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PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2009 11:36 pm 
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Half-crushed Uruk #34 wrote:
ER, no, Mr. Elf, I'm not quite dead. See, this bit on my left arm.. it's not bruised. Now, if you shot me in the right shin, I might juuust expire.

its a good thing PJ isnt smart enough to think of that :twisted:

"a box without hinges key or a lid yet golden treasure inside is hid"
Bilbo to gollum underneath the misty mountains
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:10 am 

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for me it would have to be the constant gay sam and fordo scenes and that pathetic look fordo gives when gandalf dies the first time i almost vomited. oh and in every battle when men simply get sluaghtered and the orcs always win. and aragorns gay necklace it takes away the entire aragorn image and makes him look like a pansy and also that the movies are hardly related at all to the books
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:18 am 
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I think the worst part is...

when a mysterious old man, who nobody really knows anything about, turns up and dazzles the youth of the Shire with some fireworks, before 'persuading' a few of them to elope during the night, without telling anyone where they are going, to meet him in a pub. Where his 'friend,' who also uses an alias and spends most of his time in hiding will be waiting for them...

No wonder he gets locked up.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:50 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Hadn't though of it that way John, and with good reason. Now I'm even MORE scared of meeting you on a dark night. :shock:

"Mustard the Rohirrim! We've got to ketchup with those Uruk-fries before they capture the Hornburger!"
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:36 pm 
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gaarew wrote:
I think the worst part is...

when a mysterious old man, who nobody really knows anything about, turns up and dazzles the youth of the Shire with some fireworks, before 'persuading' a few of them to elope during the night, without telling anyone where they are going, to meet him in a pub. Where his 'friend,' who also uses an alias and spends most of his time in hiding will be waiting for them...

No wonder he gets locked up.

Clearly Saruman was just trying to uphold the law and keep those pervs off the streets! 8)

Anyway, I pretty much dislike all the scenes involving Legolas and the segments of the films that focus on Frodo and Sam.

And now… perfected. My fighting Uruk-hai!
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:31 am 
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what really steamed my broccoli was the inconsistency of the armour. It didn't matter where the stroke fell, the warrior always died instanly.

1) At the end of the first movie, when aragorn, legolas, & gimli were fighting at the top of Amon Hen, legolas takes out an arrow and shoves it through the an uruks head! if it went through his eye id understand but his forehead? and it had to go through his skull too! he cant be that strong. and the arrow would just break! :-X

2) at the battle of helms deep, the uruks are supposed to have abnormally thick armour...and they just get owned by arrows!

3) at the battle of pelennor fields, after eowyn and merry almost get crushed by the mumak, an orc grabs merry and picks him up. then suddenly when merry tries to cut his throat, it takes three tries to do so!

I could go on and on...the list is almost infinite.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 1:45 am 
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at the battle of helms deep, the uruks are supposed to have abnormally thick armour...and they just get owned by arrows!

true and in the movie they say the uruks are olny vulnerable or most vulnerable under the arms and in the necks and the warriors defending helms deep cant seem to shoot in a straight line even with a hundred elves thats good shooting

"a box without hinges key or a lid yet golden treasure inside is hid"
Bilbo to gollum underneath the misty mountains
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:06 am 
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allso how in the short cut to mushrooms scene when farmer maggot is after merry and pippin merry and the farmer are quite freindly in the book or pippin and the farmer cant quite remember

"a box without hinges key or a lid yet golden treasure inside is hid"
Bilbo to gollum underneath the misty mountains
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:31 am 
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I fast-forward through most of the Two Towers. If you didn't already know the story, you'd be going "wtf?" constantly.

- stupid plot twist with the Ents
- stupid plot twist with Faramir (except it's almost worth it for the Gollum scene)
- stupid WoMT shooting arrows at the tower and Gandalf has to remind them about Siege Defense 101.
- overly fragile Gondorian walls and trebuchets. The walls shatter like eggs...ridiculous. And if a fell beast was so heavy it could even knock over a trebuchet, never mind blow it apart, it would never fly. Love the grab 4 guys and let them drop 400 feet though...

