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PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 9:10 pm 
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Forgiven, lol...

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 10:04 pm 
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I got the game when it first came out and i have to say ti is good. It feels funky at frist because unit sizes are larger and it feels different for a bit. But it is good. the dwarves I though would eb great to play but they stink. Elves IMO are the best. Heros also get reduced in cost and cost CP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Leagolas and Gandalf cost the most at 3000. Creating your own hero is fun too.

The kaboocha mushroom people sitting around all day. who could believe you. who could believe you. let your mother pray.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:33 pm 
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Yeah I know. Dwarves SUCK!!! Elves are the best faction, they're untouchable.

But it is really bad the way Heroes now cost Command Points.

I created about 10 or more heroes before my $#*&@%! computer crashed.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 7:29 pm 

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i love that game.. playing helms deep with elves against 3 brutal armies... que chevere! elves are good with a castle. otherwise i use mow for their gotfc and ror

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:04 pm 
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Wait a second, I've rediscovered Dwarves. They absolutely ROCK! just as good as Elves. You see, you build your 4 heroes (3 standard and the custom) and then garrison them in a Mine Shaft along with 2 units of Guardians. You can then build Mine Shafts wherever you want, and your guys can get arouind really quickly.

Elfen, I'm obscenely impressed. I find taking on three Easy's at once a challenge.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 10:43 pm 
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Yes i also have rediscovered dwarves. I have been playing them alot now adays and even though the heros cost alot once you get say dain he is a force to be reckoned with. Battle wagons as well they are cool but when surrounded die very easily.

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PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2006 3:23 am 
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I think Battlewagons suck. :roll: They are useless. But when you get all 4 heroes, they are nearly invincible when banded together.

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PostPosted: Sun May 07, 2006 5:50 am 

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=-) helms deep is simple I play as elves, get 2 barracks and a forge, build a postern gate and stables in deeping wall section get about 4 mirkwood archers garrison them over the main gate, get 2 rivendel lancers and keep em safe and then upgrade your archers with silverthorne arrows and then like just fend off them as they hopelessly assult you-all you have to fear is the balrog. then upgrade your lancers fully- they'll be usefull later...they'll just throw themselve's at your gate house so keep it closed. probably 10 minutes in gollum will appear - OHHH YOU HAVE YOUR FULLY UPGRADED LANCERS WAITING FOR ACTION now use them to get the ring off gollum and get it to your keep- now, the easy part, just build 2 mirkwood archers and upgrade em and post em. now build about 4-5 units of swords, galadriel, and all your heros and get one of their fortresses- they all are so densly packed and wipe them out with that- usually bring in some support after you lose 50% of the original force you sent out and dont forget those powerpoints you got when you were defending- thats very useful like the flood and light. keep in mind you should build 6-7 mallorn trees.


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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 2:42 am 
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Nice strategy Elfen, and I can see how it would work. Just one small problem. If the enemies are all Brutal, won't they try to get Gollum as well? And then you are really in trouble.

Might try it. Would probably get caned though.

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 3:29 pm 
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elves suck for me

they are to weak in combat and while the archers hold for a while its esay to conter them

A. attack with mass goblins and 1-3 mountian gaints
the elves atack whatever they fear most which is the mountain giants who take the fire as the goblins swarm the elves and kill them

B. same with mordor except trolls or a hero with orcs to swarm

C. isengaurd has heros bombs and super troops need i say more

i like the hero making thing tho

i made a troll dude who has 16 power and asome armor

and i made thoedred who can somen a heck of a lot of guys at leval ten

From The Lowest Dungen To The Highist Peak I Fought Him The Fell Balrog Of Morgoth

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 9:51 am 
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Oh really, mathusala0? I would like to see you coming up against a full army composed of Mirkwood Archers with Silverthorn Arrows and all the heroes.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 10:14 pm 
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yes i would do the smart thing by killing them early befor the get silver thorne arrows also by the time they have that many people the game would have ended

also the hero creating thing is awsome

Ivee created all the people from the books that the game leaves out

and finoly made myself (note i used mathusala rather than matthew as it is more lotr ish) as a captian of gondor (though i made some sweat wizzerds for gondor and mordor)

From The Lowest Dungen To The Highist Peak I Fought Him The Fell Balrog Of Morgoth

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:52 am 
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Note that it isn't that easy to kill them even if they don't have Silverthorn Arrows. And it only costs 3500 to obtain the upgrade.

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 10:14 pm 
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i know what you mean by it is cheap and tha once they have it they are practicly invencible


A.heros cost alot

B.while the arrows are cheap the mirkwood sentinals are not

C.goblins vs elves goblins win with swarm early on are more ballenced and have better fighters calvory and heros also have more heros than anyone else

E.mordor would probubly lose to elves

F.dwarfs are expecive but with armor they are invincible

G.Isengards unit armor can take elven arrows easily and have bombs

From The Lowest Dungen To The Highist Peak I Fought Him The Fell Balrog Of Morgoth

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 6:06 am 
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What about Lorien Archers? They only cost 300. And Goblins suck, so one hero can take down the early swarm. Isengard cannot take Elven Arrows. Dwarves with Armour aren't invincible.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 1:57 pm 
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ok back to the other teams to face elves

A.isengaurd will not only send troops they will send saruman along will the elves fire at the troops he sends a fire ball or to there way, if the elves target him the troops will get close and rip them to bits or the west have the best calvory in the game with the riders of rohan, give them thoeden eomer and theodred (custum hero who can summen a hell of a lot of units and has leadership) have thoden cast glorius charge with eomers leadership and resaurce thing and theodreds huge summen army and leadership
plus if they are all upgraded with armor arrows and sowrds , awwww......
thats my dream army

C.dwarfs have the tunnel sistem and should biuld one near the elves early on then a army of a. gaurdians b. men of dale and c. gloin attack the elves whill a worker biulds a barracks in there teritory, if you have the resources have a different worker biuld walls around it

D.i have no abslute idea how mordor couuld beat elves but if they did they probubly used nazgul

E.goblins cost 75 a peice while heros cost in the thousends so you would have alot of goblins, one battalin to tye up the hero while the rest went for the biuldings and workers, if there are some elven units send some to tye them up as well as there will be 4 goblins for every one elven.

From The Lowest Dungen To The Highist Peak I Fought Him The Fell Balrog Of Morgoth

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:39 am 
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Mordor would never use Nazgul to beat Elves, because archers are meant to kill Nazgul. It is simple. Get as many Attack Trolls as possible, and charge, followed by a horde of Orcs to clear up the mess. :twisted:

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:53 pm 
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Thats toatally true, NAZGUL DIE DIE DIE from arrows, my idea was to use them as decoys so the trolls and orcs don't end up looking like pincushins

Most of the time when faceing other people they concentraite all fire on the biggest thing ie. the nazgul

From The Lowest Dungen To The Highist Peak I Fought Him The Fell Balrog Of Morgoth

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:08 am 
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Oh no, Attack Trolls can take alot of punishment.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:30 pm 
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no no no you got the wronge idea

I know attack trolls can take alot of damege but nazgul can take ALL of it

From The Lowest Dungen To The Highist Peak I Fought Him The Fell Balrog Of Morgoth

Gandalf,The Two Towers
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