Hi. Welcome to another 'garder player!
Some thoughts on the OP's list:
Vrasku. Is a nice model. But in WotR that legendary formation is a little pricey. Vrasku +3 Co Xbow = 200 points. While 4 Co Xbows + Capt = 190 points. For 10 points less you get another full Company, though 1 less Might Point. Vrasku's ability gives the formation 6 extra shots at the cost of a precious Might point... But Crossbows normally need to use Might points so they can move/At the Double! and still be able to shoot (using Heroic shot) So his ability is rarely called.
16 wound berserkers eh, well now I remember why I hated this expansion...
Beserkers. Are fun. They hit hard. And so they should. After all, they cost more than 3 companies of uruk-hai or 4 companies of warriors of Minas Tirith! They should kill 3-4 companies just to be worthwhile and need to hit hard, and be able to take the hits. Guard them a little from enemy bowfire, and they are at their best on the charge to trigger their abilities.
Beserkers are better than Trolls. Unfortunately Trolls tend to be a bit squishy and you need to take about 3 or so working together to get the most from them.
Otherwise the pikes and uruks with shields are sound. Though I have found pikes are not as good as the uruks with shields or with crossbows, but line them up and they really don't care about enemy charges.
You have no Epic Hero. Lurtz and Saruman cost a lot unfortunately. And hard to squeeze into a 1000 point list. Lurtz is (in my opinion) not worthwhile in under 1500 point lists as his abilities are not particularly wonderful for his price. But you*could* consider taking Thryden Wolfsbane instead of the captain. he costs the same and then he can be moved around even to the Beserkers allowing them to At the Double! mobility in WotR can be very important!
When you get a bigger list 1200 points... work with taking Saruman. He is a one man artillery unit. His spells are not subtle or debuff/denial like the Nazgul or the Good casters, he just mainly throws spells that kill folk

Or shatter the enemy shields then dark fury his lads to reroll hits... before charging the shieldless enemy... if he did that with a charging company of beserkers... oh my!
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