Hurin_it wrote:
Excellent painting quality, Valadorn!
If you like the Silmarillionn epopea, as I guess from you interest in my banners, I'd really like to have your pictures for illustrating my WOTS project (War of the Silmarils - see the War of the Ring section).
Bandobras Took wrote:
Your style is really "clean" and precise. Makes for a very effective group of minis. Nice job!
Many thanks guys!
Hurin, I find this era fascinating because our hobby is a way to build some different army themes and represent an era, though I don't have time this year... Really I hope that one of the great painter from this forum will see your topic and I am sure he will love the drawings and start this project. Also there was an old topic with a guy that painted themed elven armies from the first age but I cannot find it. Make a search and you will find something interesting!
Back to our topic, I painted some models back on september and I put some final details yesterday.
This eagle is not painted with speedpainting as most of my models in this page. I did it in 2 days though, it was easy and fun, this is the reason for my persistence on the details.

And here we have a beast that I got from ebay without his trunk and tail which I sculpted from green stuff+milliput and I think they are pretty siimilar to the originals. I could make more detail on the horns, I completely miss the yellowish tones in there but I will fix it another time.

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