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 Post subject: What's in a Name?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 8:37 am 

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I have noticed that many people have chosen some names that look a bit off for their chosen nationality.

Nazgul in the Shire?

Goblins in Gondor?

What has led these poor misguided souls to want to settle in such alien lands?

I know that I chose a race, land and such that were compatible. Black Númenórean, Harad... Where many of them settled or originated...

What did (or were) others thinking when they chose any "alignments"?


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:58 am 
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Many of the members' usernames predate their membership of the One Ring. I chose my name originally on the Games Workshop forum 4 or 5 years ago (anyone remember that mess?) and it's stayed with me on almost every site I've joined ever since.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 12:14 pm 
My username is a combination of my name and my wifes name and our shared surname timanddoriscook. Simple as that really.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:13 pm 
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That is pretty interesting Tim...I never new what tidoco stood for. :D

Mine is pretty simple and straightforward...
Bilbo, because he is my favorite Tolkien character
"of the White Tower", because next to the Shire (being my favorite region in Middle-earth) I really fell in love with Gondor (mostly due to the imagery of the films) and I wanted to mix the two. :D

No one feels as helpless as the owner of a sick goldfish.
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 Post subject: What about the towers in the Shire?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 3:35 pm 

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BilboOfTheWhiteTower wrote:
That is pretty interesting Tim...I never new what tidoco stood for. :D

Mine is pretty simple and straightforward...
Bilbo, because he is my favorite Tolkien character
"of the White Tower", because next to the Shire (being my favorite region in Middle-earth) I really fell in love with Gondor (mostly due to the imagery of the films) and I wanted to mix the two. :D

Did you know that the name does double duty?

The Tower Hills in the west of the Shire held three White Towers. Bilbo used to go there after his trip to Erebor with the Dwarves.

I am not sure about it, but there is supposed to be the Elendil stone in one of the Towers on Tower Hils. The reports as to what happened to that stone are conflicting (and I don't have my books with me), some accounts have Gandalf taking it back to Aman. Others have it surviving there on into the Fourth Age, along with the Arnor stone, the Orthanc Stone, and the Ithil Stone (very likely to have survived the downfall of Barad-Dûr)... The Other stones are likely someplace about ME as well, as they all were made by Fëanor, who was te brightest and most skilled of Aulë's students with the exception of his father (Fëanor's)... But, I digress)...

So... You have yourself a pretty clever little double-entenrdé there with your name...

Bilbo's favorite vacation spot, where he could watch the elves in the Grey-Havens and the Tower of Minas-Tirith/Arnor...


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:10 pm 
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I usually use my real name (Klaas) instead of a nickname, and all together I visit none but 3 fora at the moment. So it's nothing very important to me. Anyway, I picked this one years ago, back in 2001 when we had internet for the first time at home. Me and my nephew were big F1 fans those days. About 50% of the cars was using Good Year tyres, the Eagle, the other half Bridgestone Tyres, the Potenza (the same they're using nowadays). Because his nickname was Eagle I picked Potenza - stupid but quickly chosen.

But as I said, I rarely use it. In the beginning (2001 etc.) I did, but it's a stupid one really (it's also a town in Italy). Nowadays I prefer my real name, but since 'Klaas' is hard to pronounce correctly in english/french/... I picked my old stupid nick when I registered here.

[size=84][b]Potenza[/b] - Silly (ex-) Staff Member - Beer Swilling Rock Pig[/size]
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 Post subject: I'm gonna go out on a limb here...
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:24 pm 

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But... Considering that the replies have been from The Administrator, two Ringwraiths, and another Wayfarer like myself, that the traffic on this site tends to be slower more than a few months after a GW release, and that it tends to pick back up a LOT after GW actually have a large release...

Unless, of course, some idiot, like myself, comes along who has just either got into the minis (such as I did) or just discovered them (as others may have - I knew about them before they were released to begin with. I just had a Roman and Carthaginian army that I had to replace and a ton of 6mm/Epic Sci-Fi stuff to replace after a hideous divorce (where the wife stole ALL of my miniatures - 28 years worth of minis. And the molds to many I had done when I was still working in the business. Including the masters for those molds... GRRR... Back to my point...), and then you get a small bit of increased traffic as we (or they) go through the process of familiarizing themselves with the site, and stuff.


