Glad you like the game! Yes, your games will get faster. Besides getting used to the rules, figuring out common strategies, and memorizing the pattern of the wound chart, you'll learn how and when you can roll multiple dice in the shoot phase, e.g.: if one model is shooting at one target, roll a green die and a red die (green = hit, red = wound); or if three shooters are shooting at three targets with the same chance to wound, roll 3 dice, take the hits and roll to wound.
As for wounding, this is where the tactics come in. It's rarely useful to charge line to line. You want to do what you can to maximize your chance to wound, and this means getting more dice into each fight, getting spear support into fights, trapping, etc. You'll learn how to use terrain to your advantage, ways to separate some of your opponents models from the rest of his army, use magic to neutralize heroes, flank with cavalry, etc.