Hashut's Blessing wrote:
HeavySoul: Are your Finecast miniatures made of something different to the sprue? QAlso, there is a link to someone's blog who has said the same thing, it's been said on Warseer as well. If you read the thread, it's that the sprue was a somewhat-controlled experiment to test the theory that had been proved by others before hand to show what the effects were.
To those saying 10 hours in direct sunlight wouldn't happen, that may be, but an Australian Summer inside is easily more than 24 degrees centigrade and lasts longer than a mere 10 hours.
Lastly, the ones inhe store window are possibly protected by the paint (I doubt it), which would be an upside, but it may also be inconsistency with the resin/plastic blend.
Regardless, paying a premium price for something that has such a low warp-threshold is stupid when it's called Finecast.
I appreciate people are excited, but the bottom line is that some are refusing to acknowledge that there are ANY problems with the product. Personally, I see there are advantages (crisper modling, less paint-chipping and lighter cases as a result. Plus, generally more non-heroes per buy than before), but these are far outweighed by the disadvantages (the amount of miscasts, the price, the melting factor, the metal-resin models aren't substantially different [although new models made FOR resin are good])...
Hashut, I don't have any Finecast miniatures yet but I'm not put off by the "evidence" of this "controlled experiment" (I think we can probably agree that it was hardly performed under laboratory conditions). I think it is important to realise that whilst the sprue is made from the same material as the mini they are a different size and thickness so the experiment may not be representative of what would actually happen to a miniature. I'm not saying that the same thing wouldn't happen to a mini I'm saying that the "evidence" does not prove that it would.
I'm reserving judgement on whether or not there are actually issues with Finecast, I will probably buy the Aragorn or Boromir blister in the next week or so....... but before you ask I won't be trying to melt them in direct sunlight (not because I don't want to be proved wrong but because they are too bloody expensive here in NZ to melt prove a point!).