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:27 pm 
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My username was one created many years ago on the White City website (version 2, mind you). I was toying around with a Forodwaith force, giving them wolves to ride instead of the evil Wargs. A personal Hero conversion that has long since disappeared was from a Battle Company in which my Hero (or Captain) was mounted on a Wolf, thus CaptainOfTheWolfRiders came about.

My nickname, Wolfy (or Wolfie, whichever), which many on these forums (and every other one...) is probably because my username is too long, or my wolf obsession, or from Shadow of the Dog Lord, or from my love for lycanthropes, or...well, any of those. I don't really know.

Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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 Post subject: I don't think that JRRT would have approved...
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 4:47 pm 

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CaptainOfTheWolfRiders wrote:
My username was one created many years ago on the White City website (version 2, mind you). I was toying around with a Forodwaith force, giving them wolves to ride instead of the evil Wargs. A personal Hero conversion that has long since disappeared was from a Battle Company in which my Hero (or Captain) was mounted on a Wolf, thus CaptainOfTheWolfRiders came about.

My nickname, Wolfy (or Wolfie, whichever), which many on these forums (and every other one...) is probably because my username is too long, or my wolf obsession, or from Shadow of the Dog Lord, or from my love for lycanthropes, or...well, any of those. I don't really know.

On another forum on Yahoo, I am having a discussion with a friend who is doing a ME Mass-Combat system for his own use (in 15mm) based upon Frank Chadwick's work for Foundry called Ancient Conquest (Unfortunately, it will not be released by them. I am nt sure what Frank intends to do with the rules now, but my friend in TX is calling his derivative of Frank's rules: Fourth Age War Gaming) about putting elves on wolves.

I tended to object based upon Tolkein's perceptions of a certain order among nature, and that certain animals were more susceptible to both Morgoth and Sauron's lies; Wolves being among them. Carcharoth and Draugluin being the best examples.

counter to wolves would have been hounds such as Huan. Tolkein had a spot for domesticated dogs, and I have read a few bits he wrote about them in a letter when he mentions the Elves domesticating a variety of Hound in ME (I think through the saving of a litter of some kind who had been abandoned by their mother - probably a wolf... I know... Inconsistency, but JRRT had many), and that through their dedication to these animals, the animals in turn became the symbols of loyalty and fidelity (Ulike wolves, which would put on a pretense of "Dog-Like" behavior, only to turn upon their "Masters" at the first opportunity)...

That's my take on JRRT's views of wolves at least. I think it likely that if you are going to have anything (human, elf, dwarves, etc) "good" mounted on a beast other than a horse; that it should be on some great hound similar to a Norweignian Hound, or some form of greater Hound (Probably not Bassett).


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 6:36 pm 
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Dorthonion: the background

And why did I chose it? Dorthonion, in my mind, always suggested a great wild and beautiful place. I love wandering in the Wild, away from noisy people. Mountains, woods, moors, bogs, sea-cliffs, quiet beaches... anywhere that puts humanity firmly in it's bipedal little place, when you deprive it of the fickle conveniences of cars and paths and convenience shopping. Treebeard also roamed amid the pines of Dorthonion in the Winter, and many of the fiercest battles of the First Age were fought on or near it. Gondolin was nearby.

So, I wanted a name that suggested a place, rather than a character. Somewhere like places I have been to many times, refuges from the hubbub of modern life. Dorthonion reminds me a lot of Donegal and parts of Galway, Mayo and Scotland.

Make of that what you will.

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Instrument of the Empire
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 Post subject: I'm'a Guessin' that you'll be in the UK then?
PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:25 pm 

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Dorthonion wrote:
Dorthonion: the background

And why did I chose it? Dorthonion, in my mind, always suggested a great wild and beautiful place. I love wandering in the Wild, away from noisy people. Mountains, woods, moors, bogs, sea-cliffs, quiet beaches... anywhere that puts humanity firmly in it's bipedal little place, when you deprive it of the fickle conveniences of cars and paths and convenience shopping. Treebeard also roamed amid the pines of Dorthonion in the Winter, and many of the fiercest battles of the First Age were fought on or near it. Gondolin was nearby.

