Jivwoolring wrote:
Hi guys, I’m new to the hobby, focusing on the collecting rather than the playing, for the time being. I am a lover of lord of the rings and have been since a young age, so the idea of making my own armies is a pretty decent , yet expensive , one in my mind.
My original plan was to just collect the characters in the order they appear in the films.. after getting a few versions of the fellowship and then realising the price of the paints , I decided just to buy a few more miniatures instead.. which lead to an abundance of Moria goblins.. hence why I decided to make them my first army..
Although slightly cross eyed after painting so many of the turds , I’ve become quite fond of them, and wish they got a bit more air time in the movie, even though they get rinsed, I like to think mine are a bit tougher and whilst bored at work came up with a little background to them ;
The dwarves and goblins have had many scraps and skirmishes as the goblins try to take any parts of khazad dum that they can, making the survivors ( my guys, of course) hardy veterans somewhat, obviously the dwarves greed is what released the balrog , but the green Freaks see this as a godsend (Sauronsend?) and start to become , essentially, worshipers of it. The rustier their armour the better as it resembles the flames of the balrog, it goes on but I’m tired right now and can’t be bothered to type much more..
Also the miniatures available in my opinion are incredibly dull in terms of variety so Ive tried to do a few conversions
** don’t expect artwork, this is the first time I have made, converted or painted a miniature and the first time I’ve worked with green stuff **
I use testors paints. Cheap and good eneugh. Get a dull-coat laquer to adjust collours and mix colors to get those fine blends. Painting 200+ guys and only bought a gloss and flat set, $40 total I think. $5 for brushes.