Another terrain / modelling project commenced here, as I finally managed to source and order some Dense Polystyrene - was known as Styrofoam, but now branded here in New Zealand at least, as Styrodur, supplied by Forman
link for any kiwis out there reading.
Always wanted to have a go at making this, here's what I managed so far over the weekend:
A long ways to go, but its been interesting to say the least. The building instruction description was a little unclear in places and several long hard looks at the pictures in the book were needed until I finally figured out which pillars and posts went where...
I'll try and keep you posted with progress.
update 3/10/9 - having seen images of splendid Amon Sul by Dagorlad, it has inspired me to a better final effect. So I have started plastering the whole structure with polyfilla, so as to be able to engrave a brick/stone effect into the surfaces. (Rather than painting the whole just with sand textured paint as I had originally planned...)
update 30/11/9 - finally returned to do some work on this model today. Again inspired by other works and interpretations of this model I have decided to substitute some of the small stump pillar remains, with full height ruined pillared arches. Looks much better now and more like the cylindrical towers remains it is supposed to represent. Have added the various curved wall sections too, as per book guide. Its coming together slowly. Still have to skim coat the whole thing with plaster now... I'll try and add a picture of progress shortly.
8/12/9 - pictures of above description.
Its a bit tricky to know how big or what style the Tower of Amon Sul was when new, which makes making an accurate ruin of it equally tricky. I have added the ruined arches, but on reflection have made them too flat topped, as there must have been another level above as there are stairs going up... So I am going add a layer of "rubble" atop the ruined arches flat tops, to hint further at what might once have been...
A little tip to those who wish to try this technique; add the plaster skim coat by making the plaster slightly more runny then instructed and paint it on with layers with an old paint brush. This is much easier than trying to put it on to a curved intricate model like this, with a putty trowel.
I still have to score in all the brickwork now, and added the plastic statues from the ruins of middle-earth set, add gravel as rubble, and of course build up the surrounds with more dense foam... oh and paint it.
update 19/12/9
Cat-litter added to tops of structures, and dense foam blocks added to tower-surround.
The structure now completely skimmed in plaster, ready for brick pattern etching, and will add a layer of sand textured paint over perimeter rock surround.
Brick etching completed (long labourious job, and only got finished as I used a couple of days off of my annual leave!).
Added two grades of modelling railway ballast gravel for rubble effect.
Added the two statues, from Ruins of MiddleEarth set. Trimmed the base piece off them and glued them into place, with PVA
Undercoated Black with a 50/50 mix of black paint and PVA glue. This undercoats and also helps seal the fine gravel in place and also gives overal structure a little extra strength.
Then drybrushed up several shades of grey.
Flocked the area with tealeaves over 50/50 brown paint and PVA.
Then added static grass. Finally added a few clumps of clump foliage.
Pictures below, I hope you like them.