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Who is the better of the two brothers?
Nari, the Warrior 33%  33%  [ 1 ]
Nali, the Archer 67%  67%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 3
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 Post subject: Help with Dwarf Heroes
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:50 pm 
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Joined: Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:54 am
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This is intended to be a super hero, at least 200, but useable in an 1000 point army. Please help me give him point costs. Fell free to suggest tweaks and removal of powers. Right now, this is for Erebor, but I am thinking of creating a new realm for them.

Azaghal, General of Erabor

Fight: 6/4, Strength 5, Defence 9, Attacks 3, Wounds 3, Courage 8, Might/Will/Fate 3/2/3, Points ?

Wargear: Azaghal wields his great axe, Valuail, several axes of less power (hand weapons) and several Mithril throwing axes. He also wears a armour made of several mithril plates.

Special Rules:

Trusted General:
Azaghal is the greatest general in Erebor, and all know it. If Azaghal is in an army, he must be the leader. Also, if he is alive, all alllied Dwarves gain +1 Courage and cannot break, knowing the might that leads them. However, if he is killed, all Dwarves get -1 Courage and count as part of a Broken Force, knowing that the inspirational hero of Erebor is dead. Azaghal also gets the bonuses of being a general.

Stand Fast, Dwarves!:
Azaghal is the inspiration for all Dwarves, and his skill in battle and bravery is famed. Dwarves within twice Azaghal’s Stand Fast Range automatically pass their Courage Tests is Azaghal does. Take a Courage test, using a Courage of 6. If it is passed, use the effects of an ordinary Stand Fast.

Every turn, Azaghal may declare a either a Heroic Shooting or Combat. Also, any Dwarf Hero within 5” also declare the same Heroics, but may not choose move more than 5” away from Azaghal. Unavoidable effects, like Siege Weapons and backing away from a lost combat is not included.

Amazing Strength:
Azaghal’s strength is greater than any Dwarf known, and plays no small part in his fame. Azaghal may wield 2-handed weapons without penalty and automatically wounds on 6s.

Mithril Throwing Axes:
Azaghal uses several Mithril throwing axes, light, strong and expertly made. Azaghal can throw 3 axes a turn. He may only throw his axes when moving if he charging, if they are in front of him is must be able to carry on charging if the targets are killed. He may also throw his axes at people he in in base-to-base contact with, and if he kills all foes in base-to-base contact, he must charge another enemy using his remaining movement. This doe not count as a combat in any way e.g. he may still perform a Heroic Combat They have a Strength of 4 and hit on 4s from 2” or further away, 3s from 1” 2s hit below that and always hit in combat. Only 1 axe may be thrown at a man-size enemy, 2 at cavelry (1 at the horse and 1 at the rider) 2 at a a model with a large base (e.g. a troll), 3 at a very large base (e.g. a Balrog or a Dragon) and several at chariots (1 at the horse and 1 at each warrior in the chariot).

Valuail is the greatest weapon ever created, made by the Gwaith-i-Mirdain, creators of the Rings of Power. Forged of Mithril and tempered with arcane forces, this weapon is of likes never seen elsewhere. While wielding Valuail, Azaghal can re-roll up to 2 die to win, including opponents die, and so great is the power bound around it that for every sucsessful dice to wound, the enemy takes 2 wounds. While Azaghal possesses Valuail, he will wield no other weapon; he will not leave this great weapon of his ancestors hanging at his belt and if Valuail is removed from him, he suffers greatly from the loss of his great weapon, weapon of his ancestors and suffers a -1 to his Strength and Fight. The thought that Azaghal’s greatest weapon has been lost brings great felling to his fellows, either sorror or anger. When it it lost, all allied Dwarves take a Courage Test using a Courage of 3. If it is passed, they get a +1 to win, wound and +1 Strength. However, they count as -1 Defence if rolling to be wounded in combat, and automatically lose ties. Also, if Azaghal is killed, no model may pick up Valuail; the evils of the world fear the powers bound to it and no Dwarf, Elf or Man dare take the great weapon of the mighty Azaghal.

