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 Post subject: "Shadow of the Dog Lord" second edition!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 12:58 am 
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Well, it's actually been in the works for a while, but I figured I may as well update it here as well as on the White City and my blog...

Well, three months ago (to the day actually), my girlfriend Xen broke up with me, tearing my heart out and started seeing another man who she promised me she had no feelings for. In a towering temper, I decided to delete all of her contributions to the roleplaying book, aswell as his.

Enter second edition "Dog Lord"...which is being described (by me of course) as the Lord of the Rings SBG of the roleplaying market. I did a few playtests this last weekend to demonstrate it, and here we go:

With the deletion of the complecated Class Tree system her prefect man created, character creation flies by as smooth as butter...example:

Instead of the traditional gaming on the weekend, I brought the lads together and asked them to bring their rulebooks for both Dungeons and Dragons and Exalted, both reasonably popular games in the area. I said "alright, we will be creating three characters today: one for D&D, one for Exalted, and one for Dog Lord...let's start".

Little did they realize I was timing them, and my results were pleasing:

* The average time for the Dungeons and Dragons characters was about thirty-three minutes.
* The average time for creating an Exalted character was about forty-eight minutes
* And the average time for creating a "Dog Lord" character was sixteen minutes :shock:

I was shocked. They said how easy it was, especially compaired to the Exalted rules.

So, I've been toying around with more rules and such. The game is going to be aimed for both beginners and veterans...and will be proofread and tested far better than GW books (has anyone else noticed the spelling error on the back cover of the Harad sourcebook :shock: ?).

Cheers, until the next update,

Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 4:16 am 
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Do the rules cost $$$

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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 5:52 pm 
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So heartbreak is a great motivation, in your experience?

Proofreading is something you need to adopt so that it becomes almost instinctive. You also need to look at the use of idioms (flying butter?)

Published ebooks:
Instrument of the Empire
A Note of Defiance
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 5:59 pm 
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@ maskrider: Once it is finished and published, yes, it shall cost money, but by my copy shop's estamates, not as expensive as D&D, Exalted, and other similar books.

@ Dorth, yep, I have found that heartbreak pushes one to work harder...I think it's to prove to the ex that you are not worthless and to make them regret leaving you :wink:

We've been getting into vast discussions on the subject on Red Corsair's website, so I'll eventually spill the news and stuff over here.

Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 9:23 pm 
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Will it be in anyway downloadable cause im in New Zealand.........
Bu twould lve a copy.

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
Thank you
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 9:47 pm 
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In addition to being printed in "book" format, there will also be a digital copy put up on Lulu Publishing for downloading as a PDF file, so you can store it on your hard-drive (and so your laptop acts as a custom GM screen). That will have a minimal charge, like $5-10, as necessary to pay for printings and miniatures, as well as paying for the commissions for artwork (did you think I was mental enough to try to do it all myself :wink: ).

Thank you for showing an interest means a lot when people show interest in a new game that hesn't even been shown to the general public yet :)

Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:39 pm 
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I always so interest 4 new games AWSOME to hear you will put it on the internet i can breath again lol

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
Thank you
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 10:46 pm 
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Not a problem...the publishing online was suggested to me for several reasons:

One, a person can print it off in Black and White and save a boatload on ink (relatively speaking). Two, the Game master can have it on their laptop so the players can't see what page he or she is turned to, and therefore can't metagame (using knowledge their characters do not know in game).

Plus it saves me on paper and ink as well :wink:

Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2008 11:02 pm 
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yea always nice nt having your players knowing more than your characters i hve recently started using rpol 4 tht reson & i can find players(very hard in lil old New Zealand otherwise)

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:25 pm 
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How long u think it'll be until u realese it?

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
Thank you
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:29 pm 
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I'm very much looking forward to the release. :D

No one feels as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:01 pm 
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As do I!

For those who show a keen interest in this, sneak peeks of it all are viewable HERE

It's a forum solely dedicated to SoTDL which I added for Wolfy to have somewhere to share everything. So if anyone who is interested in this project wants to see the project in progress, theres the place to check :wink:

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2008 7:10 pm 
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Posts: 42 we must wait

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
Thank you
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:12 pm 
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First of all, thank you to everyone for those encouraging words.

I too, like yourselves, look forward to the relase of this game, but for the present it's going rather slowly. I cannot, due to a hard drive crash and missing memory sticks (that's how bad my own memory is...I can't find my USB memory stick :P ), simply "copy and paste" some rules and passages from the old edition into the new, and, I had destroyed all of my old copies...

However, fortune seems to favor the presistant, because I found a tattered copy of it, un-bound, and with the offending pages I hated gone! I've been toying around with new rules for a sleeker game, and even have picked up a blob of greenstuff to try my paw at sculpting (ended with a knife through the finger because I couldn't find my sculpting scalpel :shock: ).

As it stands...I hope to have this whole thing completed by next June, so I can take the new release to Anthrocon 2009, a convention held in Pittsburgh Penssilvania over here in the states, dealing with anthropomorphic critters of all sorts...the perfect start for a SotDL fanbase! Of course...I can't be jumping the gun on this...the book has to come first!

Again, thank you for your encouragement, and hopefully I'll get around to posting more updates on all my websites I spam with SotDL, not just RC's :P


Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 10:24 pm 
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Hey Wolfy, check out the Rackham range of Confrontation minis for some inspiration - Wolfen and Devourers in particular...

Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:17 am 
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Ah still so far away there are no old editions that i can use?

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
Thank you
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 1:02 pm 
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Sorry maskrider, but I have only one copy left, and I need it to reference all of my now lost data from...sorry :(

Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 5:57 pm 
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Ah thts ok i'll hav to be patient lik everbody else lol

Please pm or email me with what 40k army 2 get & what necromunda gang to get
Thank you
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:55 am 
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So, I’ve rambled on and on about this project for quite some time now, and frankly haven’t really done anything to help speed it along. Here is an overview of where the project currently stands…that being said…it’s not much:

As far as actual rules being written, there are none, save those found in the two hard copies I still possess, and I only possess them still after I ripped out all offending pages (namely, with the ex’s name and character being credited). Not having a tangible word processing program other than notepad is stupid, and until I can buy one, I can’t save and transfer data to where I need it properly without my formatting getting messed up. All ideas are thrown into various notebook in hopes of being unearthed from the massive waste pile that is my bedroom and the adjacent surroundings.

The only item that seems to progressing anywhere is the artwork, and even that has grinded to almost a stand-still. Oh, I still do the occasional drawing here or there, but have taken a fancy to write music instead of what I should be working on, and that is disappointing to me because there are many of you out there who wish to see this project completed. I recently acquired a 100 set of artists markers, and once I get the hang of them, I hope that some nice coloured drawings will float into the world of Koldor once again.

Most of the rules however, are already tested and everything, they just need to be re-written into a new manual, alongside new fluff and a more in-depth history and portrait of the world. The last book left players confused as to who was who and what was what, so I’m hoping the new manual is easier to follow.

I'm still hoping for a release for Anthrocon '09, but it's still in the air on whether or not I'll be able to make it :wink:

That’s almost all of it for now…thanks for looking!

Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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