Wayfarer |
Joined: Fri Feb 08, 2013 5:37 pm Posts: 24
Country: EAST COAST, USA; Hi All! So, my brothers and I have a bunch of lotr stuff, mostly NIB, that our parents are finally asking us to remove from their house. We don't really play any more (though I still paint!) so we decided to offer it for trade here. If you are interested, speak fast! I won't agree to a trade until I have the model in hand, but I don't want to disappoint if they have grabbed something first and not mentioned it... I will still be keeping my Gondorian and Elves stuff (for good guys), as well as Moria and Uruks (for bad guys). My wants will reflect these... And of course things I would love to paint! I have:* Sharku and 7 OOP metal warg riders, 3 bows, 4 spears. Assembled, bare metal * Scouring of the Shire, NIB * Fog on the Barrowdowns, NIB * Isildur (ft), NIB * THE RARE(ISH) Lurtz, aiming down bow, NIB * Hobbit Shiriffs (2 blisters) * Hobbit Militia (2 blisters) * Legolas NIB (ft and mt) * Gandalf the Grey (ft and mt) we actually have two of these, but one is pending (Hi Gondorian Captain!) I'll keep everyone updated! * some blisters of kings of men *Wood Elves (24, new on sprue) with command and sentinel blisters, and FOTR Haldir, might keep these... But I have a lot of stuff... So it's here! * Watchers of Karna (6) NIB, Harad command NIB, * Rotk box (Mordor orcs and Gondor new on sprue, no terrain) * More to come...
Non LOTR * Warhammer high elves, lizard men, and way OOP wood elves and undead, just ask! * 40K Eldar: Some OOP metal aspect warriors and Harlequins, some metal warlocks and farseers, some guardians, 10 Dire Avengers NOS... * Some other stuff, to be added soon!
And I would like:* Uruk-Hai - berserkers, trolls, siege troops, crossbows, characters * Gondor - many characters, knights, command blisters (metal), fountain guard * Knights of Dol Amoroth * Elves - armored celeborn, arm. glorfindel, erestor, new arm. Haldir (sword up), new Elrond (from the Hobbit), * Painting fodder: any of the big nasties! Like terror of arnor, dweller, watcher, shelob, other spiders, fell beasts, etc;
* almost forgot, most terrain (LOTR, WFB, 40K) is good too. * anyone play Warmachine? Anything Cygnar would be interesting... * and SPACE MARINES!!! Or pretty much any 40K, it's the only game people play in my area!
I would prefer USA or North America, but if I have something that you really want in Europe, well, we'll see. oh, and pics can be provided.
Last edited by Senator on Thu Jan 30, 2014 4:09 pm, edited 11 times in total.