Thought I'd be returning here with something completely unrelated (as it usually goes), but as it turns out, it is in fact more Rohan!
Been planning to get some work on this model done for a while now, mostly to see if something nice could be made out of him. It is of course poor Théodred, a great character with a reasonably bland profile and rather an unpopular sculpt. As I have in fact done before, some years ago on another mounted version of him, first point on the agenda was to give him a beard. Not just covers his face, also makes him look rather more mature - not unimportant, as he's supposed to be 41(!) in the books. Another thing I was looking into was to change the arms: the mounted version is too similar to Éomer to my liking, while the foot version's pose just looks a bit off. Swapping them around works pretty well (plenty of sculpting required to repair some bits though), although I did consider an alternative for the foot version, with a shield on the right arm and a left hand stabbing downwards. Being a lefty fits nicely with Théoden, but I disliked the idea from a shieldwall point-of-view, where everybody being right-handed makes more sense.
Anyway, still very WIP all. Many areas to repair; probably a cloak to be added too.
Mount is from Perry, using 4 different horse halves cut in half again to get a stationary pose. Liked the idea of a more commanding pose. As such, not sure of the shield position yet - slight preference for the first currently, with reins sculpted in his left hand. Shield strapped to his back instead may also look good.

Foot version will obviously also get some facial hair added soon. Much more fighty pose here - he is, however, very open to enemy attacks, which may well prove to be his undoing...