And before you ask, the bonuses of being a genaral include buying bodyguard. Some help with this would be appriciated. For bodyguards, they would have to stay in 5" of the general, and Azaghal could buy much better guard for just a bit more. 3 to 8 men (I mean dwarves) to be bought, and the weaker ones have Bodyguard. Azaghal's ones always are done because of his power and would have an Unbreakable Bond with him.[/spoiler]

Shortly, I will add two less super heros created by the Battle Company rules to be rated. They will be in the potential realm too.

Dwarves together! DWARVES FOREVER!!!!!!!

(When his chest is above your head, his fork is level with your teeth.)

Last edited by dragonwolf999 on Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:58 pm 
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Hero No.1: Nari, Guardian of Erebor

[spoiler]Nari, Guardian of Erebor

Fight: 5/4, Strength 4, Defence 7, Attacks 2, Wounds 2, Courage 6, Might/Will/Fate 2/1/1, Points 90

Nari carries an shield and wields his axe, Morgurth.

Special Rules:

Furious Charge:
Nari throws himself into combat, slaughtering all foes in the way. When Nari charges into combat, he receives +1 Attacks.

Heroic Presence:
Wherever the fight is at its toughest, Nari is found, fighting with an unmatched fury. Nari may fight a heroic combat in the Fight Phase without expanding a point of Might to do so.

Nari is 1 of the greatest fighters of Erebor, able to turn aside incoming blows with ease. Nari may force his opponent to re-roll a single dice when determining who wins the fight.[/spoiler]

Hero No. 2: Nali, Master Ranger
[spoiler]Nali, Master Ranger

Fight: 4/3, Strength 3, Defence 6, Attacks 1, Wounds 2, Courage 5, Might/Will/Fate 2/1/1, Points 90

Wargear: Nali carries an axe and his dwarven bow, Rissul.

Special Rules:

Rapid Fire:
Nali is known throught out as the greatest archer in Erebor and can read the flow of the battle and react in an instant. Nali can call a heroic shooting each turn in the Shoot Phase.

Expert Shot:
Nali has years of practice with the bow and strings several arrows at once with ease. Nali can shoot 2 arrows in the shoot phase.

Seasoned Archer:
Nali has learned to fire his bow while on the move, firing arrows at the enemy ranks while leading warriors to critical points. Nali can move at full speed and still shoot, though will require a 6 to hit if he does so.

Lethal Accuracy:
Master archer, Nali has an almost supernatural abiliaty to fire with presision at his target of choice, never missing. Nali may re-roll a faiiled roll to hit each turn in the Shoot Phase.

Cunning Shot:
Nali is known for his abiliaty to fire through the ranks of enemies, targeting the greater warriors. Cover is pointless, for no cover will take the shots that Nali shoots. Nali may re-roll failed “in the way” rolls.[/spoiler]

Dwarves together! DWARVES FOREVER!!!!!!!

(When his chest is above your head, his fork is level with your teeth.)

Last edited by dragonwolf999 on Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:40 pm 

Joined: Tue May 29, 2007 1:57 pm
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your guys have to many special rules, you only want only two or three at the most, second, a hero would never have courage 8, not even aragon has 8, there is always a chance even the bravest warrior will feel fear, if it is one on 108, you're not going to fight them unless you have no other option, most of the time you'd get out of there before they have to scream 'manflesh'

for your first hero, you have the power to Auto pass courage tests and your guys don't break, it also says you give +1 courage to all dwaves. It's just too much, As for calling heroic mkoves and shooting free, i wouldn't go down that road, you basically make him a mighty hero! The only other one like that is Aragon, Then you have the mithril Throwing axes. At the time of the war of the ring it is claimed a coat of mithril is worth more then the shire! Why would you use it for throw away weapons. I have no problem with a 3,3,3 hero, but you can't just make him smash through anything that moves,

i think: Azaghal, General of Erabor:

F 6/4, S 5 D9 A3 W3 C7 Might 3 Will 3 fate 2

Wargear Azaghal has mithril armour, he carrys an assortment of dwarf forged axes (hand weapon) Some of the axes ballanced for throwing (throwing axes) In adition he carries the Two handed axe Valuail, made while the world was young, this axe is of exceptional craftsmanship.

