By the way, do you know Sauron isn't a Gaint Eye, he still had a bodily form, just a very weak one.
Gondor & Arnor Faction:
Knight of the White Tower Pts Value: 60
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
- Man Hero 6/- - - - 2 5 2
A Knight of the White Tower is a Command Company Upgrade available to formations of Minas Tirith Warriors, Minas Tirith Archers, Minas Tirith Knights, Citadel Guards and Guards of the Fountain Court
Special Rules:
White Sword of Gondor: Each hit the Knight of White Tower inflicts in a Heroic Duel counts as two hits.
Very good, though the special rule is very mean. I might make it +1 on the HD tableThe Kingdom of Rohan Faction:
King’s Huntsman Pts Value: 65
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
- Man Hero 5/4+ - - - 2 5 2
A King’s Huntsman is a Command Company Upgrade available to formations of Oathsworn Militia, Oathsworn Bowmen and Riders of Rohan Eoreds.
Special Rules:
Hunter: At the start of the shoot phase, the King’s Huntsman may select one enemy formation with 12” of the Huntsman to receive D3 automatic hits. This special shooting attack may be used if the formation has made a full movement in the preceding movement phase, and it does not prevent the formation from making a shooting attack or charging.
Nothing to add, very nice.The Elven Kingdoms Faction:
High Elf Stormcaller Pts Value: 100
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
- Elf Hero 6/- - - - 1 6 1
A High Elf Stormcaller is a Command Company Upgrade available to formations of High Elf Regiments, High Elf Archer Regiments, High Elf Cohorts and High Elf Knight Regiments
Magical Powers:
A High Elf Stormcaller has a Mastery Level of 1 and knows all the Spells of Command
Isn't this exactly the ordinary stormcaller.High Elf Knight Regiment Pts Value: 60 per company Rare Formation One to six companies
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
12” Elf Cavalry 6/3+ 3 6 4 2 5 -
- Elf Hero 7/3+ - - - 2 6 2
Wargear: Hand weapons, heavy armour, glaives and lances. They may take shields (increasing their defence to 6(7) ) or longbows for +5pts per company
Command: High Elf Commander 50pts
Banner Bearer 35pts
High Elf Hornblower 15pts
Special Rules: Pathfinders (Master), Terror, Expert Riders
Very goodThe Forgotten Kingdoms Faction:Gandalf the Grey in Cart Pts Value: 250 Legendary Formation
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
10”Spirit Monster 5/3+ 5 5 4 2 6 3
Wargear: Hand weapon and two-handed weapon
Magical Powers: Gandalf has a Mastery level of 3 and knows all the Spells of Command and Dismay
Special Rules: Pathfinders (Woodland), Terror, Very Hard to Kill!
Cart: Gandalf gains +4 attacks on the charge rather than +1
Fireworks: Gandalf may make a shooting attack with a range of 12”, a strength of 8 and has D3+2 attacks. In addition enemy formations receive no charge bonuses against Gandalf.
Pure brillianceMordor Faction:
Great Beast of Gorgoroth Pts Value: 150 Rare Formation
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
8”Great Beast Monster 4/- 7 7 3 2 2 -
- Orc Monster 3/5+ - - 10 1 2 -
Wargear: The Great Beast counts as armed with a hand weapon. The Orc Crew have hand weapons and bows.
Special Rules: Terror, Very Hard to Kill!
Trample: If the controller wishes, the Great Beast may elect to trample during the move phase. If it does so, its move value is increased to 20” until the end of the turn and it cannot charge. Move the Great Beast in a straight line, all enemy formations moved over suffer D3+1 Strength 7 hits per company that was moved over. If it lands on a formation, the formation must make a Fall Back move.
The Crew: The Crew may fire in the Shoot phase has made a full move and/or trampled. If the beast has not trampled, the Crew’s shooting attack does not prevent the Great Beast from charging.
