Hello all,
First off, I am new to this forum and have been watching/reading posts for the past few weeks and have decided that this is a good place to start to get involved in the greater LOTR gaming community.
I have been playing miniature games since I was a kid and currently enjoy a mix of 40k, WFB, Dystopian Wars, FoW, etc. I started collecting and playing LOTR when the game was introduced but honestly I haven't devoted enough time to get into the game. For years I have been more of a collector/hobby enthusiast. Over that time I have amassed a sizeable collection of minis predominately Rohan/Gondor with a few random models thrown in for good measure.
I have recently dug out most of my LOTR minis a few months ago and started finishing up painting / converting as much as I can to get back into the game.
My first few questions to ask would be 1) what point level would be a good place to start to 'relearn' the rules, 2) has cavalry changed at all (don't know about the new rules for the Hobbit) and if so what, and finally 3) I have been looking at picking up an Evil army as well for variety and also for another chance to paint / convert new minis. My thoughts are either Easterlings, Haradrim or a mix of both (mainly want to paint a different color palette).
Thanks for reading and I look forward to contributing to the community down the road with some pics and tutorials I have developed over the years.