After a short pause, i'll go on with Rohan...
The Sons of Eorl: The only rare formation in the Rohan list, these are absolutely one of the fastest units in the game, and have generally quite nice stats, but on the flip side of the coin lack lances (to get really nasty), and higher defence. So all in all, these are faster then RK, but don't hit as hard, and are 10 points more expensive. Stalwart is useless, but their special rule Horns of the Eorlingas gives them their redeeming feature. Use a dismay wizard (certain elvish women and istari spring to mind) to reduce the enemy courage, charge, see their fight brought to 0, and suddenly you do hit like a truck. Not sure enough a tactic to base an army round, but good enough to make them worth having as a flanking unit. Mark: 6
The King's Guard: For 100 points you get either Royal Knights or Guard, with two heroes, both not very useful, and a redundant special rule (Bodyguard, will explain this). so, all in all, these are not quite worth it. Both Gamling and Hama add nothing but their might, which according to GW logic is 50+25=75 points, seeing as their other stats are the same as the formations. Then bodyguard, well if you get into a situation where a heroic duel with Gamling or Hama is called, you're f#ck&d anyway, with only F4 (the same as a wizard?) not only your hero is as good as dead, but probably a large part of the squad as well, so which one of the two fights doesn't really matter. The Royal banner (which isn't a banner) gives gives you a 1 in 2 chance of a free heroic action, which is well priced at 50 points. My mark: 5
Erkenbrand's Riders: Riders of Rohan who pay 10 points for Bold beyond Belief, which is too much, and 115 points for Erkenbrand (3 mt captain) and a banner, which should be reasonable as well. The problem is, when you buy Erkenbrand loose, you gain a rather nice special rule (the Red Shield) and Epic Charge, for no loss at all, whilst you also get Bold Beyond Belief free. As with most legendaries, quite good, but not as good as common+epic equivalents. Mark: 6
Theodred's Knights: The Knights pay 10 points for 1 fight, and Theodred is 100 points (135-35 for the banner) for a captain with the Hero of Legend, which I'd cost at a maximum of 10 points, not 50. In short, not worth it anyway, let alone in comparison to Theodred's far better epic equivalent. Mark: 4
Grimbold's Helmingas: Oathsworn militia with 1S and 1C extra, for 10 points, and then Grimbold (a captain) and a banner for 85 points. All in all, very reasonably priced, and it fills a hole in the list (hard-hitting infantry). With an Epic defense added, they become quite resilient as well. Use them either as a center for your Infantry (when Gandalf or Galadriel is in there calling Epic Defense every turn), or a small, hardhitting formation that you hide behind a BIG block of Oathsworns, then ATD out and flank charge. Mark: 7
Elfhelm's Riders: Riders of Rohan with a better shoot and move value, and pathfinders, all for a reasonable cost. These vastly improve RoR's effectiveness in the harrassing role, but the problem is, harassers don't need a captain (though he can be useful) and least of all a banner. In short, the larger part of their base cost is wasted on them, making Outriders a far cheaper, and nearly as effective, alterative. Mark: 6
Epic Heroes will follow during the next few days.
_________________ "... Telchar wrought it in the deeps of time." -On Andùril, The Lord of the Rings 