So, I wanted a name that suggested a place, rather than a character. Somewhere like places I have been to many times, refuges from the hubbub of modern life. Dorthonion reminds me a lot of Donegal and parts of Galway, Mayo and Scotland.

Make of that what you will.

I've been up there... Pretty out of the way...

If you like Wilderness... Then you have GOT to get yourself to Nevada or Alaska sometime. There are places in Alaska the size of the British Isles with no people in them.

Even though JRRT modelled ME after Pre-Historic Europe (pre-Ice-Age I would imagine, as there had to be some great cataclysm at the end of the 4th Age - although some of his writings have suggested that we are now living in the fourth age... Some of his letters condradict this - to have re-arranged the land to the state that it is now in. Considering that he was Catholic, and probably had a pre-Darwinistic view of the world... It is possible that he proscribed the Biblical Deluge to this event... But, anyway...) and the Wilderness in that land was modelled after what he thought Europe must have looked like before man came along and screwed with it...

I think that much of the Western USA resembles it much more closely (You would have to remove the Native Americans and the whole Cowboy thing...) than does Europe. We have the Great Rocky Mountains, a range that extends from Central America to the Artic Circle, often topping 15,000 ft, and in some places in Alaska and Canada, 20,000ft+. In my mind... That has Misty Mountains written all over it (or the Blue Mountains before the Breaking of Beleriand). The Plains of the Mid-west... Rolling grasslands that are larger than Europe itself (if you include the Canadian Portion of them as well). And, the desolation of the Southwestern Deserts. Those are some very strange lands out there. They usually bring to mind searing heat, but much of the year they are almost artic-cold.

I love the desert out there... N. Scotland and parts of Norway are also awingly beautiful... The Fjords are just something that come out of fairy tales.

Thanks for bringing back some cool memories (OH! Wales has some pretty "Fairy-Tale" like places too... But they really aren't as "wilderness" as N. Scotland, Norway, the American West/Rockies/Deserts - Or the East of Aisa... Another place where you can get whole country sized hunks of land with no-one in them)


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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:20 pm 
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I picked username because no one else had a name like it. The name itself is unique because it is so unoriginal and plain, that it becomes original simply because (whoa, three becauses on top of each other)
no one uses this name. Oh the irony. However, I have another name for another forum I joined called "piratehooker". I got it off of a show on the cooking channel called "Ace of Cakes", in which the cake store manager/clerk gets spam email from a person called Piratehooker. And so for some reason, I thought that it was the ultimate username. Besides my main username, username, of course. :D


DOUBLE WOOTAGE....erm, yeah.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 11:50 pm 
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When I tried to register for the Gw forums years ago, all of my initial choices were taken - they had something like 300,000 members so it was really hard to pick a LOTR name that was free. I can't remember all of the names I tried, but I recall going through all of the Valar that I could remember.

I finally tried Dagorlad, thinking that it's meaning (Battle Plain) might imply some connection with making terrain for wargames and not realising that people would shorten it to 'Dag' or 'Daggy' - a 'dag' in Aussie slang is a messy and very uncool person.

And it's probably quite accurate for both reasons.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:21 pm 
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What a question - I wondered if a thread like this would ever come up! :)

It's a long story, but I'll try to make it interesting. I had the same situation as Dagorlad had with the GW site - I remember trying a few Rohirric names from the book like "Harding" and "Fastred" to see if they were available.

I settled on "Grimhelm", which is a type of masked war helmet used in Northern Europe during the early Dark Ages. The most famous example is the Sutton Hoo helmet, although grimhelms are also mentioned in Beowulf a few times. The name is of Germanic origin: ''Grim'' derives from the word ''gríma'' meaning ''mask'' in several Germanic languages (such as Old English, Old Norse, Old High German and modern Icelandic), referring to the mask that defines the type of helmet; ''-helm'' simply means helmet.

