
PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 1:46 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Hmm. Glad it work out. Sounds like you got the best out of your shooting investment. It is just a shame you ran into Thorin's Company in a scenario where they could really bunch up and hide with blinding light.

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