I will disagree with those moaning about the Sam and Frodo scenes. Gollum is the bestest. Really incredible, the guy should have got an Oscar. And it's a testament to our coddled lives that some of us can't comprehend that level of depth, sacrifice and friendship through trials, without worrying about it being "gay". I think Tolkien would have approved, he'd actually been in a war.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:40 am 
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Frodo's face when he gets stabbed and stung. I swear he is reaching a pleasurable peak, it really ruins the moment.

The many looks that Frodo and Sam give each other, you wonder if something is going on behind camera... :P

I genuinely dislike the walk to Mordor up the cliff face after Minas Morgul, I skip it every time. I have only watched that part twice through.

The forest gump like scene when Frodo runs to the ferry and jumps... I think it should be slow motion, at least make it fully corny if you are going there. He just jumps, if you blinked you would miss it.

Im done, for now.


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:14 am 

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The worst bit is the fact that they tried to squeeze a potential 30 hour movie into a tenth of that time.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:33 am 
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whafrog wrote:
And it's a testament to our coddled lives that some of us can't comprehend that level of depth, sacrifice and friendship through trials, without worrying about it being "gay". I think Tolkien would have approved, he'd actually been in a war.
I could not agree with you more. I fear for the future of society.

Anyway, my least favorite part was the complete absence of Tom Bombadil.
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:55 am 
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General Haar wrote:
Anyway, my least favorite part was the complete absence of Tom Bombadil.

That would have been such a great scene.... instead they had to move Old Man Willow to Fangorn. :roll:

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:25 pm 
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whafrog wrote:
I will disagree with those moaning about the Sam and Frodo scenes. Gollum is the bestest. Really incredible, the guy should have got an Oscar. And it's a testament to our coddled lives that some of us can't comprehend that level of depth, sacrifice and friendship through trials, without worrying about it being "gay". I think Tolkien would have approved, he'd actually been in a war.

I comprehend those concepts in the movie, but it's just boring compared to the other stuff happening :p. Plus you have to admit, that sometimes Frodo is looking at Sam and you can hear him think "i'm so happy you're here, good-lookin'!"
And then Sam looks at Frodo thinking very woriedly "you haven't run out of soap have you, mister Frodo?"

I was watching RotK again lately, and I suddenly wondered why Gandalf told Theoden to go to Minas Tirith's aid, while he was also sending Aragorn to get the army of the dead. in the book it makes sense, but in the movie the AotD kills everyone, so it didn't matter wether the Rohirrim charged in or not. It just caused many of them to die.
Ofcourse, the charge looked good. I still get goosebumps when i see it :)

"You tit! I soiled my armor, I was that scared!" - Sir Robin the Brave, Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail"
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 Post subject: legolas
PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:48 pm 
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Legolas did some naff lines

"the sky is red, blood has been spilled this night."

What's the point????
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:17 pm 
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[quote="whafrog"]Gollum is the bestest. Really incredible, the guy should have got an Oscar.quote]

Yes he should have, but didn't the series get a record breaking amount of Oscars anyway? I mean, it's awsome that it was so great :yay: but it's definetly in that category (along w/ most of the Star Wars) of movies that hog the Oscars. I imagine all the non-LOTR fanatics might think it's not fair for one movie to get so much hype (even if it deserves it, as LOTR totally does 8) :-D :yay: )

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:43 am 

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For me the end was the worst part!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:15 pm 
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Every moment with Arwen...

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 Post subject: Re: legolas
PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:08 pm 
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jebbo wrote:
Legolas did some naff lines

"the sky is red, blood has been spilled this night."

What's the point????
Maybe something to do with the old poem: 'red sky at night sailors delight, red sky in the morning sailors warning'? :roll:
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 5:33 pm 
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I think the worst part is when gandalf holds of the balrog, i mean, a goofy old man grinning at you and shouting "YOUY CANNOT PASS!!"
Also, the hobbits is kinda annoying, i mean, the way frodo and sam look at each other, and at the end of FotR when pippin and merry hides under a tree TOGETHER and says "hey, come and hide here, its safer (blink blink)" :o

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