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 Post subject: Got some not so pleasant news this week...
PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:37 am 
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Well, I have been having some numbness in my arms, legs and most of my body for a little over a month now. I have gotten slightly better...not as numb in the legs or my body, but still having some difficulties in my hands and arms. I went for some MRI scans and also had a spinal tap (I am not going to lie...I've played sports my whole life, broke lots of bones and pulled alot of muscles, but this had to be one of the worst things I've ever had done to me) and was told that I have Multiple Sclerosis.

So, what does this mean for my hobby...well, I'll be in and out of commission as these attacks happen...hopefully they are not very often and not too severe. I am trying to work on my Elrond, Master of Rivendell presently on and off when I can keep my hands steady and when I am not too tired. So, what used to take me on average of 4-6 hours per mini will likely take me alot longer these days, but I refuse to give in to this and I refuse to give up this hobby.

I am going to have to possibly set aside The Hobbit supplement I was working on, unless I can get a few people to throw the finishing touches on it...if you can help and want to get at the few remaining bits of this supplement please PM me and let me know what you'd like to try and tackle. Thanks in advance and don't worry I'm not going anywhere...but I'll just produce alot slower than before.

All the best,

No one feels as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
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 Post subject: Re: Got some not so pleasant news this week...
PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:19 am 
Elven Warrior
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Horrible News Dave. Truly Horrible. Have the doctors told you what kind of subtype it is?

[quote="BilboOfTheWhiteTower"]I am going to have to possibly set aside The Hobbit supplement I was working on, unless I can get a few people to throw the finishing touches on it...if you can help and want to get at the few remaining bits of this supplement please PM me and let me know what you'd like to try and tackle. Thanks in advance and don't worry I'm not going anywhere...but I'll just produce alot slower than before./quote]

Gladly, anything I could do to help mate.

Good luck!
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:40 am 
Dark Lord of Moria
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I have been sitting here for over 10 minutes with the 'REPLY' box open and just staring at the screen !
How do you reply to something like this ?

I have known you a long time Dave and you have had more than your fair share of sh1t to deal with in the last couple of years.

Reading what you posted initially made me feel deeply saddened, then angry (not at you or what you posted, but the fact that you have now been diagnosed with MS).

But then, I felt 'uplifted' at your fighting spirit and your refusal to let this control your life and dictate what you can and cant do.

If I can be of any help with the supp, please let me know. You know I have offered my services but am limited in the Gaming Structure to help in that department, but with each Graphic thing I do, I learn more and more, and if you require or would like enhancements, I will have no issue helping where I can.

Also, you know me here, you know how to PM me or contact me via email, and if you just want to talk or b1tch at some one, my messaging facility's will ALWAYS be at your disposal.

Again, I am deeply saddened by your news, always here for you mate if you need me, as I am sure most are !!!

There are fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:07 am 
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I know what you are facing Dave, my sister has MS as well. It's not something I talk about publicly, because I guess it's something I don't really know how to deal with.

You are one of the guys on the OR that make this my home; you are family to me and it is gut-wrenching to hear this kind of news (again).

Fight it, do whatever it takes to stave it off, never give up.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:54 am 
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I am almost afraid of opening any thread that has such an intimidating title, as I never know what to say to anyone who has had some misfortune inflicted upon them.

I used to work with a guy who had MS when I was still in public service. He was one of the most cheerful people in a place where others moaned about everything. He utterly refused to allow the illness to get him down and had the support of many colleagues, friends and relatives who found that he was the inspiration behind manys a memorable occasion - and he made plenty of jokes about his situation, sometimes horrifying those who did not know him, which made him laugh all the more. I have seen others overcome similarly great adversities in life.

So I very much admire your fighting spirit, and wish you the very best. Your conversions have always been a joy to behold as you often pull something intriguingly wonderful from an assemblage of hitherto disparate pieces. Maybe this will slow you a bit, but I believe that it is the quality that counts, in the end.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:32 am 
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There’s MS in my family as well (subtype “Secondary Progressive”). Apart from what’s already been said above, I’d like to add this: after a long period of recession the person in question is enjoying a remarkable improvement of her health (due to some fairly expensive medication, I’m sorry to say). I’m talking about: being able to cycle for 20miles again after having to use a scooter fur much shorter distances; walking normal again without the aid of a stick; having lots of new energy for all sorts of activities. A few years ago we didn’t dare to hope that this kind of improvement would’ve been possible. Let’s hope for the best, David.

I’m afraid I can’t help you with your Hobbit supplement, but in case you have some questions about Hobbit scenery matters… just ask.


Ab hac die aut deserta tene aut in mare demerge
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 2:51 pm 
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Hello all!

