Full disclosure, this company is run by a good friend of mine (Nic Robson).
Eureka Miniatures has just released a number of Dark Age figures for use with games such as Saga or Dux Bellorum, but are eminently suitable for use with the Lord of the Rings - e.g. as soldiers from the Gondorian Fiefdoms, or Rhovanion militia, even as Dunlendings.

The figures are from a number of different European cultures of the period spanning 400AD to around 900AD and depending on which sales are popular, the ranges will be added to in coming months. They are really nice 25-28mm figures and are not too large for our scale.
http://eurekamin.com.au/news.php?newsid ... FuYiMCuglQAnd if we're really nice to him, I might be able to get Nic to have an exclusive figure sculpted for One Ring members.