Hands_Hammerhelm wrote:
Erkenbrand on Horse
11 Westfold Redshields
Ghan Buri Gahn
10 Woses
Thank you for reading my post...
Because the first list is to weak against armies with more/better bows I made up an other army:
The Goblinking
10 Goblinwarrior
Moria Goblin Shaman
4 Moria Goblins with shields
3 Moria Goblins with spears
3 Moria Goblins with spears and orcbows
Mordor Orc Taskmaster
3 Orcwarriors with shields
2 Orcwarriors with orcbows and spears
350 points; 28 models; 6H*; 5 orcbows
This army represents the orcs of the misty mountains as I imagine it. There are the little, weak orcs (goblin warriors) used as slaves; the orcs, who are strong enough to get themselfe an armour and become warriors (moria goblins). And the bigger orcs who serve as body guards.
I think 28 models is ok, because I have the shamane, who hopefuly will get me a few back. I choosed the Taskmaster because, the shaman will call a heroic channel for sure and I feel like I need the king to do heroic strikes against big heros and heroic combats against lists with a high model count.
I put in some bows, because of the fact if my opponent does not have any, I am the one who decides where the fight will take place.
If you have any ideas about something more effective than the taskmaster warband feel free to answer. I think the Goblin king and the shaman are a must have.