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 Post subject: Favourites?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:29 pm 
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This has probably come up several times I suppose...
But what are your favourite scenes from LOTR and the Hobbit?

A few of mine; the party scene at Edoras (Merry and Pippin's song),
the charge of the Rohirrim at Minas Tirith (cliché I know :) ).
I can't immediately think of one in the Hobbit, but there are many I'm sure :-D )

Cheers, Sang

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:06 pm 
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Here are some of mine:

LoTR: Fellowship of the Ring: A view of Rivendell (though not truly a scene, I love it).

LoTR: Fellowship of the Ring: The council of Elrond scene.

LoTR: The Two Towers: The last march of the Ents scene.

The Hobbit: The White Council scene +the small conversation between Gandalf and Galadriel.

The Hobbit: The Eagles.

Greets, Turwaitheon.

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:14 pm 
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Flight to the Ford was an excellent scene. The most memorable scene for the Ringwraiths for me.

The whole Moria sequence was brilliant, running from the Balrog in particular. Just the situation and the music all made it very exciting.

Boromir's death.

Last march of the Ents.

Charge of the Rohirrim is cliche but was still epic and very well shot.

In terms of lesser discussed scenes the one when Boromir picks up the ring on Caradhras was a very powerful moment. It symbolized the power of the Ring and the frailty of men as well as how fragile the mission was all in one scene.

From the Hobbit the stand out scene was Riddles in the Dark but the warg chase with Radagast and the escape from Goblin town were also excellent.
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:46 pm 
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Favourite scenes in lotr were probably the last alliance battle, helms deep, and the charge of the rohirrim on the fields of pellenor.

My favourite scenes from the hobbit were when the rivendell knights came and the bit just before that, and in rivendell
Also really liked the wood elves although the film made them seem evil
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:08 pm 
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Anything in the Shire
The elves coming into helms deep (the music is awesome!)
The last march of the Ents (again, the music is awesome)
Aragorn's speech at the Black Gate
The speech of Theoden (when they all yell 'death!') and then when the Riders of Rohan charge (oh, such epicness!)

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 11:20 pm 
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Thorin getting buttslammed by the white warg was incredible.
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 4:35 am 
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Goodness, the thing I hate about this question is that that are two levels of movie scenes IMO.

There’s “legitimate” scenes and then there’s “you’ve watched the movies so many times that you come to cherish the minuscule stuff on screen” scenes haha.

These were not easy choices:


Scene: Ambush at Amon Hen

Little Thing: “The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many.” Ah, this line delivers so many chills. Even more so now with the Hobbit movie!


Scene: Saruman talking about the union of The Two Towers

Little thing: Berserker killing 5ish elves with one swing!


Scene: Siege of Gondor. I like the Rohirrim charge like everyone else BUT witnessing the toys that Mordor came to play (decapitated heads, siege towers, Nazgul, Grond, Attack trolls…) is truly awesome

Little thing: Haradrim Horn.


Scene: Thorin charging Azog at the end

Little thing: Isengard theme playing when Saruman enters

“There's a savage beast in every man, and when you hand that man a sword or spear and send him forth to war, the beast stirs.”
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 8:12 am 
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Fellowship of the Ring - You shall not pass sequence.
The Two Towers - Helm's Deep/Last march of the ents.
Return of the King - The battle for minas tirith/pelenor fields.
An Unexpected Journey - Riddles in the Dark
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:59 pm 
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Very nice choices!
+ I agree with you, Armandhammer; it's often in the small things!
I also very much like the moment when Gandalf & co arrive at Isengard, just that short conversation. (as my signature partially quotes :-D )


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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 7:00 pm 
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I'm following Armandhammer in selecting little favourite things as well.

Fellowship of the Ring: From the moment the first Nazgul appears all the way through to Rivendell. How you can constantly keep increasing suspense for nearly an hour!

Little thing: Aragorn saluting the Uruk-Hai. Or Saruman's delivery of "You do not know fear, you do not know pain, you will taste man-flesh!"

The Two Towers: The preparation for the battle of Helm's Deep. Wonderful, imposing in some moments, touching in others.

Little thing: The face of one of the extras as the Elves march into Helm's Deep. His face is a perfect combination of awe and sudden hope. When even extras act like that, you know a movie is epic.

