The 'Army in an afternoon' article is here: ... Id=8300013The Uruk Hai article is here: ... d=12300002The perfectionism thing is an issue. I say...don't be! I used to paint everything to the best standard I could, but it's not possible; it's too time consuming, painting becomes a chore, and the hobby's no fun anymore! Thing is, I haven't noticed any real difference. When you bear in mind that the mdoels will be viewed from standing height, you realise that doing things like getting the bases and big surfaces right is the main thing. I focus on trying to avoid smudging and 'going over the lines', but paint with fewer colours, and add variety by mix n'matching those few colours in varied combinations on batches of different models. Every now and again, a rank and file mdoel with have something extra, like a stolen weapon or scars or something, but it's surprising how good 'minimum effort' can look. I'll post some pics soon, and you can see if you agree. I know it might seem the 'But I'll know it's not the very, very best I could do!' feeling might seem like a barrier to just getting painting down, but really, it's easy to get over.
Again, it's not about putting out sub-standard models, but just about spending time on those special models that need it, and being pragmatic enough to neither rush or procrastinate over models that don't need as much attention!