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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Sat May 05, 2012 3:46 am 

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Rohan reviews anyone? :(
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2012 8:18 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Rohan would be good... I'll second that!

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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 3:24 pm 

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I third Rohan I often use them as allies for my elf army and would love to hear what you think about them, especially Riders/Royal Knights comparison, I also think a lot of people over look Erkenbrand as a epic hero and Deorwine's epic sacrifice and Horns of Rohan abilities
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Sat May 12, 2012 6:44 pm 
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With hundreds of cries for Rohan, I'll start a review. The same applies as for every other one:

Riders of Rohan Éored: For 30 points, you have a medium defense, a medium strength, medium fight, no real hitting power, sh^t bowfire and that's it. These just can't do what they should do (form a battleline) well. Being D4(5) cavalry, they die in droves, and the lack of lances means they can't really do some killing as well. In short, not worth the points (especially when compared to such things as KOMT, Royal Knights and Warg Riders). However, when used as a small harassing force, and a minor part of the army, they can be useful. Mark: 4,5 when used in numbers, 6 when used as harassers.

Royal Knights: If only these were called Riders of Rohan. D5(6) is already a lot better then D4(5), and lances means they can dish out the pain. Use them like any heavy cavalry - charge into the enemy flanks with something else in their front. These should be the basis of your mounted Rohan army. Mark: 7

Oathsworn Militia: At 20 pts per company you get the mannish equivalent of Orcs. They die in droves, but are cheap enough to do so and still be an effective squad. Also, with an Epic Defensing hero (Gandalf or Galadriel) in them, the can suddenly become as hard as WOMT. These are, I think one of the best units in the list, and a good base for an army, to provide an anvil for the Royal Knights' hammer. Mark: 7.5

Oathsworn bowmen: Again only 20 points, these exchange their shields for bows. This means that anything, even goblins, will make a mess of them, so keep them out of trouble. When you do so, these are a very effective support unit. Fire their bows at low defence, hard hitting units - trolls, berserker-kind units etc. - to get maximum effect. Mark: 7.5

Will continue later.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 3:59 pm 

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please can we have the rest of Rohan???????????? I really want to know how you rank there epic heroes
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:54 pm 

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Thanks Telchar but i'd love more please!!! :D
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Tue May 22, 2012 6:32 pm 
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You folks made the laziest person in the world go upstairs and fetch his rulebook :) .

Rohan - Part 2:
Outrider Eored: Essentially, Riders of Rohan more geared towards skirmishing, which is what Riders of Rohan should do. 12" move, a shoot value of 2, but just D4, no longer D5. That means that, even more then the basics, these are in deep sh&t when they meet an angry squad of footmen. Added to that, horse archery never will produce enough dice to be worth something (6 dice with a 35 pts Outrider coy, 9 with a 20 pts coy of Oathsworn bowmen, do the math - the bowmen win), so all in all I'm less then impressed. They would make a very nice harassing unit though. Mark: 6

Rohan Royal Guard: These should be Rohan's mainstay, disregarding anything that even looks like theme, but anyway. The only problem is that when compared to, say, WOMT, for 10 points they gain 1 point of Fight (useless) and throwing weapons (less then impressive). As such, though they are the best line infantry available to Rohan, they are not fantastic. Mark: 7

Legendaries and Epics will follow later.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 6:02 pm 

Joined: Fri May 11, 2012 6:04 pm
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more Rohan please :)
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 6:17 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Pretty please!!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:38 am 
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After a short pause, i'll go on with Rohan...

The Sons of Eorl: The only rare formation in the Rohan list, these are absolutely one of the fastest units in the game, and have generally quite nice stats, but on the flip side of the coin lack lances (to get really nasty), and higher defence. So all in all, these are faster then RK, but don't hit as hard, and are 10 points more expensive. Stalwart is useless, but their special rule Horns of the Eorlingas gives them their redeeming feature. Use a dismay wizard (certain elvish women and istari spring to mind) to reduce the enemy courage, charge, see their fight brought to 0, and suddenly you do hit like a truck. Not sure enough a tactic to base an army round, but good enough to make them worth having as a flanking unit. Mark: 6

The King's Guard: For 100 points you get either Royal Knights or Guard, with two heroes, both not very useful, and a redundant special rule (Bodyguard, will explain this). so, all in all, these are not quite worth it. Both Gamling and Hama add nothing but their might, which according to GW logic is 50+25=75 points, seeing as their other stats are the same as the formations. Then bodyguard, well if you get into a situation where a heroic duel with Gamling or Hama is called, you're f#ck&d anyway, with only F4 (the same as a wizard?) not only your hero is as good as dead, but probably a large part of the squad as well, so which one of the two fights doesn't really matter. The Royal banner (which isn't a banner) gives gives you a 1 in 2 chance of a free heroic action, which is well priced at 50 points. My mark: 5

