Depending of what army are you playing...
My friend plays with Uruks and well I am the Gondor player but I would never play Warriors of Minas Tirith (WoMT) cause they´ll get slaughtered...
My preferred choise is to use Guardians of the Fountain Court (GotFC)
They seem to be quite eqaul as they wound each other with 6´s and have the same fighting skill
Though MY most cruel and favourite option are the Dead...
Not only do the dead cause terror but also they wound uruks on 4+ however uruks wound them on 6´s
And from what I´ve heard Rohans cavalary charge would make an easy work on Uruks pike block...
And Also Grey Company would amke a short work on the Uruks...
Though they wound uruks with 6´s , they still (rangers) come in great numbers and well imagine about 4 RotN and 16 RoA shooting, hitting on 3´s and wounding on 6´. Well about 3-4 uruks should die every turn...
There are diffrent stratagiec how to beat diffrent armys...
Could You specifie wich army do you play?