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 Post subject: Scenario - Just droppin' by...
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:51 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:42 pm
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Location: Uppsala, Sweden.
It is still some years before the start of the War of the Ring, Erebor has once again been populated by Dáin's folk. A young Dwarf-Captain, Nurin Copperbraid, is out on a patrol with some of the Royal Guards to investigate in some wierd smokes comming from the mountains, seen by the Iron Guards.

The campfires had been abandoned, and there was no trace of where those who had lit them had gone, so Nurin ordered his company to get back to Erebor before the sun goes down.

On the way down the hills, Nurin would like to try a new passage, but his men thinks they are too short of time to do so, if they want to be back home in time for dinner along with the others at the garnison.

Nurin gives them a bet, he and two men will try the other passage, and if the others reaches Erebor before him, they get the next day off.

So the race begins, Nurin is young and agile, quickly running down the steep slopes, but one of the two guards following him is both old, tired, and got quite a beer-belly to carry.

Suddenly the elder guard trips, diving into Nurins back, Nurin grasps for the other guard's sleeve as a reflex to grab anything to hang onto. All three rumbles down the rocky slope, crashing straight into a goblin camp, straight into the side of their cooking pot!

The Frightened Goblins quickly scatters in fear, seeing only the golden war-masks and hearing the loud rumble. Just as they calm down and prepare to kill their uninvited "guests", the rest of the company arrives safely from around a corner, quickly rushing for their captain's aid!


The shelf on which the camp is, is between two sharp slopes, one going up and one going down. The shelf is aproximatly 8-12" wide, and 60" long.


Nurin (Dwarf Captain)
12 Khazad Guards
6 Iron Guards.

A Goblin Captain
12 Goblin spearmen
12 Goblin Shieldmen
12 Goblins with Orc-Bows


Place a marker for the fireplace 2 inches from the up-wards slope, by the middle of the playing area, the Goblins may deploy within 8" of it (they have just scattered in fear as the Dwarves fell down out of nowhere!) Nurin and 2 Khazad Guards are deployed on their sides in contact with the fireplace.

The rest of the dwarves will enter from either side (The dwarf player rolls a dice, on 1-3 they comes from one side, on 4-6 from the other, decide before you roll which side is which number).

Special rules:

Hey, it's raining dwarves..!
Nurin and the two Khazad Guards came down with such impact, that they all were knocked unconscious. For as long as they are, the goblins dare not touch them, they have the Terror rule whilst unconscious.

Ouch, me 'ead..!
Nurin and the two Khazad Guards are unconscious, and will awake on a roll of 4+ on any turn from Turn 2 and forwards, the dice is rolled in the dwarves' movement phase. The turn they awake, they may fight as normal, but not move.

What's goin' on in 'ere?
From turn 3 and onwards, the entire dwarf company will arrive on a roll of 3+, on turn 5 they come automaticly.

Kill the beardmen!
The Goblins are ordered to fight, and will listen to their captains order - atleast until they see how it's going. They may not attempt to escape to their king until they have taken atleast 10 cassualties.


The good side loses if Nurin is killed. All Khazad Guards are his Bodyguards, and will pass any courage tests needed as long as he is alive. (As described in their entry.)

The Evil sides needs to get atleast 3 goblins back to their home to alert their king what happened (3, as goblins don't even trust each other as much, and the king requires atleast 3 sorces of information before he would believe it.)

To do so the model must exit by the road, on either side. When he exits the board, roll a dice, on 1-4 the goblin either, gets lost, bumps into another dwarf patrol and is slain, or gets killed by something else. On a 5 or six he makes his way back to the goblin King.

If Nurin is slain, but not enough goblins gets back safely, the game is a draw.

Edit: Added another special rule.

Gold, silver, mithril.. You call that stuff treassure? Copper is the real deal!

Last edited by Nurin on Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:30 am 
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Joined: Mon Sep 21, 2009 8:42 pm
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Location: Uppsala, Sweden.
Battle Report on the scenario:

I decided to try the scenario (and modified the numbers to make it somewhat even). This is how it went:

Turn 1: Priority - Good side first.

Nurin and his two friends lies unconscious on the ground, groaning faintly in pain from the bumpy ride down the hill. Yet none of them awaken to notice where they are.

The Goblins are screaming at eachother, some of them (4 spearmen and 4 shieldmen) move closer to investigate the wierd "Downfallers".

Turn 2: Priority roll; Dwarves 4 goblins 2.

Nurin and his friends remain unconscious.

The goblins are screaming at their friends to go closer, but they dare not touch the dwarves (Fails to charge as a failed courage test against a terrifying enemy).

Turn 3: Priority roll; Dwarves 3 goblins 5.

The goblins keep screaming at their friends, and they move closer to the wierd beings (Courage test succeeded, they move into base contact).

Suddenly a horn is heard, and the Dwarf Company arrives at the scene, looking confusedly at the frightened goblins.

Nurin and his friends open their eyes just in time to see the closing-in goblins, and quickly snatches their axes, ready to strike!