Erkenbrand's Riders: Riders of Rohan who pay 10 points for Bold beyond Belief, which is too much, and 115 points for Erkenbrand (3 mt captain) and a banner, which should be reasonable as well. The problem is, when you buy Erkenbrand loose, you gain a rather nice special rule (the Red Shield) and Epic Charge, for no loss at all, whilst you also get Bold Beyond Belief free. As with most legendaries, quite good, but not as good as common+epic equivalents. Mark: 6

Theodred's Knights: The Knights pay 10 points for 1 fight, and Theodred is 100 points (135-35 for the banner) for a captain with the Hero of Legend, which I'd cost at a maximum of 10 points, not 50. In short, not worth it anyway, let alone in comparison to Theodred's far better epic equivalent. Mark: 4

Grimbold's Helmingas: Oathsworn militia with 1S and 1C extra, for 10 points, and then Grimbold (a captain) and a banner for 85 points. All in all, very reasonably priced, and it fills a hole in the list (hard-hitting infantry). With an Epic defense added, they become quite resilient as well. Use them either as a center for your Infantry (when Gandalf or Galadriel is in there calling Epic Defense every turn), or a small, hardhitting formation that you hide behind a BIG block of Oathsworns, then ATD out and flank charge. Mark: 7

Elfhelm's Riders: Riders of Rohan with a better shoot and move value, and pathfinders, all for a reasonable cost. These vastly improve RoR's effectiveness in the harrassing role, but the problem is, harassers don't need a captain (though he can be useful) and least of all a banner. In short, the larger part of their base cost is wasted on them, making Outriders a far cheaper, and nearly as effective, alterative. Mark: 6

Epic Heroes will follow during the next few days.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 8:15 am 
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ElfGeneral wrote:
Telchar wrote:
I've written my own review of all the elven units here:

little bit of an understatement you've basically written a review of every unit in the game and there all pretty good, I have a few complaints with the elf list but apart from that it's fantastic especially for looking at armies you don't fight very often to see how they work, and you've got back to doing Rohan after 'a short break' :D :D :D

My main complaints with the elves is that Galadriel Lady of Lothlorien should be a 9 she is as you say the linchpin of an elf army, Galadriel Protectress should be lower IMHO the 'always on' Epic Strike is nice but Spirit Grasp and Spirit walk are useless (if they made it that because she is in spirit form she could lead a formation of spirits these would have a small amount of use) but elves really don't need fighty heroes we have loads and even our captains are the same fight as most Epics, Rage is good but elves can't afford to lower there defence any more coupled with Legolas and maybe lower the formation courage so you get 6 or so extra dice this has some use but thats a 400 point combo (this actually only needs one might to do unlike the Aragorn, Gimli Legolas combo meaning you could repeat it every turn but still not great), Challenge is ok because of the F10 you can really make a mess of a goblin shaman or Ringwraith (you can't actually lose) and Charge is ok but just ok not really worth a point of might in most situations though. lastly this might just be a personal thing but I fight with magic when I play elves and use my terror and courage draining magic to dictate when and where I fight in this form she just isn't worth losing a Mastery three might making machine. If you are comparing her to the rest of the elf list she should be 6 and in a wider context why not take Elendil he has Narsil and one more might (which accounts for him being 25 points more) so again a 5 or 6.

Cirdan is undermarked as well he is the cheapest caster in the game and coupled with the Gift of Foresight he is just great especially as an ally because all other good armies lack magic so a cheap caster is great but also he causes Terror which doesn't matter with the elves because they all do but in some WOMT he adds a lot more also C5 is pretty good and again adds just a bit extra to a normal formation. In short he add lots of little things to a formation but added together he is well worth 75 points so an 8.

ok rant over everything else is exceptional and very fair I'm waiting for the Rohan Epics

Thanks for the compliment.

The reason Galadriel isn't a nine is that a 9 is really a huge mark, and I want to keep that range open for things like Khamul - I know, the marks are supposed to be within the list, but only to a certain extent. I don't want to create the impression that Galadriel is as good as Khamul or Morannon Orcs.
I think you are not doing the Protectoress justice here. Epic Rage is one of the few options elves have to do real damage, she can (as you pointed out) shred nearly any hero in a duel. She might not suit your playstyle, but there are other options as well.
Cirdan may be the cheapest caster in the game, he's also even weaker then a stormcaller. C5 is useless on Elves, since most (I think all) have that already, terror as well, and I am reviewing him as part of the Elves list, not as an ally to Minas Tirith. If you want to make a review of who makes the best allies, please do so - I'd be very interested -, but that isn't my objective here.

