Xelee wrote:
Actaully HRM - I don't doubt that quite a few people would appreciate something more positive abpout Rohan in the way of some notes on how you play them - if you are keen? It wouldn't have to be on this thread necessarily.
I'm just stuck on looking at them and seeing what a formation of Uruk Xbows and Saruman (or Seige Bows and Wraiths or...) can do to them in a couple of turns! Which is definitely focusing too much on the problem.

A mate us up against me tommorrow night, and is game to give them a try non-houseruled - so I'd imagine he'd particulalry appreciate the advice.
The thing with Rohan is that you CAN'T get tricked into thinking your Eoreds are heavy cavalry. They're not. I know they have a higher Fight value than a lot of other cavalry, and equal to most "heavy cav" units (Swan Knights, Morgul Knights - only Galadhrim have higher, I believe), but the lack of lances and heavy armor blows a Trebuchet-sized hole in that plan right off the bat. You have to take advantage of what they DO do well, which is stick 'n' move type stuff. Three or four companies, max. Harass flanks, try and use the Devlan Mud out of Expert Rider - you're paying for it, you might as well use it. DO NOT ever fight on your opponents terms. DO NOT ever charge head-on. Hell, Riders of Rohan are almost as good as Outriders at what Outriders do best (though I do love that 2+ Shoot value). Speaking of Outriders, I find your opponent will do one of two things with them: either A) wisely ignore them, or B) waste FAR too much time on them. Depends on how experienced your opponent is.
What are your heavy hitters? Royal Knights and Sons Of Eorl, to be sure. Royal Guard on foot are good too, but are far too expensive in terms of cash to get a good 4-6 companies of them. Oathsworn Militia and Bowmen are actually pretty good considering their cheap-as-chips price. Most of Rohan's Legendary Formations are laughably bad deals (I'm looking at you, Erkenbrand's Riders), BUT some of the Battlehosts make them more worthy of consideration if you're inclined to go that route. Rohan has LOTS of good Epic Heroes - for 215 points the Elves get Elrond, or we get Erkenbrand, Eowyn and Eomer for 240 points. That's pretty damn good. Deorwine is a disgustingly good deal at 50 points.
You need to give your opponent lots of targets - large formations of cavalry tend to dry up quick under artillery or crossbow fire. Terrain is your friend. Use your speed and mobility. Magic, of course, is everyone's bane - not too much you can do other than ally someone in (I recommend Radagast). I personally try to stick and move, bob and weave... then try for a "knockout shot" late in the game with my Knights and Sons (if my opponent has unwisely left them alone, or I've managed to screen them). Be warned - if the KO punch wiffs, you're dead in the water.
They're like the Elves - they have a steep learning curve and they're not for beginners. I got de-freaking-molished every game when I started. I give 'em a not-so-solid 3 outta 5. If there's ever a WOTR 2nd Edition, I hope they get a subtle boost or two.