hithero wrote:
You are allowed to do this. You can use the 'count as' rule as per the GT rulespack (download it and have a read) but in your case if you use any Numenorians then all must be used as Arnor and only Numenorians used as Arnor, you can't mix models to represent one troop type. They must also be WYSIWYG so you should convert them all with spears. An unusual/different paint job (green?) would also be a good idea so your opponant doesn't get confused.
For a converion idea, cut off the sword. drill a tiny hole in the handle and glue to a piece of wire to make the spear. Drill hole in hand to take the spear. Simple, quick and effective but fragile.
In any case, you do need to contact the organisers and tell them.
I wouldn't dream of mixing and matching them - that would probably even confuse me, lol.
I was planning on buying Numenoreans with spears - and also converting the ones with swords that I already have. I really don't like the green of the current Arnor models (or the turbans...) so I would probably paint them with blues, to hearken back to their seafaring days, and blacks (maybe navy blue capes, etc.) Haven't thought out that aspect thoroughly, I wanted to find out if it was even possible first. If that's not enough to differentiate them I've been thinking of ways to add greenstuff chainmail to them.
I'll try and find some more detailed GT rules.
Thanks again