Thanks everyone!

Elladan & Elrohir wrote:
Nice work! How did you make that desert base? I would love to try that out!
Cheers Elladan. So, as I mentioned above, I followed BrushStroke's great tutorial on desert basing for the most part with some changes:
kb.php?a=265However, I started mine differently. I began by building up an irregular terrain-type on top of the base using blue tack. Then I placed the miniatures in the correct points and superglued them to the base (the bottom of the tab should be touching bare plastic - basically push the tab into the blue tack and then scrape out the bottom of the little imprint you've made to expose the black plastic in that isolated area). Then, I used a little more blue tack to blend the tabs into the "ground" before applying a couple of large rocks with superglue. Also, at this stage, I "sculpted" some foot prints between the two carriers into the blue tack. Then a layer of PVA was applied. Don't worry if this gets on the shoes of the minis - it adds to the effect later if painted. Like in BrushStroke's tutorial, sprinkle on a small amount of sand, some small rocks and then cover the base with Baking Soda. Shake/blow off the excess and paint. I painted mine in the following way:
- Basecoat Vomit Brown (a couple of watered down coats)
- Wash Reikland Fleshshade
- Drybrush Vomit Brown
- Drybrush Ushabti Bone
Then I finished it off by painting the rim black and added a couple of tufts of Mordheim Turf as desert vegetation.
BrushStroke's paint-scheme for the base gives a more muted effect but I was after something a bit more vibrant, almost 'warm-looking', if you get what I mean. The pictures don't show it in the best light but still, I'm pretty pleased with it