there are two thing I don't agree on at all

: 'I have shaky hands and a very unsteady eye (two of them actually)' (... burst of laughter...).
Second that you were told to paint a comic style. No, it's not the exaggerated shadow-highlighting other sites/gamesday honour, not the 'I-can-do-better-freehand-than-you seeking, by far nor the I-apply-dirt-on-all-clothes-to-hide-my-paint-stains, no, but a sincere careful, subtle and effective hightlighted very clean and precise painting - Tobold-Style!
Your article is such a pleasure to read! it is as if I had find myself in all those ponderings of colours, analysing filmscenes, etc. Sure, every painter will find things happening to him as well and new painters will get encouraged by the helpful description and also terms like 'even if it doesn't look quite right now, leave it as it is for the moment'
interesting and clever is your way to paint black lines where shadowy areas meet. (as I am the one who paintstackingly tries to paint two colours as close as possible ... , and am often failing and painting a tiny bit the other side as well...sigh... I will try your method next time)
I like the personal thoughts and emotional comments, sth that differs from articles takethiscolour-mix50/50thatcolours-recipes, sth that makes onering in general so much more appealing to me.
'Take a moment to enjoy your figure after priming it. Just look at that mini!'
and than this moving story of little Tobold in the rain at the toy store window .... cry...snief... have to stop here or I get too sentimental ...