Thanks @all for the comments and motivation. Its cool to see that others share the enthusiasm for big armies and Rohan in particular.
Constantine wrote:
Wow the individual models are great, Theoden in particular. Yet I find that the army photos do not do justice to your painting. All the highlights are lost, and the colours seem to bright. Maybe if you could post some close-ups of your army?
I agree, the army shots do not really show much of the paintjob and you cannot see much of the highlights (which exist with all models). In order to get good army shots I need a big light box - this is on my to do list - better photos will follow, but this may take time.
About the painting quality: Please keep in mind this is an evolving project. I started painting miniatures almost two years ago. My first miniatures where 6 riders of rohan - I will overhaul those in the next weeks in order make them fit into my army. Then I poorly painted Theoden mounted, followed by Gamling and the Guard - these where the first models with a somewhat ok paint job. However at this time I did not understood enough of painting and thus I overrated my own paintjob. After I overhauled Theoden mounted for the Guard I started this very thread.
My painting improved slowly, and thus, the quality of the paintjob is mixed (we all know how zoomed-in photos brutally show every weakness
). However I feel now I understand now much more in order to be able to improve further (this forum and the great members really help with this). Thus my goal is to finish the rest of the models for this army (rest of the riders, three ents, some outriders mounted and on foot (at least 8 ), some sons of eorl (at least 8 I think), possibly some more heroes) with a really decent quality - while I may have to compromise due to time constraints.
Hopefully I can achieve this - you be the judge
To become a clear picture, from now on I will post selected minis on CMON - the rating you get there seems mostly pretty honest to me. My Theoden foot has currently a 6,5 - and I pretty much agree in comparision. So my goal is to beat this and improve further.
I bought Boromir made by Knights Models - but I need more confidence in order to start that project - somewhat the ultimate goal.