Arrrgh, two updates in one day, the paintathon train is rolling again!
BilboOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
I cannot wait to see how Saruman comes out.
Probably in a flamboyant and exagerrated way involving glitter, leather pants and...
Oh, you mean you can't wait to see him finished.
BilboOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
I've always had a hard time painting it and when I do I tend to dirty it so I can hide my mistakes.
Dave, you are a man after my own heart. if you can't make it look as good as you want, obscure the offending areas with ink. It's why I love Evil models.
Commander_cool wrote:
Looks promising. There are one or two blemishes of metal flash on the robes though - if they are covered strategically with paint they will probably be less distracting.
Yup, I think he's also been down the beach, there seems to be bits of sand in all sorts of hard to reach places. I'm normally quite picky about cleaning up my minis, must have been a concentration lapse seeing as I batch built about 50 in the one go.
Commander_cool wrote:
Saruman's staff is traditionally a shiny black, unless you are heading away from that colour palette?
Hmmmm, I'm not really sure where I'm going. I don't want a carbon copy of the film Saruman, or the GW version, although I still want him to be recognisable.
I might go with the black to contrast the white robes, or I'm also tempted by a kind of beechy colour, to more reflect the fact this is 'good' Saruman.
Generally, I know I'm on the right track if I show the missus the figure and she recognises it. There have been a few odd moments though, like whe she told me I was holding Gimbli...
Still, I've got a few more stages done. Still have to do the pure Bleached Bone and the final white highlights.