I've been thinking some more on this and the only other thing I can add: know what the terrain can do for you and against your opponent.
If you have a building/cliff/wall/hedge get behind it for cover and defense. Their zone of control has also gotten slightly larger; it is no longer a complete circle -for the front is actually a rectangle. Remember that if they strike in CC they have to roll to see if they hit the wall or you. Anchor lines to terrain features to deny easy flanking attacks.
Doorways work the same as above, you have to be relatively in the doorway to get the defense bonus.
Make certain you agree upon what a clusters of trees does to the game-play. For GW trees and some model building/ruins are unbalanced scale-wise. A 2 story ruin doesn't automatically give one clear line of sight ...over... a cluster of trees.
An oft over looked rule is that the enemy can not engage you if they just came around the corner of a building/terrain feature, in other words they need Line-of-Sight first to engage.
Know the effect the terrain feature has on the game. Basically anything 2" and lower can be jumped, higher has to be climbed...Moria goblins still count it as difficult terrain...and lastly terrain can't be "moved" to "make way" for troop movement....yeah, it happens and its the reason my bf stopped playing at the local hobby store.
And if you're more in mind of actual troop movement and such, that differs game to game. Mostly I push my anvil units forward, try to bait the fast cav to either commit to hitting the anvil or being drawn off by my skirmish units (dwarves really don't have much..except rangers...
). Of course you could always try the tactics that have proven successful in rl, just hope your opponent didn't read up on Hannibal.
And lastly that leads to how does your opponent play? Always after the objective win? Then counter that. Always after annihilation of yours regardless of the objective? Then go for the objective and defend afterwards. Targets your heroes? Then, sadly, use the hero as bait and complete the objective. Just wants to have fun regardless of the outcome of the game? ...then enjoy that.