All along the Gondorian-Rohan border villages and towns grew. The town peoples intermingled freely and after many centuries a new warrior was born to the Border people. The boys grew up to be Horse Lords, trained by the Rohan side. The Godorian relatives trained the boys in the discipline of War.They learned the ways of steel and Armour at an early age.
Thus mighty men who could fight like Gondorians while riding Rohan steeds came to be. If trouble arose on either side of the border, these were the men who answered the call. And woe to those who dared challenge them. Their Armour was thick, their swords of the finest quality and their
skill atop a Rohan steed was equal to any on the Riddermark . When Theoden's call came to gather his Rohirrim, the men on the Rohan side left to join their King. The men on the Gondor side quickly set out to aide in the defense of the White City. These were hard men, used to border battles with Orcs, Goblins and other foul creatures.
These riders were most welcome in the White City, as their reputation in battle was legendary.
These were made from Conquset mounted Normans usisng the un barderd hoses from a cople of boxes. The round shields were my idea to tie the Rohan side of things into the mix. While on some shields the White Tree was portrayed to show loyalty to Gondor. Carrying only their weapons and armour, these battle tested men arrived in time to fight in the crucial battle of the Third Age.