The goblins use their bows against the dwarves (3 hits) but their arrows seems to bounce off the armored dwarves (no cassualties).

Six dwarven axes are hurled back to answer for the arrows, and two goblins archers are slain.

Nurin and his two guards bounce up from the ground, just in time to parry off the blows from the sneaky goblins. Nurin takes down two shieldsmen with his two-handed axe, and one of his friends puts a well-placed one-handed axe between another shieldman's eyes.

Turn 4: Priority roll; Dwarves 6 goblins 4.

The dwarves charges towards the bulk of goblins, hurling their throwing axes against them (another 3 goblins, 1 spearman and 2 archers are slain).

Nurin and his guards charge into the curious sneakers (the remaining goblins of those who attempted to kill them in their sleepyness!)

The Goblins are just about to shoot down the charging dwarves, but they hesitate for too long, and their friends are engaged in combat. They decide, however to try to snipe down the dwarves. (4 hits, 3 on the goblins, 1 on an Iron Guard.) To their great dissapointment, the only cassualties are goblins. (2 goblin spearmen gets slain!)

Nurin slays the two spearmen who had been hiding behind the newly dead shieldmen, the khazad guard who did not kill his shieldman, now cleaves it in half with his axe! The other khazad guard flings his axe against the spearman facing him, but the spearman pokes him (or rather, softly tickles?) in his belly with his long stick.

The two bulks of goblins and dwarves are in full steam fighting now. The Iron Guards at the front (whom I must agree with GW, make extremely good shock-troops!) cuts down goblins at full steam, but one gets one too many spears against him, and falls dead. (Total cassualties there - 4 goblin shieldmen, 1 goblin spearman, 1 Iron Guard.)

Turn 5: Priority roll; Dwarves 2 goblins 2 - Goblins begin!

The Goblin archers starts fearing for the outcome of this fight, and quickly flees past Nurin and the two Guards.

The bulk sends on their second wave, with their captain ahead, into the dwarvish company.

One Iron Guard finds himself cut off, and see a spearman patheticly trying to poke a dwarf over the head of his friend, and a well-put throwing axe ends his missery. (1 spearman slain by throwing axe)

Nurin rushes to help one of his guards killing the spearman who poked him in the belly.

The dwarven guards from the company manages to squeeze in on the side of the goblin bulk, drawing some of the spearmen towards themselves.

Nurin and his guards easily cuts down the two goblin spearmen who patheticly waves about with their sharp, long sticks.

The Goblin Captain roars in anger towards the dwarves, chopping down an Iron Guard, the dwarves repents mostly, but also suffers cassualties from the horde of angry goblins. (Dwarves loses 2 Iron Guards and 1 Khazad Guard. Goblin loses 5 more shieldmen and 2 spearmen! I start to wonder why I was complaining about things being hard to kill... =o ).

Turn 6: Priority roll; Dwarves 3 Goblins 4.

The goblin archers quickly keeps running.

Nurin realizes he won't catch up with them, and decides to crush the goblin bulk from behind instead.

The goblin bulk gets trapped by the "Downfallers" and the company, but keeps on fighting! It is not hard to see, though, which side stands superior to the other. (The goblin captain expends both his might, 1 to win the fight, and adds 1 to a wound roll against a Khazad Guard. The dwarves lose 2 Khazad guards, the goblins lose their last 5 shieldsmen, and 4 of their spearmen.)

Turn 7: Priority roll; Dwarves 4 Goblins 6.

The goblin archers slow down their pace abit, turning around to fire off a last volley towards the beardmen.

Nurin engages with the goblin captain, whilst his men completely surround the three remaining spearmen.

The archers fires off all they have! (14 shots) towards Nurin! (6 hits, 5 on Nurin, 1 on the captain.) Nurin quickly turns around for a slight second, and an arrow bounces by the eye-socket of his war mask, the arrowhead is broken and flings against his eyebrow, burrying itself into it. (Nurin takes 1 wound, his fate dice fails).

Furiously, Nurin repents against the goblin captain, cleaving him in half (expanding both his might to do so!) with his two-handed axe! The other spearmen are quickly slain.

Turn 8: Priority roll; Dwarves 5 Goblins 4.

The Dwarves begin to chase the goblin archers...

... But these are too far ahead and runs as fast as they can to avoid the wrath of the dwarves!

Turn 9: Priority roll; Dwarves 3, Goblins 5.

The Goblins escapes around the corner, and are left in the mercy of the wild...

Of the 14 escaping goblins, 4 make it back to the King.

The game is a draw, but both sides had their own, minor victories!

As for Nurin's company, well, they didn't make it back before sundown, but as he had to see a doctor to tend to his eyebrow, they got the day off anyhow!

Gold, silver, mithril.. You call that stuff treassure? Copper is the real deal!
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:57 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:10 pm
Posts: 2
Location: London
Very nice 8)

The scenario was very good as was the report. However you could maybe increase the amount of goblins needed to be slain before the run back to there king as the archers could hang by the edges waiting for their comrades to die.

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