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 Post subject: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:06 pm 
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With miniature collections growing exponentially and with my first jump into the War of the Ring coming up soon I was looking at building some lists but feel bit unsure about what makes a fairly all-rounded Isengard fighting force.

My current Fighting uruk-hai count is 160 uruks(painted) with the exact breakdown being:

2 Generic Captains
Siege Commander uruk(I have used as Vrasku since the beginning of time)
45 Sword and Shield uruks
45 Pikes
12 Scouts with shields
10 Sappers(no shields, probably will use as fillers for companies)
12 Crossbows, 9 on the workbench to make 21
32 Berserkers
3 Isengard Trolls(each distinct to allow for hero trolls)

(unpainted/ in mail)
27 shield uruks
3 ballistae

oh and Sauron, the Nine and Gollum

Looking at starting small i guess at 1000pts? and then moving up to 2000pts etc.

So looking at my 1000pt starter list:

Vrasku + 3 Companies of Talons
6x Shield Uruks + Captain, banner
3x Pike uruk + banner
3x Pike uruk + banner
2 Formations of Berserker companies


General thoughts from a WotR nooby.
- Vrasku much as in SBG seems rather powerful with the "take Aim" ability
- Banners seem a must for larger formations.
- Pikes seem to suffer a huge loss in defence to only have a minor gain in offence. But they are half my models so... yea gotta take em lol.
- Berserkers seem as if they would work as a ridiculously powerful flanking/skirting unit with the faster move and charge attack bonuses.
Raw attack power appears more devastating than trolls. Correct me if I'm wrong here!
- opted not to take a Shaman on the shield block as that would mean less berserkers!

General strategy/ ideas.
Shield block is spread 3 wide and 1 deep(terrain depending) holding the centre, flanked on its sides by berserkers and their flanks protected by pike blocks

or have the pikes on the shield as a screening unit for the more powerful berserkers who can just slot in behind with the tiny company size and rush out once close enough to engage. (elites screening super elites lol? Like giving terminators cover saves with power-armoured space marines)

Vrasku sitting on some high spot behind firing dem crossbows!

feedback, thoughts and tips from you vets out there would be appreciated!



SBG Perth Western Australia
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 Post subject: Re: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2014 3:25 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder

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I don't have a ton of XP at WOTR but in my experience monsters are the best and most fun to use. I'mglad they made SBG monsters more devastating like they are in WOTR

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 Post subject: Re: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:16 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Looks like a solid list to me you might want to move the berserkers into one formation thought not a flexible in combat but they will not live very long with only four wounds to a formation. Other than that looks pretty good. As for tactics using the pikes as a screen seems like the way to go, assuming you have the space to move them out of the way when you what to get the big formation in to combat.

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:55 pm 
Elven Elder
Elven Elder

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Wan Shi Tong wrote:
Looks like a solid list to me you might want to move the berserkers into one formation thought not a flexible in combat but they will not live very long with only four wounds to a formation. Other than that looks pretty good. As for tactics using the pikes as a screen seems like the way to go, assuming you have the space to move them out of the way when you what to get the big formation in to combat.

I'm pretty sure you can't move them together. Berserker units are Indomnible as well if I remember correctly, meaning you have to actually kill all 8

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 Post subject: Re: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:19 pm 
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Quiet correct. They are double normal Resilience, to standard uruk company additional move, immune to archer knock back by the looks of things and all models would need to removed as casualties for the company to be eliminated. still fighting at base uruk fight value as they start with +1 then -1 with two-handed weapons :).

The possibility of delivering 14x str-10 attacks to an enemy seems utterly crazy not to pass up!

Hmmm.... Gonna need more berserkers

SBG Perth Western Australia
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 Post subject: Re: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:50 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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So they are...

16 wound berserkers eh, well now I remember why I hated this expansion...

"Draw your sword with a heavy heart, but swing it with a heavy hand"
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 Post subject: Re: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:33 pm 
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Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:34 am
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Hi. Welcome to another 'garder player!

Some thoughts on the OP's list:

Vrasku. Is a nice model. But in WotR that legendary formation is a little pricey. Vrasku +3 Co Xbow = 200 points. While 4 Co Xbows + Capt = 190 points. For 10 points less you get another full Company, though 1 less Might Point. Vrasku's ability gives the formation 6 extra shots at the cost of a precious Might point... But Crossbows normally need to use Might points so they can move/At the Double! and still be able to shoot (using Heroic shot) So his ability is rarely called.

16 wound berserkers eh, well now I remember why I hated this expansion...

Beserkers. Are fun. They hit hard. And so they should. After all, they cost more than 3 companies of uruk-hai or 4 companies of warriors of Minas Tirith! They should kill 3-4 companies just to be worthwhile and need to hit hard, and be able to take the hits. Guard them a little from enemy bowfire, and they are at their best on the charge to trigger their abilities.

Beserkers are better than Trolls. Unfortunately Trolls tend to be a bit squishy and you need to take about 3 or so working together to get the most from them.

Otherwise the pikes and uruks with shields are sound. Though I have found pikes are not as good as the uruks with shields or with crossbows, but line them up and they really don't care about enemy charges.

You have no Epic Hero. Lurtz and Saruman cost a lot unfortunately. And hard to squeeze into a 1000 point list. Lurtz is (in my opinion) not worthwhile in under 1500 point lists as his abilities are not particularly wonderful for his price. But you*could* consider taking Thryden Wolfsbane instead of the captain. he costs the same and then he can be moved around even to the Beserkers allowing them to At the Double! mobility in WotR can be very important!

When you get a bigger list 1200 points... work with taking Saruman. He is a one man artillery unit. His spells are not subtle or debuff/denial like the Nazgul or the Good casters, he just mainly throws spells that kill folk :) Or shatter the enemy shields then dark fury his lads to reroll hits... before charging the shieldless enemy... if he did that with a charging company of beserkers... oh my!

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 Post subject: Re: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 2:33 am 
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Cheers for the tips.

mostly took Vrasku as I'm working within the limitations of miniatures i have painted for play and he for-fills the epic/legendary hero criteria. I did take notice of Wolfsbane but kinda glossed over him as i don't own the model, I don't even have any painted Good troops i could even use as a suitable proxy! Will have to include him for the future at his dirt cheap price.

Just going off resilience alone the berserker appeared better than trolls. troll mobs Seem more like a mordor thing thematically anyhow .

not to self: Remember at the double!

SBG Perth Western Australia
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 Post subject: Re: First time into War of the Ring.... (Playing Isengard)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 9:39 am 
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Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:34 am
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Remember heroic Fight too! I kept forgetting this useful heroic action, for many many games. It can be useful for getting the Beserkers in for a second charge/attack on a hopefully demoralised foe who can't fight back.

To use it, it has to be a fight you are likely to win, and then have a hero involved in the fight... OR have Saruman nearby and use his Overlord ability to call a heroic fight on a formation that doesn't even have a hero.

Of course beware of enemy doing the same, especially pesky cavalry ;)

A second Edition for The War of the Ring:

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