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 Post subject: Amazon TV series moves to the UK
PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 1:18 pm 

Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2017 6:55 pm
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Next series of the Amazon TV show to be filmed in the UK instead of New Zealand:

I guess if GW gets a licence to make models, it will be easier for them to study the costumes!
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 Post subject: Re: Amazon TV series moves to the UK
PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 2:28 pm 
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its a kind of weird move by them.
I mean its not a rule that you must film LOTR stuff in New Zealand.
But I wonder what happened there that let them decide to no longer use it as location.
Seriously money cannot be the problem xD

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 Post subject: Re: Amazon TV series moves to the UK
PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:04 pm 
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Maybe the borders being closed until early 2022 in NZ due to covid is a factor,

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 Post subject: Re: Amazon TV series moves to the UK
PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 2:42 am 

Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2017 7:10 pm
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I think this is good news. Tolkien wrote his mythology for Europe, not New Zealand. And I would like to see some different interpretations of Tolkien's work than we've already seen. Not that the movies weren't good, but after six of them I'd like to see some fresh takes on the material.
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 Post subject: Re: Amazon TV series moves to the UK
PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2021 10:02 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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I'd agree with you there geke if the change of shooting location wasn't to a place renowned mostly for its sound stages and back lots. The loss of New Zealand seems more like a loss of filming on location. Which would be a real shame if that's the case. Hopefully there will be some travel shooting so we can see more than close up sets and CGI backgrounds.

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 Post subject: Re: Amazon TV series moves to the UK
PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2021 2:34 pm 

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Hopefully they'll get outside the studio and find there's lots of great scenery to film in the UK. I'm sure some Scottish mountains could hold up to New Zealand.

There's lots of major film shoots going on around the country at the moment, including Indiana Jones, the next Game of Thrones series, plus Tom Cruise for Mission Impossible. The British newspapers are currently full of stories of Tom Cruise unexpectedly landing his helicopter in people's back gardens, or trying out local restaurants.

They shot a pretty impressive looking steam-train crash too:
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 Post subject: Re: Amazon TV series moves to the UK
PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:21 pm 
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I do think it is a shame as there is no where in the world quite like New Zealand in terms of spectacular landscapes. However, hailing from Scotland myself and currently residing in the Midlands (where Tolkien spent much of his life) there will certainly be a lot they can do.

The Scottish hills tend to be more boggy but they do resemble a mini New Zealand if you like. The Lake district is similar. The UK will also have a strong historical and mythical feel to it. Parts of Wales and Ireland are also spectacular. The East coast of Northumberland and the Borders, which was often pillaged by the Vikings, could have something to give. The Midlands also inspired much of what Tolkien wrote. The land that is untouched would be fitting as it's part of the very essence the great man himself.

I also believe they'll have an abundance of spectacular location shots from their time in New Zealand which will be used throughout the seasons. I wouldn't be surprised if they have teams moving back to New Zealand once the borders reopen in 2022.
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 Post subject: Re: Amazon TV series moves to the UK
PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 2:52 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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yeah, while Scotland, the Malvorn Hills and parts of Northern Ireland would get you a more "authentic looking" Middle Earth, NZ had a whole infrastructure to do Middle-earth (or, as we have seen, generic fantasy) with.

However, beyond all that, this is a megaproduction and megaproductions do what can only be described as location shopping. They know the production will offer headline positives for the host country (jobs, tourism spinoffs, experience for film crews), so they demand goodies. The Hobbit productions demanded, for example, suspension of union rules (so they could pay people less, demand more hours and probably cruddier conditions. No doubt the Amazon deal demanded (and got) more sweeteners, then they came back for more for season 2.

The UK, interested in poaching productions from Ireland and Hungary (post Brexit), probably offered better tax credits, less "red tape" even deeper suspension of production union rules and standards.

It will still be a net benefit for the UK economy and UK media production, but probably less than you'd think.

(Having been around the film industry: there's a reason these "red tape" rules exist. Sets can be dangerous. Hours can be long. Fatigue is a thing. It's all very much a real job, only with crappier hours and rubbish payroll. As a director friend says: "you type in EXT: NIGHT on your script, because, in your head, the scene needs it to be outside at night with action happening. Then you find yourself, six months later, standing in a field, at night, in the cold, in the rain losing feeling in your fingers")

Dreaming of getting back to painting...any month now.
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