This kind of helmet originated as a Roman cavalry parade helmet, and is based on late Roman "Spangenhelms". The front was covered by the metal battle mask, protecting the face. Coincidentally, Tolkien was planning to give Eowyn the name "Grimhelm" while she was at the Pelennor unknown to the Rohirrim (so that the grimhelm mask would disguise her), but he instead settled on "Dernhelm" so that Merry would be able to see part of her face (the dernhelm is the helmet she wears in the film, as it happens).

During Games Workshop's War of the Ring Online Campaign, a lot of the forum activity was devoted to battle reports and roleplay, and the new character "Grimhelm" evolved into the "lord of Snowbourn" (which was my favourite region of Rohan). Later, I came to the One Ring to work on IGOTMEABOLTER's unfinished Silmarillion supplement (I was to convert Elnaith, as a look at my early gallery pictures suggests). The username "Grimhelm" had already been registered a few months previously (although oddly that account was never used), so I went with the "Grimhelm of Snowbourn" profile.

Funnily, the project forum closed about a week or two later to move to another site, so that's how I ended up with a member of the One Ring! :D Following the closure of the GW forum, the name also carried over onto TLA.

Since all that, I have been called "Grim", "Grimmy", "Snowy", "GoS", "Mr. GoS", and I seem to recall "Mr. Snowbourn" at some point. My favourite one, though, has to be PaulF's "By the Grim!" :wink:

The Tengwar Beacon

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:22 pm 
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Well I have tried to keep my race and type similar 'Rohirrim' and 'Rohan'.
As for the name well, I am sure I went through this somewhere else?!
It stems from my old D&D days, trying to find and 'oldy worldy' name was a pain, couldn't do what others did and use things like Kevin the Dwarf. Didn't seem right to me. Messing around with old names I noticed that what looked on paper to be something interesting was really normal when pronouced. Gave me an idea to make a really normal (sorry to all Nigels out there) name look different. Hence Nygyll. Wyvernhole is just another play on words based on my town Wivenhoe.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:28 pm 
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Hmmm @username, I bet I can guess your password.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:46 pm 
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What a wonderful thread! Thanks for starting it, BeAfraid. It's nice to get a peek behind the curtains, so to say, and see the genesis of all these different handles.

As for my own, my name is Jonathan, which is Hebrew for "God has given." Although I am fond of languages, I haven't the foggiest when it comes to Elvish, but I was able to piece together the name Erunion with the help of an Elven dictionary and a couple of websites. Thus, Erunion is a rough Quenyan equivalent of Jonathan.

On the old GW forum, I also had trouble finding an open Tolkien-esque name (this pre-dated my adoption of my current username). After trying multiple names, and not finding anything with which I was happy, I entered the name Jonishairy out of frustration. I was not sad to see that name fade into the mist.


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 4:24 pm 
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Dagorlad wrote:
I finally tried Dagorlad, thinking that it's meaning (Battle Plain) might imply some connection with making terrain for wargames and not realising that people would shorten it to 'Dag' or 'Daggy' - a 'dag' in Aussie slang is a messy and very uncool person.

At least no one calls you 'Potty'! :lol:


[size=84][b]Potenza[/b] - Silly (ex-) Staff Member - Beer Swilling Rock Pig[/size]
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 5:14 pm 
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well, i dont really remember when but it was on some site and i couldent figure out a username.then it struck me.Battlefighter, thats sounds quit
cool :P
and well i have that name on like every site now :)

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 Post subject: Name
PostPosted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:31 pm 
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Goodness me! The thought that has gone into some of those names makes me feel distinctly unimaginative!

Natarn sounds very much like my real name, Nathan, while Ulka uses a few of the sounds from my surname.

I don't know if it sounds particularly orcish, but I usually field an Uruk army, so decided on being an Uruk of Isengard. In my mind the best battle scene from tlotr film was the Uruk assault on Helm's Deep, and the hideous, destructive power of those great orcs was terrifying.

Did orcs have surnames? Probably not. Perhaps Ulka could be an orc clan name as there were many breeds of orcs who spoke many different languages or dialects.

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