Special rules

Baruk Khazad:

Azaghal is an inspiration to all dwaves, any dwarf model within 3'' of Azaghal count as being within range of a banner

General of valour:

Azaghal has a Stand fast! range of 12''


Valuail is an axe of beautiful craftsmanship. The wielder of this axe takes no -1 penalty for rolling to win a fight, however they still gain the +1 on the wound chart. In adition any 1's rolled to wound must be re rolled as if it where a poisoned blade

less powerful, but some opponents may let you use him, points, more then dain but less then aragon, so maybe 185

The darkness of Moria you say? Nothing compared to the mess in my bedroom!

Last edited by the director on Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:47 pm 
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the director wrote:
your guys have to many special rules
...It's just too much

Couldn't agree more.

"You tit! I soiled my armor, I was that scared!" - Sir Robin the Brave, Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail"
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:52 pm 
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I know, the idea is that these are all my ideas, and you could help sort them out. However, I intend to make him a mighty hero, at least as strongs as Aragorn. However, all the penalties that happen if he dies, are intended to make up for it. He is meant to be fearless, but I don't know the point value, so I put courage 8 instead. By the way, I have a feeling (just a little one :D ) that you are refering to my general, but what about the brothers? Are they OK? I had in mind to use them as they are. By the way, he would be intended to be the only hero, on one of extremely few.

2 rules i missed:

if the loss of mega-axe test is lost, roll a die. on 1, 2, or 1, 2, 3, he is killed.

an amulet that allows him ton resist magic with 2 will each turn.

But one thing i should do: have rule no. 2 and the free heroic each turn, but remove him might and will to balance it. Sound good? Remember, not every power and not as exactly said! Can you prune the powers and the thing they do. E.g., mithril axes removed and make to throw axes normally, but more than 1?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:09 pm 

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i edited my post for rules and profile

The darkness of Moria you say? Nothing compared to the mess in my bedroom!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:10 pm 

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maybe you could make it so he re rolls his will

The darkness of Moria you say? Nothing compared to the mess in my bedroom!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:25 pm 
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Could someone make me a profile with a point cost.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:27 pm 
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I imagined a hero at least 300-400 points, if not 500. I made him to be the Balrog or the Dragon of the Dwarves. How about my other heroes, Nari and Nali?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:28 pm 

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ujsing dain as a base and adding 5 points for every 1 stat (apart form strength which is woth 10) throwing daggers and special rules makes 185 points. But thats the profile i wrote

The darkness of Moria you say? Nothing compared to the mess in my bedroom!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:30 pm 
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I use 5 for all but attack and wounds, they're 10.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:31 pm 
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Could someone give the individual powers point costs for me?
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:33 pm 

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strength 5 is a big step up form S4, Find me a good hero that isn't a creature that has S5, gimli has 4, aragon has 4 (I believe forlong has 5 however)

The darkness of Moria you say? Nothing compared to the mess in my bedroom!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:34 pm 

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strength 5 is a big step up form S4, Find me a good hero that isn't a creature that has S5, gimli has 4, aragon has 4 (I believe forlong has 5 however)

The darkness of Moria you say? Nothing compared to the mess in my bedroom!
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:40 pm 
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I imagined him as a sort of giant dwarf with enormous muscles, and it goes with both his image and his no penalty with 2-hand weapons. I considered giving him man movement, but i decided that would make him more expensive, not being able to stay with the other dwarves at full move and, most importantly, just non-dwarf like.
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:54 pm 
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Dwarves together! DWARVES FOREVER!!!!!!!

(When his chest is above your head, his fork is level with your teeth.)
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