Return of the King:
Well, nothing beats the Charge of the Rohirrim in pure epicness, but the most beautiful scene I think is the one where Faramir makes his doomed attack. Howard Shore's music is just wonderful for this.

Little thing: The horn the Haradrim commander blows is one of the most scary sounds ever.

The Hobbit:
Favourite scene: The sack of Erebor.

Little thing: none, which is why I prefer the LotR trilogy.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:34 pm 
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Those are truly some good moments! ^^

We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well-earned comforts.
The salted pork is particularly good.
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:00 pm 
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Here's a few moments;

Entering the heart of Lothlorien (Caras Galadhon?)(the music and the atmosphere is amazing).
Boromir accepting Aragorn as his King at Amon Hen just before he passes.
Merry and Pippin searching for food and longbottom? leaf in Isengard.
Aragorn on Brego (beautiful shots).
The scene where Boromir speeches after recapturing Osgiliath and he tries to make his father see how much Faramir loves his father.
Charge of the Rohirrim (RIDE NOW, it's just... epic)

And yes, the Haradrim horn is really intimidating!

As for the Hobbit, probably Riddles in the dark or the interaction between Gandalf and Galadriel.

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 12:34 pm 
Elven Warrior
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An Unexpected Journey: Thranduil's face.

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Wed May 01, 2013 1:31 pm 
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Nice idea for a thread:


The whole Ambush at Amon Hen sequence. It's also one of my favourite scenes to recreate in SBG.

Two Towers:

Helm's Deep is incredible (best battle scene in the trilogy by a country mile IMO).

The shots of the Three Hunters running over the mountains to the Fellowship theme is awesome.

Return of the King:

The scene where Gandalf and Pippin arrive at Minas Tirith and ride up through the city is one of my favourite moments in the trilogy. The music is just incredible. The scene shortly afterwards in the extended edition where Gandalf and Pippin stand on the prow is great too, basically anything that shows the scale and geography of Minas Tirith really does it for me.

The Hobbit:

The whole Bag End sequence, the songs are great

The Troll sequence

Everything in Goblin Town and with Gollum

On a more technical note I was also blown away by a lot of the CGI, particularly in the more subtle places like the prologue and White Council. You really wouldn't know that Ian Holm and Christopher Lee were never in New Zealand, it's very cleverly done.

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:18 pm 

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from the LOTR I love the one where Eowyn kills the Nazgul and when Pippin finds Merry. :pippin: :merry:
form the Hobbit I have not a fav scene ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:44 pm 
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Fellowship of the Ring: everything from the moment they see a black rider untill they cross the Bruinen. It builds the tension so well for such a long time. And the Nazgul are great.
Two Towers: The Galadhrim arriving at Helm's Deep. So totally wrong, but so well done. The music, the light, the faces of the extras (who are really good, just look at the one guy at the gate who has this grin on his face saying "hell yeah")
The Return of the King: The most epic moment in movie history: the Charge of the Rohirrim. It's cliché for a reason.
The Hobbit: Everything still true to the book.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:37 pm 
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FoTR :
When Boromir take the ring in the snow you understand truly how "power can be held in the smallest thing". I find this scene amazing.
I love when Saruman speaks about the union of the two towers and when the march of the ents.
RoTK : Aragorn speach at the black gates chills me everytime.

For the little things, when there is something add for the real tolkien nerd as the scene with the ring of barahir, Luthien's song etc...I smile.
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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:00 pm 
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Saruman on the balcony when Isengard is ruined by the Ents. I just love how his posture has changed from straight to hunched over, his previously well-kept beard is windswept, and the look of disbelief mixed with utter rage on his face. I think it portrays the fallen character so well in imagery!

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:57 pm 
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Dark Lord of Moria
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For Me...The Two Towers Helm's Deep

My most hated part was Amon Sul, where Strider throws the torch into the Ringwraiths looked ridiculous !

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 Post subject: Re: Favourites?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:13 pm 

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The bit at the end of Fellowship where Aragorn tells Frodo to run, then charges 100 uruk-hai is one of my favourites from Lord of the Rings.

From the Hobbit, the scene where Bilbo's trying to sneak back to Rivendell, and talks to Bofur.

And, of course, Riddles in the Dark!

See my WIP thread here. viewtopic.php?f=50&t=25624
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