Thanks both of you, always to get friendly support from people.
Thermo, I may decide to do that actually, infact one of my friends actually suggested I should teach him so I'll look into it in the future. My uni's group tend to be more roleplayers, they've got Dark Heresey, Dungeons and Dragons etc on the go.
DMS, sure I remember you saying you hadn't played before somewhere, but maybe that was a while ago, or just me.

Either way yeh maybe at some point we can sort something out.
Thankfully, I had a second thorough foray in my Newcastle GW yesterday and the manager noticed I was same the guy who had been posting on their FB page looking for players aswell.

He said if any came in he would let me know, which he did, and so hopefully I've got a game lined up tomorrow!
Never really had that good a experience with local GW's as my home town (Scarborough) relies on a FLGS which has a great atmosphere, but it seems, like everyone in Newcastle, the staff are really nice and helpful.
Will probs be posting a list later on today in the relevant section.
Looking forward to your Q&A video on Sunday Thermo!