My name is Lisa and I am David's wife. Most of you only know me probably through the the completely untrue and biased stories my husband has told you to make himself look like the better spouse. Which incidentally I let him think :). I just want to tell you all how much your kindness means to me and also to Dave. He cares so much about you guys here, even though he hasn't met the majority of you face to face he does count you among his friends. He tells me stories of all of you so I feel like I know some of you as well. We have prayed for some of you in times of trial and have been excited for some of you in times of happiness. As a spouse not sharing this hobby (horrifying I know!) it makes me happy that the forum makes Dave so happy and that he has good, decent people to share it with. So I guess I just want to say thank you, thank you for being there for him and offering your support. It means more than I can say. Some of you said something very true, Dave is a fighter and that is why I married him : ). Thank you again, I'll stop now before all of you start groaning at my female gushing. I just wanted to let you know what it means to us.



And how do I top that! :lol:
Thank you all for the kind words and I count you guys as family as well...I truly do!

As for the sub-type I am unsure as what the doctor thinks it is (I have to meet him again on Tuesday and have another MRI scheduled for today so he can get some clearer pictures). This was my first "attack" and so far the MRI shows some spots in the brain and just the one inflamed area on my spinal cord. At first I thought I had a nasty pinched nerve and went to a chiropractor, then when the numbness in my legs improved I started to Google what kinds of things might cause these symptoms...MS came up as a possibility. So when I found out for sure I wasn't all that shocked and surprisingly I am pretty ok with it. I was a little worried that I'd lose the ability to partake in this hobby, but I won't let it as I can't give in like that. Hell I have $1000's of dollars wrapped up in this hobby (shhhh don't tell Lisa ;)) and I need to finish those hobbits! :lol:

Guys thank you again for your kind words and I hope that some day I can meet up with each of you in person and shoot the [word deleted] in a pub over a nice brew (or 2 or 3...hehe)!

Your bud,

No one feels as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:15 pm 
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. . . . . . or 5

im still going to come and see you one day dave . . all i can say is these things are sent to test us matey ,but i for one will always be at the end of an email (or msn if you ever get it !!) as (and ive said this before) your one of my closest friends..

BTW . . . . HI OGI !!
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:34 pm 
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I'm sorry to hear that, Bilbo - although our paths have never crossed that much (me being on TP, you on OR/TLA), yours is one of the few names that has resonated continuously through my 4 year LotR SBG online 'career' - a more dedicated online hobbyist I have yet to meet.

I hope and pray that you'll do well. Through my experience (I also have a chronic condition, though not as bad as MS), the best thing to do is just to take the medication, try to live as normal a life as possible, and not to dwell on it or let it get on top of you...then it gets difficult, if all those go wrong. Forget about it when you can, and if it gets too much, turn to OR and the other online communities and occupy yourself with dispensing your invaluable advice.

If you want help on The Hobbit Supplement, just drop me a PM - I might have time, now Sons of Gondor is out of the way (although others are stepping in to takes its place!). Just one little query: is it an update to this, or something entirely different?

All the best,


Sons of Gondor is here!
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 8:32 pm 
Elven Warrior
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So sorry to hear this Dave, I'm just lossed for words. I don't know a lot about MS but I do know it wont dampen your spirits. Glad to hear you aren't packing in the hobby, you have a brilliant eye for conversions and your comments are always sensible and well explained. This community has a few well known 'faces' (or usernames) and you being one of them, I only hope continue to post here long into the future.

If you need help of any sort with the Hobbit supplement, don't hesitate to PM me

The Southern Fiefdoms:
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 10:40 pm 
Elven Warrior
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lorderkenbrand wrote:
So sorry to hear this Dave, I'm just lossed for words. I don't know a lot about MS but I do know it wont dampen your spirits. Glad to hear you aren't packing in the hobby, you have a brilliant eye for conversions and your comments are always sensible and well explained. This community has a few well known 'faces' (or usernames) and you being one of them, I only hope continue to post here long into the future.

If you need help of any sort with the Hobbit supplement, don't hesitate to PM me

I agree completely and could not of worded it better myself.

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 11:41 pm 
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Hi David.

I'm so sorry mate but I'm really heartened to know of your faith and that your loving wife is by your side. It will mean a lot.
I've had a chronic illness for over 25 years (not MS). Down at the hospital, they've sometimes asked me to talk to the newly diagnosed people to let them know, this isn't the end, just the beginning of a new chapter.

Bec (my better half) and I will keep you and Lisa in our prayers (that's a promise mate).

Keep us in the loop mate.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 12:28 am 
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Not many words from Azog for once ... pahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
I felt deflated and 'hollow' when I read your news but cheered by your attitude NOT TO BE BEATEN.

<wish>Azog hopes for more sunny days than cloudy days for you and your other half.</wish> ... take care both of you.