Maybe add a stampede? It seems like a cheaper, more reliable Mumak now.The Misty Mountains Faction:
Groblug, King of the Deep Pts Value: 75 Epic Hero
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
- Goblin Hero 4/- - - - 2 4 3
Epic Actions: Epic Rage, Epic Rampage, Epic Strike, Epic Cowardice
Special Rules:
The Crown of Morgul
[color=#0000FF](Morgul=Moria?[/color]: All goblin Type formations within 8” of Groblug gain +1 to the Defence value
Ashrak the Spiderkin Pts Value: 85 Epic Hero
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
- Goblin Hero 3/- - - - 2 3 2
Epic Actions:, Epic Cowardice, Epic Ruination, Epic Defence
Magical Powers: He has a Mastery level of 1 and knows all the Spells of Ruin and Wilderness
Special Rules:
Death Touch: For every hit an enemy hero inflicts on Ashrak in a Heroic duel, roll a D6, on the roll of 4+, the enemy hero suffers one automatic hit. In addition, for every hit Ashrak inflicts on an enemy hero as a result of Heroic duel, roll a D6, on a 5+ the hero suffers one extra hit.
Poison Blood: If Ashrak is in a formation of Giant Spider Brood, or Spider Broodlings, the re-roll all failed to Hit rolls rather thna just 1s.
Far, far, far too cheap. 120 pts at the very least.Warg Marauder Warband Pts Value: 40 per company Rare Formation One to six companies
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
10” Goblin Cavalry 3/5+ 4 4(5) 2 3 2 -
10” Goblin Hero 4/5+ - - - 2 4 2
Wargear: Hand weapons, armour, shields and shortbows
Command: Marauder Chieftain 50pt
Special Rules: Prowlers, Expert Riders, Terror
On the Hunt: When making shooting attacks, Warg Marauder companies double their attacks.
Very niceDweller in the Dark Pts Value: 80 Rare Formation
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
8” Spirit Monster 7/- 6 5 3 2 5 -
Wargear: Hand weapons
Special Rules: Terror, Very hard to Kill!, Spirit Walk
Murderous Power: For each hit the Dweller inflicts in close combat, roll a D6, on the roll of a 5+ one wound counter is removed from the Dweller.
I say 90-100 pts, he's as good a TrollThe Watcher in the Water Pts Value: 350 Legendary Formation
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
4” Kraken Monster 6/2+ 7 7 6 2 4 3
Special Rules: Terror, Extremely Hard to Kill! (see Balrog/Dragon/Giant), Ambusher
Tentacles: These count as a throwing weapon with a range of 6” and a Strength of 8, The Watcher receives no penalty to its movement for this.
Water Dweller: When in difficult terrain that is a water feature, the Watcher’s movement is doubled rather than halved. The Watcher may also move through impassable terrain that is a water feature counting its movement as 8”
Very goodThe Fallen Realms Faction:
Corsair Reavers Pts Value: 35 per company Rare Formation One to three companies
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
6” Man Infantry 5/- 5 4 8 1 5 -
Wargear: Hand weapons and armour
Special Rules: Indomitable, Stalwart, Beserk
Very niceAngmar Faction:
Golfimbul Pts Value: 60 Epic Hero
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
- Orc Hero 4/- - - - 2 3 2
Epic Actions: Epic Rage, Epic Cowardice, Epic Sacrifice
Special Rules: Hobbitbane, Overlord
Once more, very nice, but shouldn't he be in Misty Mountains?Duskwraith Pts Value: 75 Epic Hero You may include up to three Duskwraiths
Move Race Type F S D A R C Mt
- Spirit Hero 4/- - - - 1 6 1
Epic Actions:, Epic Cowardice, Epic Sacrifice, Epic Defence
Magical Powers: He has a Mastery level of 1 and knows all the Spells of Dismay
Special Rules:
Pawn of the Witch-king: The controlling place may remove the Duskwraith as a casualty to give D3 Might points to one Ringwraith from the Angmar faction within 12” (this may take the Ringwraith’s Might above its starting value
Spirit Servant: A Duskwraith may join formations of Ghostly Legion, Ghostly Riders, Court of Fallen Kings and Werewolf Packs as if they did not have the We Stand Alone rule.
Though absolutely un-canon, very nice profileThank you all for reading