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 11:38 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 30, 2012 8:14 pm
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Love to see you working on this thread again!
Plans for mordor and moria next?
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 2:35 am 
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Well Morranon Orcs are a 10 no doubt along with the Gold Medal Winning Blackshields. I do enjoy reading these evaluations aswell! Thanks for the work you put into them Telchar. Very entertaining.

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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:25 pm 

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Telchar wrote:

The reason Galadriel isn't a nine is that a 9 is really a huge mark, and I want to keep that range open for things like Khamul - I know, the marks are supposed to be within the list, but only to a certain extent. I don't want to create the impression that Galadriel is as good as Khamul or Morannon Orcs.
I think you are not doing the Protectoress justice here. Epic Rage is one of the few options elves have to do real damage, she can (as you pointed out) shred nearly any hero in a duel. She might not suit your playstyle, but there are other options as well.
Cirdan may be the cheapest caster in the game, he's also even weaker then a stormcaller. C5 is useless on Elves, since most (I think all) have that already, terror as well, and I am reviewing him as part of the Elves list, not as an ally to Minas Tirith. If you want to make a review of who makes the best allies, please do so - I'd be very interested -, but that isn't my objective here.

Those are fair comments she's good but not the best so you don't want to give her almost the highest score, my main problem with the the Protectress is that you then can't take Galadriel in her other form which I think is more useful for elves so I find her a bit useless but with a different play style she might work, perhaps I will try a new way to play elves and find out :-D

as for Cirdan he actually has the same stats as a stormcaller but again understand where you're coming from I just have a soft spot for the old guy :) he still as good as any unnamed caster has some great rules and costs less.
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 5:37 pm 
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Lays wrote:
Love to see you working on this thread again!
Plans for mordor and moria next?

I'm afraid I haven't thought about Mordor and Moria enough to write a lot on tactics. Maybe you can do something?

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 7:35 am 
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Rohan Epics: Théoden, King of Rohan: A medium fight, super-high courage, respectable might, all together with some nice special rules. Heroic Example in particular is nice, as combined with Inspiring Leader, it means that the chances of failing a courage test are next to nothing. King of the Rohirrim provides a nice boon, and Touched by Destiny is of course very handy. The only disappointment is in the Epic Actions. Sacrifice is such a horrible one-off, you don't want to land him in a HD, so that rules Challenge out, so only Epic Charge is usefull at all, and that is IMO one of the least handy Epic actions there are. You get no Epic Defense, no Epic Strike, no Epic Duel, nothing that would really help mitigate the problems of either standard Rohirrim (not enough Defense) or himself (being only a bit better then the average wizard in a duel). Mark: 6.5

Meriadoc, Esquire of Rohan: The only real reason to take Meriadoc is for his Courageous Intervention (CI) and In the Name of the King (INK) special rules. CI can really save the day for Rohan's more duel-susceptible heroes (Theoden, Eowyn) or otherwise really decisively alter the course of the game, but not so as to be worth 75 points, while INK is quite a handy boon, but not game-changing either. Furthermore, his fight is paltry (as one might expect from a hobbit), his resilience and courage (? Hobbits are supposed to be very brave?) and his only might point. Add a rather useless Epic Action (Sacrifice, where you are going to kill him by CI anyway, and you can't kill him twice), and you end up with a hero simply not worth his points. Mark: 4

Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark: Eomer is everything his uncle isn't, and vice versa. A respectable fight, coupled with Epic Strike and Rage (for free if you can get Eowyn killed), makes this guy a butcher in close-combat, who can also stand his ground in duels. In exchange for this, he loses all Theoden's support options (Inspiring leader, Heroic example, etc. etc.). He is, however, 35 points cheaper, and so, a lot more useful.
Mark: 7.5

More to follow...

"... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time."
-On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings

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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:34 pm 
Elven Elder
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I wouldn't underestimate Theoden. As you said, the only Epic he should be using is Epic Charge, which would increase his ENTIRE formation to F7. While F is one of the more useless stats in the game, it can still really help mitigate the amount of dice your opponent has (if they happen to have a high fight army) or can give you a LOT more dice to roll to wound with. Imagine RRG with F7 fighting a horde Morannons vs only having F5. That's 2 more dice per company, with plus one to wound. If you have 3 companies, that's 6 extra dice, which can be (not saying it will be) the difference between winning and losing a fight. So if you have F7, each company will get 2+6+4=12 dice per company with EC, vs only 10 without. (assuming you're going against F3 enemies of course.)

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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:01 pm 
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Very nice work Telcar!

I'm looking forward to a Mordor evaluation.

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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:34 pm 
Elven Elder
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Nice work Telchar 8)

If you'll let me (and I remember what's left), may I evaluate another faction?

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 Post subject: Re: Evaluating Units
PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 3:44 pm 

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that sounds better.. i tried but i aint got and also never used lots of mordor and moria stuff so cant really make it..
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