I finally have another update for you all.
I promised to give you some updates but I did these two in about day so no point really.
This is the first time I've taken photos using my phone they look pretty good but I think I will stick to the normal camera from now on.
I had painted up Boromir COTWT before so I wanted the banner and mounted version to look the same as the old one so I copied the scheme the best I could and I am really happy with the results.
Here are the group all together.

This is the banner version I copied the GW version somewhat for the banner. I am really pleased with the colour for the cloth. That just off white colour is perfect.
I also remember how much I hate painting freehand while doing this, you have to clean up every mistake then make the colour from beforehand then paint over the mistake while still trying to make it fit in.
I also learned I should paint the banner fairly early on, I painted the banner last and the handled the miniature too much rubbing some of the paint off. The cloak still needs some touch ups.

The horse is great, I like the colour of him and the ice blue works well on the tassel bit? whatever it is called. I also painted some small socks on the two front legs.
Boromir sits seamlessly in the saddle, you can't even tell he is converted. I am really happy with the way the cloak turned out and I love the blue I painted I think it one of the better ones I have painted.
The chainmail looks good. The red shield is a great contrast to the blue I used on the model. Also why is Boromirs shield red? I don't remember seeing any other red in Minas Tirith or Gondor in the movies anyone know?