Greetings everyone,
I recently picked up this game, after being introduced to it by a friend. After a few practice games, with different armies, the opportunity presented itself to buy a huge ammount of High Elves in very good condition, for less then 50% of market value. Since I have always been a fan of Elves (if they are in a game I tend to play them) this was a no-brainer
As it is I have access to a lot of troops, including some heroes, elf command, rivendell knights, ... and I am trying to make my first 500 points army.
Things I have:
Gil-galad foot and mounted Elrond foot and mounted Twins foot and mounted Elf command (Captain and banner) 4 boxes of Rivendell Knights set and more than enough of every basic model (warrior, bows, shield and spear, ...)
I was thinking of building my first 500 point list as so:
Warband 1:
Elladan and Elrohir with Heavy armor 3 High Elf Warriors 2 High Elf warriors with Elf Bow 6 High Elf warriors with Shield and Spear
Warband 2:
High Elf Captain with Shield 6 High Elf Warriors with Elf Bow 5 High Elf Warriors with Shield and Spear 1 High Elf Warrior with Banner
for a total of 26 units and 500 points exact.
Since I don't have any of the cheaper heroes (Erestor, Stormcaller, Arwen, ...) I thought it best to make the army like this.
Any tips are welcome, I am very new to the game and just used an army builder Excel sheet I got from a friend to play arround with possible setups.
Tnx in advance
PS: apologies if this should be in another section of the forums, I haven't had a chance to browse everything.