Hello guys,
some of you have probably (or better hopefully) already heard about the Skirmisher.
You can look at the website and all 5 issues so far of the Skirmisher here:
http://www.hdrskirmisher.wordpress.comIf not - here's a little information about it: The Skirmisher is a free magazine that is made by me and some other chaps. We started it about half a year ago and are now supported by some One Ring members
(to name them: Feanor, the mighty elf and Celevue) as well! Our team includes people from Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Finnland and ...
since a week England. But nobody of us really speaks it as a motherlanguage and because most of us speak German, the Skirmisher is only in German so far.
We even have the permission of John Howe to use his illustrations for the magazine!

The content are articles about tactics, terrain building, battle reports (planned

) scenarios, reviews, painting and sculpting! Here are some pictures of issue 1:

Well, now to the actual reason I am writing all this: We would like to do an English version of the Skirmisher. After asking for persons to translate it and not finding anyone we let this idea rest for a while. But now we would like to do it on our own (with help of the translator service in word in some parts

). Because we cannot expect from you all to read a magazine full of mistakes,
we are now only looking for people who could correct the mistakes. It would be amazing if there would be 5-6 people, so that everyone of them only has to look through one article. As our team leader has to do all the
layouting, he'd also love to have someone who could do this for the English version, so just arranging the pictures and the text...
If you'd like to help us, maybe submit an article or only give us some feedback, please feel free to leave a comment on our website!
Thank you so much in advance!Cheers,