Careful with that axe of yours... Dain!


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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:53 am 
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As said before... How can I reply to this? I'm a writer, too, fer Chrissake.

What can I say that hasn't already been said? The feeling's universal throughout One-Ring, Dave. Your work here in the hobby has truly been an inspiration to us all. I know it's given at least me something to aspire to. But even more inspiring is your ability to keep going, to fight, and to refuse to let this bring you down in any way. That's fantastic, it really is. It's hard on all of us to hear this news, but I'm glad to see that you're making the most of it.

Although we haven't interacted beyond a few fantastic trades, I can tell you're a person I'd get along with fantastically if we met. If you're ever around the Chicago area, let me know.

As for helping you with the supplement, I'd love to be of assistance, if you need something written or some such work. I'll have a bit of free time what with the winter break coming up.

Best wishes,
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 8:54 am 

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geeze mate sorry about the bad news. now my mum used to work at the gym and they had a guy with really bad MS now he started going every day excersiing and doing weights. he is now at least 60 percent better. excersice will help you quite alot with it. so i beg you to get something like a gym membership or somethnig like that cause it will help so much.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 1:59 pm 
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Thank you all very much for the kind words and prayers, it really means alot more than you can imagine!

Mitch, spot on brother...I've needed to get my dumpy ass back into the gym and get myself back into the athletic shape I was in when I left high school a millennia ago...well it seems like it has been that long anyway. :lol:
I've got about 40lbs to drop and if I get back into my high protein diet I'll be able to put the muscle I had right back on. Tell your mom that I'll heed her words and make sure I don't sit around on my rump.

Again, I cannot thank you guys enough for the support, and for those who have offered to help on the supplement I'll get with you ASAP. Thanks again!!


No one feels as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:28 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Somehow I missed this thread. Deep down I wish I would have missed it even more. Dave, I'm incredibly saddened when I hear news like this. I know these types of diseases can been completely life changing. However, they are not necessarily life crippling. You have the fighting spirit to not let it consume you. Keep fighting my friend.

I count myself even luckier today knowing that I'm one of the family here that has met you and your wonderful wife.

Keep your head up!

P.S. Now you absolutely have to come out to Chicago next year for the Grand Tournament! How better to show the world that this will not keep you down.

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:32 pm 
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I am planning on hitting the US sometime in the next couple of years to attend a wedding (John, come on buddy, set the date!) It's just a short hop from Chicago to Niagra Falls, so you'd better tidy up the spare room Dave.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:13 am 
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Dagorlad wrote:
I am planning on hitting the US sometime in the next couple of years to attend a wedding (John, come on buddy, set the date!) It's just a short hop from Chicago to Niagra Falls, so you'd better tidy up the spare room Dave.

Trust me Alan, you'd definitely have a place to stay if you swing by! :D

No one feels as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:42 am 
Dark Lord of Moria
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In my last post here, I said that I sat with the 'reply' box open for 10 minutes before posting, be honest, I did it again yesterday, but this time I could not reply.
I had just read Lisa's comments and I will admit, I cried like a baby :sad:

Even though I have never met you Dave, or your wife, I feel that not only do I know you via our chat and most of all connectiing with you via the 'Face Behind The Post Thread' (a picture of who you are talking to connects you so much more), that although we have not even corresponded, I also felt I know Lisa.
Most of our partners shun this side of us with regards to the Hobby and play nice when we say 'what do you think' when we show them a newly finished miniature, but to have Lisa come here and say what she did, well...I dont have the words to explain how I felt !

With Topics such as this, it really is a case of 'What the hell do you say' ?

And this is my point !!! Why the hell should we let this topic all be about Doom & Gloom !

Your here still. I am sure you will be for a long time to come. You are a fighter, no doubt in that, you have the possitive attitude that is needed in times like this, but most of all, you have the love of the people around you (at home and Online).

I think it will take some strong words to turn this thread around and put it in the right direction.
Stop your moping around, post some damn Hobbit conversions, stop giving us excuses (this is the worst example of not being able to do the hobby I have heard to date).
This is the 'Geordie' (Someone from Newcastle) way of life, were tough, we never complain, of Bad Backs, or how much work is killing us etc !!!!

@ Lisa.
Thankyou sooo much for coming online at One Ring and voicing your thoughts. Dave is 'truly' loved here.
For some strange reason, we all connect and bond here (and no, were not all greasy spotty MacDonald employees with no real lives, who work part time in Games Workshop...well okay, Dagorlad (Alan) is).
This must have been as much a shock to you as it was to Dave himself, but I am sure with such a loving wife, both of you will see this damn thing through !!!

One Rings doors are open and always will be for you David, no matter what your need.

I will leave you with this ...

Love you mate !!!! Take care !

There are fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world
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