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Do you think Rohirrim are underpowered for their reputation?
No 35%  35%  [ 6 ]
Yes 65%  65%  [ 11 ]
Total votes : 17
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:16 pm 
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Ok, what about the Heroes too? Besides the fact that they're supposed to be the greatest horsemen in Middle-earth, Rohan's Heroes in this game are underpowered compared to many others. I mean, I could accept it if they maintained that ONLY Dunedain like Imrahil and Aragorn get 3A 3W Fv6 profiles, but Suladan has it, and he was killed by Theoden! You can bet that the upcoming Dalamyr of Umbar and Kiseimu, Ravager of Ithilien will also be 3A 3W Heroes, and they're not even mentioned at all in the books!

I think the Rohirrim should have a +1 to their Fv when mounted, since they fight better from horseback than they do on foot. I think their throwing spears should also count as lances, since this is how they were used in the books and films (as opposed to the single occasion that I can think of when a spear was thrown) and Theoden and Eomer should both be improved.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:04 pm 

Joined: Tue May 29, 2007 1:57 pm
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so saladun is better then theoden! Give a decent evil hero a break! The rohan heros are not the heavyweights like gondorians, they are not masters of combat. I find this better. having worse cheap hero's is the same as isenguard. They have advantages in there own right.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:15 pm 
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You can't compare Eomer to an Uruk Captain. First off, Eomer should be easily able to kill an Uruk Captain based on his description in the book. The Uruk Captain costs less and is equal to Eomer or better in many areas.

I'm not dissing Suladan, I'm just giving an example: many people feel that Heroes who aren't Elven or Gondorian shouldn't have 3A or 3W, but Suladan, Dalymir, Kiesiemu obviously dispell that myth. Also, Theoden supposedly killed Suladan, but the way stats currently are, that's a pretty rare occurence. The book made it seem like Theoden threw down his Southron opponent with ease.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:28 pm 

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1st i don't mean an uruk captain, against lurtz for example eomer would win. as for theoden killing saladun by this point (from what i gather from the book) theoden knows he will die, and so throws himself into combat with serious ferocity. also there is always a chance a captain can slay even the mightiest of heros

The darkness of Moria you say? Nothing compared to the mess in my bedroom!
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:58 pm 
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it happens more that a weak heroe kills a stronger enemy: sam killed 3 uruk hai while saving frodo (don't see this happen in the game), but he was very motivated. Same with Theoden and Suladan. It happens.

That Theoden stats are worse then Suladan's is normal: Theoden is old, while Suladan has had to spend his entire life fighting.
Eomer should have been stronger though. He is IMO THE heroe of his time in Rohan. The fighting champion who defends his land. He could indeed easily kill a Uruk hai champion in the movie. Not sure about Lurtz though..

indeed, Rohan should be stronger. But they are still just men.

"You tit! I soiled my armor, I was that scared!" - Sir Robin the Brave, Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail"
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:48 am 
Elven Warrior
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Riders of Rohan are fine in my opinion although perhaps an increase of 1 to the fight value would be reasonable (or perhaps only when charging)

I also think Eomer is underrated - the Uruk hai captain example was a fine one and shows how Eomer should reall have one more attack and perhaps a special rule with it.

On the whole though i have played as Rohan, many times and come out on top. It is all about tactics with rohan, and practice makes perfect! :)
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