WOW! Over a month since I've uploaded any new pictures, sorry chaps! On the plus side, I've not been idle, big update time!
@Sithious - thanks for the kind words, there's no doubt it's hard work, if you're spending time on them like I was then it's hard to keep yourself motivated but just try and take joy in each member of the company as you go and you'll get there, they really are stunning models and they look great as a group!
So I've had a really good hobby month, lots of painting (by my standards), lots of converting and a couple of tournaments. Unfortunately, for my WIP thread, I saved all the basing to be done at the same time so I didn't really have a lot to show.
Still, onto the good stuff! First up, I finished Azog on foot
Overall I'm pretty happy with him, make no mistake I was painting him more out of necessity than desire. I love the mounted Aozg model and wanted to get this one done as a dismount. I think he looks OK but I struggled with his skin and scars more than I did with the mounted version. Still overall I'm pretty pleased and it's another model down!
Next up - Mirkwood Rangers! My big plan for tournaments this year is to be using Battle of Five Armies themed lists made from the new Hobbit range. I started off going to the Mansfield tournament with an all Hero BOFA list but things would only really get going once I painted some troops and I've finally been able to get stuck in. I worked out that before I did these guys I hadn't actually painted any warriors in 7 months! I've been working relentlessly on loads and loads of Hero models which has been great for my collection but not so good for my backlog reduction. With all that in mind it was great to get stuck in to some warriors again and try and remember how to batch paint! Here're the results:
I have to say I'm really pleased with how these guys turned out, I loved the models before I started but painting them just made me fall in love with them even more, they're absolutely stunning models full of character and they were a joy to paint. I must admit I still went slower on them than I did on my Rohan/Isengard/Moria stuff in the past, they were just too nice to rush through and I ended up spending a fair bit of time on them and adding more highlights than I would normally add to standard warriors. All in all they took me about 3 weeks (painted in 2 batches of 5) but I think they were well worth the extra time and effort. I think they've set the standard for my painting this year and I think I'll be doing the same with my dwarves and Laktowners when I get to them. The models are expensive these days and I think I'd just rather spend a little bit more time on them so I'm really happy rather than rush them to get more painted models on the table and regret it later.
So, alongside painting the rangers (when I needed a break from painting green!) I was working on some dwarf conversions. I love the Grimhammer models and wasn't at all keen on the rag-tag militia look of the Warriors of Erebor sprue, to me the WOE sprue represents the dwarves fleeing the mountain in disarray and I wanted my BOFA dwarves (which will also later form the core of my Army of Thror force) to have a far more uniform approach as they do at the battle of Azanulzibar in AUJ. So, heavily inspired by Southern Dunedain's fantastic conversions, I set to a couple of boxes of Grimhammers with a knife, hobby drill and superglue in an effort to convert them into Warriors of Erebor. At this stage I need to say a MASSIVE thanks to Mertaal for the Warriors of Erebor shields which really finished off the conversions - top, top bloke and I'm VERY grateful!
Again, they took a while (I think each conversion took about half an hour) but I think the effort was well worth it and I'm really happy with the results:
So, having finished the Rangers I've started getting stuck into these dwarves and 'm pretty happy with how they're coming along. I'm putting the same level of effort into these as I did the Rangers and have just finished highlighting the metal last night. When you bear in mind that they're nearly ALL metal you might have an idea of how long that took! I think I spent about 25 mins per dwarf doing the metal so I was essentially paining Leadbelcher for 5 hours last night!
Still, that's done now and on the plus side I'm really pleased with how they're looking and there's not too much more to do on them, basically just belts, robes and beards. I'm planning on taking them to the Desolation of Stockport tournament next weekend so I should hopefully finish them this week and have some pictures up before the weekend!
Really enjoying painting at the mo, variety is the spice of life! Thanks as always guys and I promise it won't be so long before the next update!
Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
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