Yesterday, my two (supposedly) new in box Witch King on Fell Beast (metal version) arrived through the mail. I bought them second hand via a website (Marktplaats, dutch equivalent of eBay/Craigslist) with sealing still around the package as can been seen in the pictures. I specifically asked the seller if everything in the box was present. He gave me his word that everything was present and the boxes had only be opened to make pictures for the advert.
However upon opening the boxes I noticed that in both boxes the necks of the Fell Beast were not present. This ain't of course any coincidence. However, none was heard again from the seller who doesn't reply to any of my mails.
Now I ask you, lovely fellows, for any advice on how to solve my problem. Right now it feels kinda [word deleted] because these sets are basically useless to me and I payed a pretty penny for them..

I never did anything with green stuff nor any sculpting.
In any case, thank you for reading!
Pictures of the boxes.