I'm a big fan of the Journey Books--especially the Fellowship of the Ring & The Two Towers. The books are great because they allow for an extended campaign where you link the scenarios to play through the entire journey of the fellowship, from Bag End all the way to the fires of Mordor (though some of the rules for linking scenarios are a bit flawed--I'm working on houserules to fix that).
I have the Return of the King one but I've never read the books and the majority of it seemed to not concentrate on the films much.
I think it would definitely be worth it to get at least the FotR book. Sure, you'll have a greater appreciation for some of the scenarios if you've read the book (Tom Bombadil/Barrowdowns, warg attack, etc.), but in general the book hits all the high points of the movie. Plus, who doesn't want to fight all nine Wraiths with Gandalf?
I personally like the hobbit scenarios, but there are also some good scenarios in Moria (4) and at Amon Hen (3).