After a lot of time without up anything, here I bring you the reason of all that time out... My City Under the Mountain.
My option is a table divided into four fixed modules, with all the parts completely fixed, but the four modules are designed so that only changing them can get up to 5 different game boards, at first I thought to do three , but at the time of painting and making the details appeared two more, things.
Those who have gone to the Hispania of Alhaurin de la Torre have been able to see it in situ, since I finally managed to put it in the car and take it, and there it has been the two days in the exhibition, to be able to play games, like the one Gabriel1 and Dekanous went down, or to which Anfalas was also practicing. It is a table to play a stage, you can not get Trolls or Mûmaks or anything like that, the star catwalks prevent the use of miniatures of large bases, but to play a scenario of Goblins against Dwarfs is very good.
As I said it is not finished yet, besides putting a lot of blood, it is necessary to finish illuminating, especially putting the torches and many odds and ends on the catwalks, but the fattest is finished and it also gives the finishing of the table even.
And I leave you with a few photos of the process and the table "finished", I hope you like it, at least as much as me, and that I do not usually like the work I do, but this time I have been quite satisfied .
Around here the beginnings ... in 2015 ...

The three original configurations:

Once projected, to foam and cork, mainly:

Crushed gum is added as a texture of the soil zone.

And it's time to print in black.

First ideas of where to set up the transit sites:

Starting to print in brown, base coat to then paint the boards of different shades of green, gray and brown.

Then to put sticks of Chinese, of course before putting them you have to remove the roundness that is so artificial cylindrical, so they went through the cutter to create edges, and then stick the sticks and catwalks with hot silicone.

The painting of the boards that form the walkways, each one of a color (greens, grays and browns), and then a dry brush to give it more nuances.

Finally I came up with the idea of placing some strings in the manner of handrails on the catwalks, to provide them with more security for those who pass through them, but after seeing some images of the City of the Goblins of the film ... I was the hand with the ropes ...

Although as I say, there is still some work left, as it is already quite good:

More pics and information in my blog: this was all

For now...